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LUrcltozan Coury Came of Commerce cash casa oem LUncottgen Canty Chamber of Comer LUneotiLogen Gounty Ctarber f Comerce- LUnetaLagen Cty Cama of Commaee- \cottagen Costy Chamber of Conmaree- [UnclLapan Cost Chamber of Commeres- Uncobtopan Geumty Gama of Commerce LeabiLogan Cemty habe of Commerce LecobLagen Cnty Game of Cerwnaes- Lnolstonan Canty Chena of Conmeres- nob epan Carty tamer of Commeres- LUnatogan Coty Cramer of Comeres- [nection aunty Chamber of Commerce. rarest Tocoreet ups posing of erat io ao toot 2s aint Pa one eyo} bck assent ary senor 2n1s rain Pe oe Vhi! ‘sume Depot toremave dap rec i orer “Toreard econo e027 os rector vet Comer appar at supper stat supp sat Revese of GIE 2IS.AIEE — Reverse oGie as.AESs— Reverse cGIE at6-AES— Revere of SIE HSAIESS— oy ast ws 374 206 2a seo aun 150, as an EF so neo sso = sno ee) oss aaa ors 10580 20.00 sss Tne aaa Terese WATS zoress — a866 was estat was carta sotas Taras 500 agri senso 1023 ssa 6.7026 -rpersa 8268 euaT 477800 reo 4arsan rag 45st87 oz; 4s0s08 aeises 75H sgosat gat 25 10.8026 saz tiszer2 mst ese smese 70021 aowes 71807 soos 1952128 a7 rae “ola 66101» Seley Wage Exp (66100 Payroll Exp Other “ola 65100- Pay Exp Otter BSEREESELERRERCERRERERREESE en Ba oa (Genes Jounal orcas 7140068 cornsra0is 7140086 covsa0ns T3e0068 ‘oraia0ns Tia097e ora yaans 7240070 rstz01s 7440070 orzstranns 7140870 o7sin0ts 7140970 covraizons 7140070 cnasants 7140973 srauzots T0873 owasr20r8 rie0073 ow 2018 7140073 cowsnaots 7140073 conwants 7140971 cosezo1s T140881 ‘sno0¥s 7140861 ‘es02015 740961 oaparza1s T0881 cor20%5 7140031 srsrz018 7140061 Yorsua019 ri40%es oo2016 riaooes srsi0%s 7140083 sors 7140083 sovssao%s Tr4oses ‘aor0%8 rose ‘12018 7140086 ‘woos 7140068 ‘oor1s 7403s vacz0%s 7iao08s szougoss 70009 saraaa01s 7140903 rarswoots 1140003 spans 7140003 sanvanis 7140009, sevens 7100064 csrsrz0ns 7140986-1 ores2015 7140570 sva070%8 2m6.AsEs7 Lncalogan Gowity Crater of Conmeres- \UncolLogan Couety Chambir of Commereo- Uneolaegan County Chamber of Cameco Uncologan Coty Chamber of Cmmeree- LUnclalLogan Coty Comber of Commsrco- LireaeLogan Couty Cramter of Commerce Urea ogan County Chamber of Commer Uncalitogen Coty Chamba of Commerco- UrcahiLagen County Chaar ef Commer \UncobiLogan County Cremtar of Commerc: ‘UreabiLogan County Chembe of Commerce LUnsooLogan County Chamber of Commerce \UncotLagan County Cosnber of Canmerce LUneabvLeaan County Chamber of Comarse- LUncohvLegen Cauty Chamber of mera ‘UreakvLogen Carty Chomber of Corser: ‘GrzadLogan Courty Chamber of Commerce LUncantogan Courty Chambr of Camere LUnearLovan Certy Cher of Camere Une ogan Gouny Chemo of Comme \UncanLogan County Chamber of Comino easkALagon County Comber of Connor Urecoegan County Chamber of Commerc Utesitozan Coty Chmtsr of Canmore: UncalvLegan County Chanter of Conmercs- LUneolfLagen Court Chamber of Canmore LUnzaofLoyan County Chamber af Commerce: \UneolvLogan County Chamber of Commerc \UrecivLogan Coury Chamber of Canoe: \UncobvLonan Canty Gromber of Camerce- \reolvLogan County Chom of Commerce- \Uroctv.ezan Goety Chamber of Camere LUncaotogan Coerky Chamber cf Commerc LUrciLogan Carty Comber of Commerce LUrenLogan Ceurty Cromber of Commeres- Unc. agan Cauty Chamber of Cammerce- LUncolsLegen Ceuty Chamber of Conmerca- ‘Unesntogan Courty Chamber of Commerce \GncovLagan Couty Chomber of Commerce. 