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Renato van Heyningen 1652342

Roaring twenties

Lesson 13

60 minutes


At the end of this lesson;

All HAVO 3 pupils would have acquired information about the complete
history of the years the Americans call the roaring twenties.

All HAVO 3 pupils should be able to watch a short video clips and answer the
questions pertaining to the video clips correctly.

All HAVO 3 pupils should be able to watch a video that has new vocabulary
words, recognize the new vocabulary words, figure out the definitions of the
new words and be able to choose the synonyms to those vocabulary words
out of a list of words.

All HAVO 3 pupils should be able to watch a video, choose a topic mentioned
in the video and then write a 500 word essay about that topic they learned
including the vocabulary and information they received while watching the

This is the input that I will give my pupils for todays lesson.

The list of vocabulary words that the pupils had to study for homework;

guarantee burgeoning drudgery


The movie trailer of Great Gatsby that the pupils have to watch:
The YouTube video (documentary) about the Roaring Twenties that the pupils
have to watch:

Content process
The questions that I will ask my pupils about the videos.

When do you think the movie Great Gatsby takes place?

What do you think the movie great Gatsby is about (theme)?
How was Gatsby financial state at the beginning of the movie compared to
the end?
Why were people in the 1920s buying so much of electronics?
What can you tell us about the way the people dressed in the 1920s?

Renato van Heyningen 1652342

Form Process
Pupils have to form groups of 3 each, one pupil from each group will have to take
out his or hers mobile phone and log into the website using the pin
code (259151) and give their group a name. Once logged into the site they will have
to compete against each other in a vocabulary competition about the new
vocabulary words that they received for homework. Synonyms of the words will be
shown on the screen and they will have a limited amount of time to discuss and
decide on the correct answer with their teammates. Then the person with the
mobile phone will have to click on the correct answer. At the end of the game the
team with the most points will be the winners.

Renato van Heyningen 1652342

In their groups of 3 the pupils are going to write a debatable essay explaining why
they believe the 1920s were the best years to live in America. The pupils can
choose a topic from the documentary of the 1920s and the Gatsby trailer that they
have watched. For example a topic can be: stalk market, music, clothing etcetera.
The essay must consist of 4 short paragraphs of maximum 500 words. 1 paragraph
must be an introduction, 2 paragraphs must be defending the statement and the
last paragraph must be a conclusion. They must also make use of the vocabulary
words that theyve learned for today throughout their essay. They are working in a
group of 3, which means together they have to come up with the introduction and
then individually everyone will have to write one paragraph and in the end they will
have to join each paragraph together to make one essay.

Renato van Heyningen 1652342

Prosperity and problems

Lesson 14

60 minutes


At the end of this lesson;

All HAVO 3 pupils would have acquired information about the prosperity and
the problems that happened in America after the Wall street crash.

All HAVO 3 pupils would have acquired information about the Watergate Affair
that took place in America during the 1970s.

All HAVO 3 pupils should be able to watch a short text and come up with
ideas of what they believe the text is actually about.

All HAVO 3 pupils would have learned new vocabulary words that they can
use in their daily lives, especially when speaking about corruption.

All HAVO 3 pupils would be able to watch a video and recognize familiar
vocabulary words used in speech throughout the video.

The short text with a short explanation of the Watergate Affair:
Watergate Affair (Short Text)
The Watergate scandal was a major political scandal that occurred in the
United Stated in the 1970s as a result of the June 17, 1972 break- in at the
Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office
complex in Washington, D. C., and the Nixon administrations attempted
cover-up of its involvement.

The list of difficult vocabulary words that I will give my pupils:

- Burglar
- conspiracy
- Located
- Prosecuted
- Attempting
- Campaign

The video about the Watergate Affair:

Renato van Heyningen 1652342

Content process
The questions that I will randomly ask my pupils after they finish watching
the video explanation of the Watergate Affair that I give them as input.

Where did the burglary take place?

What charges did the burglars receive?
Which committee were these men tied to?
Who are the 2 men that worked for the Washing Post?
When did one of the burglars make a claim?
What did Nixon do on August 8th 1974?

