Correspondence: Fieldwork Time Log

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Fieldwork Time Log

Students Name: Conor Cline

Fieldwork Project: Boys Intramural Volleyball

Mentors Name: Mr. Vartian


Correspondence: Provide a record of each time you

correspond with your mentor (phone & email) and the topic of your


Email: asking if I could meet to discuss boys



Email: asking if I could meet to discuss



Email: discussed intramurals


Email: gave an update of intramurals


Fieldwork with your Mentor:

Provide a description of all work completed under the
direct guidance of your mentor.

of Hours

9/23 Helped out with intramurals at

the middle school.

9/28 Helped out with intramurals at

the middle school.

10/1 Helped out with intramurals at

the middle school.

10/1 Helped out with intramurals at

the middle school.

10/2 Helped out with intramurals at

the middle school.

10/2 Helped out with intramurals at

the middle school.

11/2 Helped out with intramurals at

the middle school.

Total Hours

Independent Fieldwork: Provide a

description of all fieldwork you complete independently.

of Hours

9/2 Talked to Mr. Russo about .5

gym space
9/2 Once again discussed
gym space with Mr. Russo
10/ Met with both Mr. Russo
and Mr. Caisse to discuss

logistics of intramurals
Met with Coach Vaughn to
discuss using Mass premier
courts as place of


Started creating posters

for informational meeting


Continuation of emails
with Coach Vaughn to
discuss meeting up and
then to set up specific
dates and times to have

2/8 hung up posters for


had informational meeting .5


had the first intramural


Had the 2nd intramural

Had the 3rd intramural

Had the 4th intramural

Had the 5th intramural

Total Hours
As a mentor, I assure that the dates, hours, and descriptions included in this fieldwork log
are accurate.
Mentor Signature: _________________________________________________ Date:

Fieldwork Log Information

The second part of the Senior Project is an actual hands on experience related to
the proposed topic or area of study. Students choose and work with a mentor from
the community with experience directly related to their project. Students must
develop the particular scope and goals of their fieldwork and discuss them with

their mentor before they begin. You will complete a minimum of sixteen (16) hours
of fieldwork.
How is Fieldwork Documented?
You must keep track of all time that you work with your mentor, communicate
with your mentor, and work on your project independently. This information
is recorded on a fieldwork log. Your fieldwork log must include:

The dates you worked on your project.

A detailed description of what aspects of your project you worked on.
How much time you dedicated to that task.

You may record this information on your fieldwork log by hand but ultimately
will create a formal typed time log. You will download the fieldwork log form
the digital portfolio and type the required information. Your fieldwork log
must be verified and signed by your mentor.
What counts for fieldwork hours?
Any time that you dedicate to your fieldwork counts for hours. This includes
but is not limited:
- Consultation with mentor
- Planning
- Creating
- Execution of project
*The expectation is that you work with and communicate consistently with
your mentor throughout your project.
Academic Honesty
Academic dishonesty occurs when students obtain or assist others in
obtaining credit for work which is not their own. Students are expected to
conduct themselves according to the highest standards of personal integrity.
Students are expected to follow rules prohibiting dishonest academic behavior
that violates Mansfield High Schools standards. This includes but is not
limited to the falsification of documents such as mentor evaluations and
fieldwork logs. Whenever a student has a question about this procedure, or
any procedure, they should ask their teachers counselors, or administrators.

Fieldwork Log
There are four dates you will be required to hand in your signed
fieldwork log that fulfills the requirements below. Each student will
meet with their Senior Project coordinator on each due date to discuss
whether you are making satisfactory progress toward completing
your required fieldwork hours
___ Download: You must download the fieldwork log from the digital
___ Dates: Type the dates you worked on you project
___ Description: Type a detailed description of all aspects of your
project you worked on (please note when you have worked with your
mentor or independently)
___ Hours: Record how much time you dedicated to your project
during those individual dates.
___ Mentor Confirmation: You mentor must confirm that the
contents of your fieldwork log are accurate. They can either sign a
hard copy of your fieldwork log or provide an email confirmation at
___ Digital Portfolio: You must upload an identical copy of your
fieldwork log (unsigned) to you digital portfolio.
Students are welcome to exceed 8 hours before January.
Sample Fieldwork Log


Description of fieldwork
I met with my mentor at her home to figure out how to
begin my project. We brainstormed and began creating

Number of
1 hour

a list of everything I would need to accomplish to

complete my project. We decided that the first thing I
needed to do was to get permission from the school



I met with Mr. Connolly to discuss what I would need to

do to reserve the basketball court for a fundraiser. I
learned that I would be required to have adult
supervision and would have to pay to have a custodian
and police office present.
I began brainstorming how I would organize the teams.
I tried to figure out how many people would be on a
team, how many teams we could have sign-up, how to
bracket the teams, and how long games could be so that
everyone could play. I also started to create a flyer to
advertise the event


1 hours

Fieldwork: long Term Assignments

Friday, November

Thursday, January

___ Fieldwork Log:

Hours 1-4

___ Fieldwork Log:

Hours 5-8

___ Artifacts 1 &2

___ Artifacts 3 &4

February 13th

Thursday, April 4th

___ Fieldwork Log:

___ Fieldwork Log:

Hours 9-12

Hours 13-16

___ Artifacts 5-6

___ Artifacts 7&8

MHS Senior Project

Fieldwork: long Term Assignments

Friday, November

Thursday, January

___ Fieldwork Log:

Hours 1-4

___ Fieldwork Log:

Hours 5-8

___ Artifacts 1 &2

___ Artifacts 3 &4

February 13th

Thursday, April 4th

___ Fieldwork Log:

Hours 9-12

___ Fieldwork Log:

Hours 13-16

___ Artifacts 5-6

___ Artifacts 7&8

Name: ______________________________________
Fieldwork Log Rubric
NOTE: Completion of sixteen hours of fieldwork under the guidance of
a mentor is a required component of the Senior Project. Students
cannot successfully complete Senior Project without having fulfilled this
The following rubric is an assessment not of your fieldwork but of your
fieldwork log and its contents.

Fieldwork hours and descriptions are typed and documented within this
Senior Project fieldwork log.


Each entry in the log includes the specific date that the hours were

Each entry in the log lists how much time you dedicated to your
fieldwork during those individual dates


Each entry includes a detailed description of all aspect the project that
were worked on during each individual date.
Each entry notes whether that time was completed individual or
working with the mentor.

Digital Upload
Artifact is uploaded to the digital portfolio on time. (This entry
will not contain a signature)

*Late assignments will be penalized 5% per day late or beyond the

revision window (two days). This equals 2 points for every day late.

Points Received: _______________


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