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FUTA Exp on Oet2015.Ts0eE4-1 —_LncctvLogan County Chamber of Commerce. zor sor 20 oufsor015 7140960-4 _Lrcatviogan Cxety Chombe of Cammerce- 152 059 ee Orrs1015 7140970 ——_LireabvLovon Canty Chawber of Commerce 340 a0 er ‘omsH20%5 7140873 Lnecnn.ggan Carty Caribe of Commerce: 4 sor eu ‘arraz0%8 7140R7! ——_Unccvingan Coty Cham of Commerce aan 7a.12 en ‘2202015 7140881 LimoivLogan Canty Cham of Commerce: on7 ne en 0772018 7140083 _LncolvLogen County Chamber of Commerce- 188 aaa en ‘rvo02018 7140988 ——_LnealvLogen County Chambar of Commarea vat area 7 st ‘air015 7140983 LnealvLagen Gouny Chamber of Conmerca= 2146 10332 “eda 8203. FUTA Exe 70332 7a (6:204- SUTAEKD en Os/s12015 71202641 LnachvLogan County Chamber of Commerce- 328.25 325.25 ea (500015 71408561 _LncohiLogan Couty Chamber of Commerce. 3210 638.35 ea O7RHONS 7140970 UreaktLogan Couty Chamber of Commarco- 2782 ow. ea os/a1015 7140973 UncohiLogan County Chamber cf Commerce: res 1.03803 ea OaraO15 7140871 UrcoLogan County Chamber ef Commerce. zm 127842 Bal coperans 7140081 UnecvLogan County Chanter of Commarce- meso 130831 ea 05172018 7140083 UrestvLogan Gay Shamma of Commerce fect tants “Toll 06206: SUTA Exo 79000. - Workman Coma x0 etal 790021 - Workman Comp Exp “ate 86200 - Paro Texas 15300. Eleyee Benefits {56904 Inueanee Stipend Exp “ola 66901 exence Sine Exp sate IRA Company Exp “ota 66202 IRA Company Exo BgeES geeegeeges 55306: Milage Reimbursemant Admin ‘General Jourat (Genecs Jonat oo eu ea an an Teta 65204- Mange Relmburcomert- Ain ‘Tote 65300 Employee Boris ‘ots 68000 - Parsons Expaneoe ‘70% ProfesslonalServieas swans T0888 rapirois 7008s, cnrsrz01s 7140061 osn0rs 740568-1 osgo0ss Taea2-1 orraua0%s t0e70 oapst01s 70873 anaaars 7140074 caponors 7140861 ‘sans 7140083 ‘wruranns 7140008 sxpy2015 7140008 oscvz0ns Ta0066-1 oray201s roar oasi018 710873 caarzoss 740571 soars ri40509 sorir0rs 710803 susar0%s Tia0088 sapiens 7140093 os1701§ 201S-AlEssR osmot01S 201S.AIESOR casoraots 714056641 ‘oratao1s 7140070 owra2015 7140073 cwnoans 7140084 saps 740003, LuncanLogan Canty Grama of Commerc LincaloLopan Seuny Chember of Commins. \UredntoganSouny Chamber of Commerce. LUncobvLegan County Chemin ef Commerce LUreaetozan Coury Chamero Commerce: Unedint.ogan County Crambe cf Commetco- LUnedintogan Coury Chamber ef Commorce- Uneaniogen Goiny Cramer Comme csr gan Coiy Cher of Commerce. recngan Coty Chasis of Commerce: ‘Lnctintogen Cesty Cramber of Commerce- ‘Urecntogen Gauty Chamber af Commerce. \UreonLegan County Chamber ef Commerce UneelnLepan County Chamber f Commer UneaivLogan Ceenty Ctember of Commerce: Uneavtogan County Chamber af Commerce. LUnectvLopan County Chamber f Commerce. LUrcanLogan County