Form Process
My pupils will remain in their groups but one person from each group will have to
take out his or hers mobile phone and go to use the pin code
( 135308) given and log into the game. All the groups will be competing against
each other in a vocabulary quiz about difficult words that were mentioned in the
video. The words will be shown on the smartboard and each group will be able to
discuss the correct answer among themselves before giving the answer, then the
group that scores the most points at the end of the game will be the winner.

After having learned what the Watergate Affair is, the pupils have to imagine that
they are currently living in the time of the Watergate Affair and write a 200 word
email to president Nixon expressing their opinion towards the scandal using
synonyms of minimum 5 of the 6 vocabulary words that theyve learned today.

Renato van Heyningen 1652342

Black Americans

Lesson 15 60 minutes


At the end of this lesson;

All HAVO 3 pupils would have watched ,listened and read the entire Martin
Luther Kings I HAVE A DREAM speech and are able to write a 200 words or
less speech using the past simple tense.
All HAVO 3 pupils should be able to skim a text for verbs or phrases writing in
and change them into past simple tense.
All HAVO 3 pupils would have learned what the past simple tense is and how
to use the past simple tense when writing a text.
All HAVO 3 pupils would have read the I HAVE A DREAM speech and
understood it is about.

The Martin Luther Kings I Have A Dream speech that I told my students to
watch for homework:

The recording/text of the speech:

My explanation of the past simple tense:


Content process
The questions that I will ask my pupils concerning grammar and the speech Martin
Luther King give;
What was Martin Luther Kings dream?
Why do you think that Martin Luther King wrote the title (I Have A Dream) of
his speech in the present tense?
What tense do you think Martin Luther King would have to write the title of
speech in if he was alive today, now that his dream has become a reality?
Form Process
The pupils will have to compete against each other in a competition to skim the
speech for verbs or phrases that are in the present simple tense, then write these
verbs or phrases over in their copy books and change them into the past simple
The pupils have to Imagine that they are Martin Luther King and they are looking
back to the day they give that speech ( I HAVE A DREAM) in the past. Now they have
to write a new 200 words speech explaining that the things that they hoped would
happen back when they give their first speech in the past, has actually happened

Renato van Heyningen 1652342

already but their speech must be written in the past simple tense. After the speech
is completed they have to post it on

Renato van Heyningen 1652342

Balance of terror

Lesson 16

60 minutes


All HAVO 3 pupils would have read and understand the entire story of the
Atom bomb attack on the island of Hiroshima that happened in the year

All pupils would have watched an Atom bomb survival video and learned
exactly what they should do to survive if they ever have to experience an
Atom bomb explosion.

All HAVO 3 pupils would have learned new vocabulary words and phrases
regarding to a Nuclear explosion, war and safety.

All HAVO 3 pupils would be able to design and create a poster with all the
necessary safety precautions for Atom bomb explosions or any other
hazardous occasions.


List of important/new vocabulary words from the text.

Nuclear weapons
Holding cuts
Mushroom cloud
Sleeping bags
Exposed to
transistorized radio

The text Atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima about Hiroshima:

The How to protect yourself from a nuclear bomb video:

Content process
I will classically ask the pupils the following questions about the text they read and
the video they watched:
When was the bomb dropped on Hiroshima?
Why was this bomb dropped on Hiroshima?
What is the first thing that you should do ?
What is Fallout?
Where do you go to hide from Fallout?

