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Legends of the Nayanmars

Kings of the great southern Kingdoms of Cheranadu, Chola

Nadu and Pandya Nadu and recite his poetry.
The Kings, who were great patrons of the arts, showered
him with wealth. On returning to his hometown, Kaari
Nayanmar, used the wealth he had thus obtained to build
magnificent temples for Lord Shiva. He gave the money for the
service of Shiva devotees. His relentless service to Saivism and
his beautiful verses became eternal. He achieved the highest
accolade of becoming one of the esteemed Nayanmars.
Ninraseer Nedumara Nayanar was a valiant King ruling
the great Pandya Empire from the city of Madurai. He was born
with a slight hunch in his back. Hence, he was called as Kun
Pandyan. He was influenced by the Jain philosophy and he
propagated Jainism in his Kingdom.
He disrespected Saivites and did not believe in Saiva
Philosophy. Lord Shiva, however, enlightened his ignorant mind
through a series of incidents. Kun Pandyan was one day afflicted
by a severe heart disease. The pain became unbearable. He called
upon his Jain philosophers to alleviate his pain. But, all their
medicines failed to do so.
With the wise counsel of his virtuous wife, the Queen
Mangayarkarasi, who was a devout Shiva devotee and his loyal
minister Kulachiraiyar, who was also devoted to Lord Shiva,
he decided to get the assistance of the great Saiva saint,
Thirugnaana Sambandar. By his prayers and his treatment, the
King was miraculously cured. His hunch back was also cured
and he was able to stand tall. Hence he got his name "Nedumara"
- standing straight.
The elated King realizing the truth embraced Saivism and
became a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva. He promoted Saivism

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