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Planning Questions:

How do you write a typical lesson plan?

o I use the standards and think about appropriate ways to deliver the
teaching point. I think about the prior knowledge the students may
have or need to have in order to be successful with the standard. I
will find texts to use that will interest the students and really show
the standards I aim to teach.

What types of materials do you need available when you plan lessons?
o Online technology, texts, resources, manipulatives

In what ways do you plan to accommodate individual differences in the

o When I plan the lessons, I differentiate the questions I ask and who
I ask them off. I plan different activities for the different ability
levels in the class.

Instructional Questions:
What are some of your instructional challenges as a teacher?
o Making sure that every student is challenged on their
appropriate level.
What have been some of your instructional successes as a teacher?
o Seeing the growth from the beginning of the school year to the
end, is a huge motivation and success.
What do you consider essential characteristics for successful
o Building a relationship with each and every student
How often do your students receive social studies/science instruction?
o Usually science is taught every day for 3 weeks and then next
two weeks we teach social studies every day.
Are you satisfied with the amount of time that you currently allot for
social studies/science instruction? Explain.
o Yes, I feel that I get to teach the entire unit day after day
without breaks builds the consistency in the unit and
understanding. (In the past few weeks they had a lot of MAP
testing and science and social studies had been skipped in
order to accommodate these tests)
What social studies and science topics/units will be studied during the
second week of my clinical experience? What are possible
goals/objectives I could address for my lessons? Do you have any
instructional resources that would support these goals/objectives?
o Science- will be covering animal adaptations
What does reading instruction look like in your classroom (e.g. readers
workshop, basals, etc.)?

Readers workshop, small groups for reading teaching on

particular levels, I usually get the chance to listen to readers

Classroom Management Questions:

What motivation tactics do you use to ensure a desire to learn?
o I usually try to build some excitement into the introduction of
the lesson, I explain what we aim to accomplish, and usually
have some sort of hook to get them investigating.
Tell me about the classroom community.
o It is a very kind and supportive environment
What are the class rules?
o Be Responsible, Be respectful and Be Prepared.
How is student behavior monitored?
o Students have a community meeting every week or two where they
address issues that are bothering them. The teacher addresses any
issues which are being disruptive and generally I ask the student
'What is the impact of your actions?" "Who else is impacted by your
In what ways is positive behavior reinforced?
o Positive behaviors are rewarded with Charms, praise and shout
outs. In what ways are negative behaviors prevented? Because I
work so hard to develop a relationship with my students, I know
when they are about to do something that they know they
Tell me about the consequences for negative behavior.
o Disruption to learning of them and others, creating an unsafe
environment, creating an intimidating and uneasy environment for
other students.
Tell me about the pacing of lessons and interaction in the classroom- use
of time- and other aspects of timewait time, and time using teacher talk
and student talk. What works well with your students?
o Wait time is about 7 seconds. I use the strategy "Turn and Talk" so
that every student is talking and working out the answer in the
safety net of their partnership. Usually I move around the groups
and listen to what they saying and redirect any misconceptions.

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