Chamber of Commerce LUncotvLopan County Chamber f Commerce LUneobvLogan Courty Chamber of Commerce Uncdnogan Covay Chamber of Commerce. coh cath LUneceLogan County Chama of Gomme ‘UredelLogan County Chamber of Commorcs Ursan.gan Coury Chamber of Coneroe- ‘UncahiLogan Counly Chamber of Commerce: LUrcalnLogan County Cramer of Commer Revers cf GiE 2015-863 — Revers of G16 15 ALES — was saanor 22414901 Taoat 400038 10798 10198 a0 118 Sones SRS 24194 2.88 2088 5012 34998 4180 pase 1 mest 140990 goss 1.80088 sem 20035 ose 23004 290151 Zena Ban sr06 5786 sree 82 sro 208 ax 25130 cz 350 708 wus 7a90 55458 S786 eins 5786 was eens eas 800 30 ss 11600 ze0 220 sam 7880 Ey am ne ne 100 21.09 B00) 00 Teese amen ee24s te 172102. Prolerslonal Sonose Exp “ate 72102 Pofesiont Sences Exp Total 72101 - Profasion Soncos 72201 Advertsing 7a204.4- Print “ota 72201. Pret e212 Brosdesst “ola 722012 Brosdcst 72201. DigitalMedia ote} 722013- Dgpatedia ‘raat: board const Joma ons Sural check cmc Deposit se Ba Check on Chock aa osonzois 201t Ale-1R osr2018 aniseed eszors v0sr2 osorars ries srtorors 1018s oresrz01s 10188 ‘onrteross 10201 Trra0NS 10208 ris 006 onraszats 10215 sosra018 ‘ovens 2r0s08632 swosaors rioss2 ‘mans e2ns aa20%6 62015 ‘cares 10282 sysvao1s 71e0s04 ‘oosiz01s 10222 2010s 4019 osaazns 10178 comarants etEs! orpats e287 oases 62275 covoszots 10221 conarz03s 10226 onrtarz01s 10205 sonsts 62570 soars rteana0 osowants 1sa5015 siz22035 15-065105 crowns 1507315 cefo20%s 15.003145 cos oon Genie Stats le. eo Ertarse- Cott es Pera cour Sar Lee Ererpice- Cont ois Meaty Lopan Coun Fat Assocation ‘gan Couty Far Assoditon cyanea Gata House Neca Masion hos [UneceLogan aunty Chamber of Commerce. Uncln Day Hews Len Day Hens Professions! Spore Pubcon Unssivtngan Coury Chamber ef Gommarce- wen wen CCharasign County Chamber of Commarea Lincoln ny ews LUrcoa Ooty Nov ran Daly News Loe Eeterpiss Conall Le Eternal ns ‘nasa Day News Last Day Rams LGrecetajan Cuny Chamber of Commerce. e-Amanea Acvring Hwost Amara Avert Mies! Ama een Mawes? esata Pvt Midwest Reverso GIG GAIEA! 5500-85500 Toconect IP 35500 00 00 00 00 m0 Banner ler ge and ems reat 7421 arog 880421 Events Advent ssoo | aztazt erro zaman ioe ewgerado, commerce 2ivarencie «8680035772 Baoon Fst 2000 3an721 “Toure as infor bok zoo 4gr721 yc 4gsr2 ote Haves Da sacs 3.00815 za — 6E245 (Chamber iteserna gues uwozs 643 ren 708428 yooso 71848 asmso 1058138 Chamber stern guides sas ___yosvoe2 Tomoas ~osToae 53533 see 1 160.00 ‘soca Sporsaranip LDN Touitm Section +0000 25000 ‘Spontretis of LON terlem sell 00.00 000 00.00 45000 Paragraph sooo eae su aeaae so90 une sooo tea Feeback advertisment for P&S aio ‘ase 24n5.5 s0581¢5 0000 sono soo .g0000, smo s.s0000, soo 200000, 8a crac Ba ote 7201.4» Biba 72201.6- Trade showiloformton booth eu eu check Chuck eck Total 72201.8- Tre showintrmation both ‘e201? Signage Tote 2201.7 - Signage 72201 Advertsing -Otbor check “otal 72201 - Adverts - tar Tole 72201 Advertsng 72210 Sub Grants Talal 72210 Sub Grants 72000 - Operating Exe ‘001+ Computer Exp 790012: Software Exp gE on ea ea