Renato van Heyningen 1652342

Form Process
Pupils need to form groups of twos and draw two rows on a piece of paper or in a
copybook, they need to make one rows tin. It has to be just wide enough for one
word. The next row has to be very wide because they will need to write a sentence
in it. To the top of the tin row they will write the title Synonyms and on top of the
wide row they will write the title Sentence. Then discuss in their groups who is going
to search for the synonyms and who is going to make a sentence for each word.
They are allowed to use the dictionary or internet to search for the synonyms.
When everyone is finished with the assignment, the teacher will go through the
words classically. The pupils must make sure to have their papers on hand and to
pay very good attention to the teacher and what he or she is saying in case they
made mistakes and need to correct them, because they will need them for the
following activity.
In their groups, pupils have to use the knowledge they acquired from reading the
text about Hiroshima, watching the How to Survive video and everything they wrote
down so far throughout the entire lesson to create and design a How to Survive an
Atomic bomb poster using minimum 8 out of 10 vocabulary words and the survival
tactics (information) that they learned throughout the lesson.
They will have to click on the following link;
Once the link opens, they have to click on start designing a poster then click on
make an account and follow the instructions. Once logged into the account they can
begin making their posters, when their poster is completed they have to share with
the teacher (fill in the teachers email address). Once the teacher has each groups
poster he or she will open all of them on the smartboard so that everyone can view

Renato van Heyningen 1652342

American country
Lesson 17
60 minutes
All HAVO 3 pupils would have acquired important information about different
franchises that were all originated in America.

All HAVO 3 pupils should be able to pitch a specific product to someone in a

form of a sales pitch presentation.

All HAVO 3 students should be able to watch a video explaining a specific

grammar topic and learn about the specific grammar topic from what they
have watched.

All HAVO 3 pupils would have learned what action verbs are and how to put
an action into practice.

The list of American born franchises that I will hand the pupils.
List of American born franchises that are known worldwide.
Kentucky Fry Chicken

UPS Shopping

Pizza Hut

Dunkin Donuts


Renato van Heyningen 1652342

The American school house rock music video about action verbs:

Content process
I will ask the pupils the following questions to figure out how much they know about
these different American born franchises and to check if they actually payed
attention to the grammar video.

Who knew that all of these franchises were originated in America?

What type of food does Kentucky Fry Chicken sell?
Where can you find a Subway restaurant here in Middelharnis?
What is an action verb?
When is action verb being used?

Form Process
I will open an original standard American music video called Chacha Slide, in which
the singer is giving dance instructions in the form of actions (action verbs) and
everyone else is following his instruction (completing the actions). On the
smartboard ( and everyone has to
stand up and follow (complete the actions verbs) the dance instructions. This is a
perfect way to test if they really know what action verbs are now.
Pupils have to form groups of threes, choose one of the American franchises on the
list they received earlier in the lesson and then they will use all of the information
that they acquired during todays lesson (list of franchises + grammar video that
you watched) to create a sales pitch for the franchise their group chose. Each group
member must speak and the presentation must be maximum 5 minutes long and
they must incorporate the action verbs that theyve learned into their sales pitch as
After everyone has their sales pitch, each group will have to stand in front of the
class and pitch their franchise to the rest of their classmates.

Renato van Heyningen 1652342

Lesson 18: Round up lesson 60 minutes
At the end of this lesson;

All HAVO 3 pupils would have recognized and remembered everything they
learned throughout the course in todays lesson.

All HAVO 3 pupils should be able to watch a short video and reenact scenes
from the video.

All HAVO 3 pupils would have learned new vocabulary words regarding to the
history of the United States of America.

All HAVO 3 pupils would be able to watch a video and recognize familiar
words being mentioned in the video.

The vocabulary list that I will hand the pupils.
Vocabulary list
- Pilgrims
- Savages
- Slaves
- Weapons
- Terrorists

The 4 minute video of the American history:

Content process
I will ask the following questions to see how much you remember now.

What were the Pilgrims afraid of?

Why did the Pilgrims kill the savages?
When did the Pilgrims start killing the British?
Where did the Pilgrims kidnap the black people from?
Who invented the first weapon ever?
What did the free slaves want to do?

Form process

Renato van Heyningen 1652342

Pupils have will play a Kahoot game to see if they all know the meaning of the
vocabulary words. They have to , log in with the pin code (406173)
and begin playing the game.

Pupils have to form groups of 5 and choose one of situations out of the video that
theyve watched for example; Native Americans killing the Savages and make a
short 5 minute roleplay (short play). Then they have to Imagine how it would have
been if they were there experiencing or taking part in the killing of the Savages
(situation), they also have to use the vocabulary words they learned today as well in
their speech. Each group member must have a role in the roleplay and each group
must act for a minimum of 5 minutes.

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