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Anecdotal Record # 2

Childs ID: JD
Date of Observation: February 09, 2015
observation: Langston Baptist CDC
Time began: 3:00pm

Location of

Time ended:3:45pm

1. Note the activity or activities occurring during the observation:

Free time
2. Record brief, nonjudgmental notes describing what the child is
doing and/or saying:
Put puzzle together by himself
Picked up when he was done
Played in dramatic play with cars by himself
Played on his tablet he brought from home
3. Note significant interactions between the teacher(s)/adult(s)
and the child:
Not observed
4. Note significant interactions between the child and other
Not observed
5. Code observation notes (SE=social emotional, FM=fine motor,
GM=gross motor, L=language, C=cognitive)
Put puzzle together by himself (FM)
Picked up when he was done (SE)
Played in dramatic play with cars by himself (SE, FM)
Played on his tablet he brought from home (C, FM)
Anecdotal Record Reflective Analysis
1. What did I learn about the childs development from todays
I learned that he can play by himself and be content and that
he can clean up without being asked. That his fine motor skills
are developed and he uses them.
2. What should I focus on the next time I observe this child?
Does he interact with others?

Does he have friends?

Is he by himself a lot?

3. What questions do I have regarding the childs development

and learning?
Why does he play by himself?
Are the games he plays on his tablet monitored and

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