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The history of Fingerprint and

its use today.
Human Body Systems:
Nervous System
Alterations of the Nervous

The history of Fingerprint and its

use today
Objective: Recognize the Fingerprint
as a special mark that make us
unique and its uses in the world
Learning objective(s): Learns the
history and types of the fingerprint to
understand the importance of it in
the world.

Biblical principle
God made us unique in the world
Psalm 139:14
I will praise You, for I am
fearfullyandwonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
Andthatmy soul knows very well.

What are fingerprints?

Fingerprints are the tiny ridges,
whorls and valley patterns on the tip
of each finger. They form from
pressure on a baby's tiny, developing
fingers in the womb. No two people
have been found to have the same
fingerprints , they are totally unique.

Fingerprints are even more unique thanDNA,

the genetic material in each of ourcells.
Although identicaltwinscan share the same
DNA, or at least most of it, they can't have
the same fingerprints.
Fingerprints are made of an arrangement of
ridges, called friction ridges. Each ridge
contains pores, which are attached to sweat
glands under the skin. You leave fingerprints
on glasses, tables and just about anything else
you touch because of this sweat.

Shapes of fingerprints:
All of the ridges of fingerprints form
patterns called loops, whorls or arches:
Loopsbegin on one side of the finger,
curve around or upward, and exit the other
side. There are two types of loops:Radial
loopsslope toward the thumb, whileulnar
loopsslope toward the little finger.
Whorlsform a circular or spiral pattern.
Archesslope upward and then down, like
very narrow mountains.

History of fingerprints
There are records of fingerprints being
taken many centuries ago, although they
weren't nearly as sophisticated as they are
today. The ancient Babylonians pressed
the tips of their fingertips into clay to
record business transactions. The Chinese
used ink-on-paper finger impressions for
business and to help identify their children.

However, fingerprints weren't used as a

method for identifying criminals until the
19th century.
In 1901, Scotland Yard (Metropolitan Police
Service-London) established its first
Fingerprint Bureau. The following year,
fingerprints were presented as evidence
for the first time in English courts. In 1903,
the New York state prisons adopted the use
of fingerprints, followed later by theFBI.

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