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College of Education


Name: __Sarah Zach________________

Grade Level: __Fourth Grade_________
School: _Colman-Egan School District___
Date: _January 27, 2016_____________
Time: _1:00- 1:45___________________

Reflection from prior lesson:

In the prior lesson, the students learned about the different types of rocks
and how they were formed. The showed a little bit of understanding on the
topic, so I provided them with the lab to solidify the information and to make
them understand the process better.
Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:
4-ESS1-1. Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in
rock layers to support an explanation for changes in a landscape over time.
Lesson Objectives:
After the rock activity, the students will be able to identify the true color of
specified rocks with 100% accuracy.
After the starburst activity, the students will be able to explain the steps it
takes to create the three types of rocks with 100% accuracy.
Materials Needed:

Paper plates
Multiple types of rocks (granite, gneiss, gabbro, slate, marble,
conglomerate, limestone, sandstone, breccia)
Rock lab worksheet

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

The students are always very eager to answer questions. There are times
when the students blurt out their answer without giving others a chance to
answer the question. There is a variety of disabilities in the classroom
causing the students to need altered tests and some content. The students
really enjoy doing hands on activities, such as labs.
A. The Lesson
1. Introduction (5 minutes)
A pile of starbursts and tiles will be sitting on the table in the
front of the room. There will also be different types of rocks
placed around the room.
Yesterday we learned about the different types of rocks. Can
anyone tell me what they are? Igneous, Metamorphic and
Look at this rock. What color is this rock? White, gray This
rock may look white or gray but that is because over time the
color of the rock has changed due to different factors in
nature, such as weathering.
Today, we are going to look at the different properties of
rocks. We will also be finding the true color of these rocks by
finding the streak of the rocks. There will also be groups that
will be working on the starburst activity. In this activity we will
be learning the steps it takes to make the three types of
2. Content Delivery (42 minutes)
Properties of Rocks Station

The students will be placed into groups of two. They will rotate
stations when completed. At each station, the students will
have two types of rocks in front of them. The students will
individually record the rock name, color, texture, shape, luster
and streak. In order to determine the streak, the students
must scrape each rock on the tile that they will carry to each

Starburst Rocks Activity

The students will be given instructions that they need to

follow in order to complete the activity. In the first instruction,
the students must take 3 Starbursts that are different colors
and cut them into small pieces. They will then take the
sediments and gently push them together. This will form
sedimentary rocks. The students will draw what they see.
They will then warm the sedimentary rock in their hands




and press it together. This will from metamorphic rocks. The

students will then draw what they see. The group will then go
with me to make the last rock form.
While walking to the microwaveWhat was the first type of
rock formed and how did you form it? Sedimentary rocks
by pressing it together. What was the next form of rock
you made and how did you make it? Metamorphic rock by
heating it up and pressing it together. So if we made
those two types of rock, what type is left? Igneous. How are
igneous rocks formed? Magma hardening. Yes, so we are
going to make magma out of your metamorphic rocks.
I will place the rocks in the microwave for the students for
about 1 minute and 30 seconds. When hardened the students
will sedimentary rocks again to show that rocks form in cycles.
3. Closure (3 minutes)
Who can tell me how the types of rocks for? Igneous?
Metamorphic? Sedimentary?
Assessments Used
a. Formative Assessment will be used to assess the students ability
to find the different properties of the rocks. The students will list
the color, texture, shape, luster and streak of each type of rock.
Differentiated Instruction
a. For ELL students, they can tell their partner the different
properties of the rocks and their partner can write it down for
Back Pocket Idea
a. If students complete the activities early, they can start to clean
up their area and sit at their desks and read.
a. Pinterest
b. Science: A Closer Look

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