on ea ee onianis 15.0636, onrisz0%6 10229 soraois 18-113145, ‘ots 15-128165 oso osz72018 10998 omaza%s 10177 onrazo15 10203 oraz 30203 sorazors +0200 orators 10243 osraxzors ri40es9 osranracss 7140050 ora0ns 10202 oorsszois 10231 so)orz0is 10228 sovtazots 10237 sorts 1024 ‘arent 10281 osowaots osevenis 7ioaei osrsoz01s 7140086-1 orsrans 7140970 owewaots raaora oasuzons 79973 osisanons 7140971 arson 7140588 rains 7repea8 roptanis 7190253 id Amodes ‘avers west Moon Rive LLC Mitamerice Abarting Mewest ‘isAmeres Aivertsing Mest Uncanttogan County Chamber of Commarea: tum Grasbis Sion ns. Viel Preston Veeual nk Prodisane ‘Veal nk Proaicions ‘Tessier, Sat of nes LUredtogan Coty Cromer of Commerc Uncer.ogan County Logon County For Ascocaion Aine Fess Ucn dr High Shoo! Dkcetonn Fie Profecten Dist (Oasis Serior stor ‘Orisimas on Vrogar Ha Lnco.ogan Couety Choinbe of Commneica- LUnasn.ogan Canty Chamber of Commerce- LUnccntogan Couty Ghomter of Commerea- LUncdnLogan County Chamber of Commarea. LUnccnt.ogan CsuRty Chamber ef Commerce: Lumcon.ggan County Chanter of Commerce Uren. County Chamber of Cammree= Lnsolv.ogan Cutty Chamber of Commerce, Lincoln agen County Chobar o Commerce UncottLogan Couty Chamber of Commaree- 5000 250000 Now tee iboerd ‘ae009 438000 son 480000 sas 5300.00 Sa0009 «5300.00 chamber buck 9 brooke 2500 2500 brn er ier boats 59950 62.50 thet orn both 27400 90.50 taht ore bot sto 120850 ‘eit fori bos eus0o 2111.50 zatiso—=BtT30. Matt Sa 020 72090 7008 7.00 asca7 4697 Wear “a6a7 mao 2239017 Spontrstip for otal arts the gtk 490000 4.05000 “Sponsors forfaatiléLeln Boon Fess LON ‘Fat conoatspancrsti 2sooco 1180000 Weotstock sos 1200000 High Basha Tournament mos 125000 FrotgiorsFostrat sou ra.sc0.60 Ontoberaet smog 1320000 Christmas on Vin Hi 500.00 3,800.00, aso000 3.80000 Adobe cou sit san Ouiceboaks 56s son ‘cukbooks bee ea ae 256.84 307 ck oo 380 mer Ir contac 022 4279 Oereots oor 499.46 sc80 sant ast chk 758 cons adobe saat 553.25 Tota 70001.2- Sofware Exp “Teta 7001 «Computer Exp ‘02 Touriem Copier Exo 72002: : Copies Losse Exp “esa! 700021» CopiarLessotxp 730022 Copler Maintonanco Ex “ola 7800.2 Copier Materance Exp “ota 7002. Tout Copier Exp 70008- Entatsienect Exp cone Jeera ggeg 79008.1 Entertainment Exp-Adminctratly ea hack Tata 70005,5-Enonenen xp-Adbttase 790032 - Enleisiment Exp-Opan House “ota 78008.2Enetanment Exp-Opan' 170003 Entertainment Exp - Other Howe sinarois dors.aseer risono1s 7140088 ‘ypora0ss 7120988 pont Tia0%— sariranns 7140009, ‘aroianns 7140092 osiorn0is 2o14ANEIR 012015 2018.AsEe4 osiasaots 27s-2t4e3, casos 28152308 sans zastzetcs soins 29IUAIEAR osu 2018 2018-AEe4 crenzots soo1e77203 ‘ss2045 cootsee8s oxserzo19 909187007 co7rsw20ns 0007625301 cowstrz0%s 9001708507 ‘orzarons 9001722020 ‘ywowzors saaierséeo ‘nr0r2098 con1es7ez7 ‘wapiranys e0020:2700 oysonots 7140086-1 oarssinons 10228 osiay20%s 714006e-1 ‘ripaots 7140004 asians 7140059 osiorz015 ‘UnedriLogan Carey Chamber of Commerce. LnedetLogan County Chamber of Commerco- Lneointegan Coty Chamber of Commercox Lrcor.ogan Coety Cromisr of Commerco- Lrecnt.ogan Socty Chamber of Ceenmorea- voit cant ‘Korea data Fusinges Soktons USA Ine Korea Matta Prem France ores Mit Premlt France voit cach Konica Mota Boinaes Solstions USA Ine Korica-Mrota Business Slo USA In> ee Mata Basra Sons USA ‘orca Msg Bisrass Scions USA re erizasnotia Biinass Sebitons USA Ine erica Anolis Buinate Soins USA Ine Korica-Minota snes Sobitons USA Ine Korics-Minota Business Slitons USA ne” ericasnata Satine Sebaioae USA Ine LUnccnn.ogan Coury Cromb of Cormerca- ncn Hertage Mucsin \UnesivLogan Ceunly Chorbor of Commerce. ‘UneanfLogan Ccunty Chambor of Commerce. ‘UnesiLogan Cauly Charter af Commorse- Unednt.ogan Ceumy Chamber of Commereo- Reversal GE 201AIEI ~ Tocrec AP Rovereo of GIE 2016-06-11 — Toca AP Candy for Boat (cea Sono 2015 food an dese feo ene dor (ood ont décor Ao BPS wae srs 700 578.18 sit e126 sant ssia7 sa r1s8 750 wasn 7507 7507 7507 7507 058 9084 e034 0.00 19856 0st 219.49 21908 essa os saa? 104.08 500 we61 wz. 34226 47050 sn30 655.95 7282 aa78 ware eae Tasz2s yaa 2198 2195 95.00 696 e98 Tre98 ase 098 198 23s mars 071 sore ‘sora e134 eae “Tos 70003» Ertraieent xa -Ctter Tota! 78003 - Erertchrirt Exo ‘7008 - Website Exp 79042 Website Service /TT Sarvce Tota 7004.2 - Webste Sori TT Service 70008 Data Base Exp “ote 2004.3 - Data Basn Exp ‘0086: etornat Access Exp en en ea Ba ea Rees en aa osiowzors osowanis ostt2018 2018. AE, osiova01s 2015008 onrsarans 7140084 erisrors 7140986 onsvaots 7140970 caraios 7160073 earono1s 7140085 arco 7140688 orsia015 rie008s -wrg020%5 7140083 osrawa01s 71400641 osts02018 71400681 o7rst20%s 7140070, osrs12035 7140073, oonenois 7140971 opsor016 7140081 sostv20ns 7140063 ‘pons 7140088 saporanns 7140884 esas AS01208 pOTE AJEESR. caroMzats 21S ALesoR Os 12018 2014-AIE-1R 05/0172015 2014-AIE-AR osiow2018 2ors-Alees SOTO 2015-AsEe4 os 1201s 7140066-1 era0018 7140066-1 onvswants 7140570 ws120%5 7140973, ‘carniz01s 71-0081 sorsv2nis 70863 ‘rvveo1s Tosa UnestLogan Ceonty Chamber of Commeres LUrecnLogan County Chamba of Comeren- ois cash Unesinegan Coanty Chamber of Conmerce- {nese ogan Coanly Chamber of Commerce: (GecalLogen County Chamber of Commerco- LUnsolagan County Chamber of Commerce LUecoiLogan County Grambar of Commerce: (Uncol ean Comty Chamber af Comenerco- UrcottLegan Cuunty Chenber of Commerci= LUncoet.egan Ceuniy Chamber of Commerce- LUneditLegan Coniy Chambor ef Commerce- LnedetLogon Comnty Chamber of Commerce. LUneoivLogan Canty Chamber of Cmmarce- \UnealLogen Coury Chamber of Commerce LUncaivLogan Comty Chamber cf Commerce: LnedetLogan Gomty Chamber of Commerce. UnvdlvLogen Cosy Chamber of Commerce LncalLogee Coonty Chomber of Commerce: LnedevLogzn Costly Chamber of Commerce. UnedtevLogan County Camber of Canmerce- cash cash void void caeh cosh LUncditLegan County Chamber of Commerce. LUnednf.ogen County Chamber af Commerce LUnedivLopan County Chamber af Conmerce- LUncdinvLogen Gaunt Chombe: of Commerce: LUncdnvLapon County Chamber of Commerce: nedntLogen County Chamber of Commerce: LungdnvLogan County Chambor of Commerce: apa aor bils Revers of IE 204-AJE-11 ~ Tocorect NP ‘oy ots Goonle ick bos Goeole (Cham master chambar ter ‘Chambar master Aptis Reverse of GIE Z1SAJES3 ~ ovoreo of GE 15-AJESS— ovetse ef GUE 20145611 = Roveree of GIE 201NIE- ~ Toconeet NP Tocaect NP Biss wae 08.10 ‘80 a7a9 2885 19750 85 ‘3750 ones 23380 0025 845 eia70 15499 77380 7500 r889 2590 22369 78 s3128 2500 825 7700 283.28 as eee 3288 res e280 ses 8288 zat. ess see aur 36281 ones 527 285 sera 268 1058 228 93.24 cr wah a3 mas 020 367 ono mar 2837 snes 1125 -n08 237 4572 125 war 283 a4 sao 2398 283 5139 34 ra89 soso 0073 040 03 235 107.68 Tole 700084 reret Access Exp “oto! 72008 Website Exp 78005: Hembarships/Oues Exp ola! 70005 Mamberships‘Oves Exp 70007 - Postage Ex “ola T0007 Postage Exp 70008 -Offes Supplies Exp chock ‘chock crac cheat ea (Caner Joumat Caner Sonat CGonecl Journ Gonerl Jxeral anor Jeera one Jet Soncrl Jxenst General Jour Gonual Jour tapers verwvanis T4009 ossienots 10108 ‘ovoez015 10135, ror018 10197 raranons 1078 osowzo1s OBONZOIS OISAIESSR. Os 2045 2015.AJESOR. oso 1n01s 2014. ALEAIR, so/2015 2012.A/E4R osmia0ts 2o1S- AeA OS1ROHS 2015-ALES4 o7narons 7120904 ore wzo1s 70870 oapy01s 70973 canrz015 7140081 ovani8 7140983 rears 7140088 ‘areas 714000 osovz01s osio12018 2015.AR6<3R S105 Z015-AIEOR osoi20%s 2015-AJEsaR OTIS 2SAJESIR asu201s 2014-AEAR 312018 2014.AJER. SOVEDHS 2015-AJE04 9012015 205A s/o12015 2015-ALEs osrs1201s P4oas--1 sonore rieo2as.1 orranons 7240084 oansats xo230 rosizots 7120083 soars 7740988 ‘earns 10253 ‘UneattLogan Cain Chamber af Cormmerco cosh Linecnt-agan Coody Chabert Commerc LUneolLogan Crunly Chamtar of Camere. LUbeabLogan Gaur Ctanbar of Commer LUneaitLogon Guay Chamber of Commerce Gncointogen Cay Chamber of Cmeree- UnsotvLogen Gasiy Chamber of Commerco- Unsott.sgen Caan Chamtbr ef Commerce. ‘UnecivLogan Canty Chanter of Commerce cash can cach ‘cath void LUncvinvLogan Couty Chamber of Commerce. LUnesotLogan Cauty Charro Commeres- Lnedint.ogon Caunly Chamber of Commerc: Geen Srnk Stoners LUncotl.ogan Cauty Chenbar of Comer. Lnecnt.ogan County Chamber cf Commarco- Glenn Brak Stoners Comeast ambersip Members Membrstip pAb Reveiso of GE 201S.AJES3 — Roverte of GJE 2015-0158 — Rovers of GXE 2014.AE-11 = Rovarso of GIE 2014NE-11 = Tocarect Toca oy tis AsetBits Revers of GLE 2015AJESS— Reverse of GE 2015.1883 — Revere of GIE EASES — Reverse of GIE 2015-AJES3 Reverse of GJE 2014-06-11 = Revere of GIE 2014-11 ~ Tocorect WP Tocoren ve Toornect ve May bts perfor Srring uidas apa or srry guidas ern 177500 25000 100 sna aco e000 wa78 1885 1855 1824 8032 628 102 mass 1579 25 796 mat sen 5% var 3% 49.20 590 49.50 45.53 28 “an an 218 outs 1158 909 on 281 1505 ess 29540 “0308 177500 38 a3 ours cass ron ye sane 208.04 zis 0341 ras 1500 72 ‘500 ara saz 20438 208.41 2072 ma 708.29 “ola 78008 Oftce Suepas Exo pea 38224 78009- Miscolenoous Exp General Jour! OSD1/2015 2015-AIESOR Cash averan of GJE 2016-8603 — 4809 6.00 General Journs! OMUWZ015 2015-AJGs9R Cath Reverso of GE 2015-AJESS 100.01 Gonora! Joie! OS01/2015 2OIGAIESIR Coch Rovers of GJE 2016.68 — vesre 4877 Gone Jou! 0801/2015 2O1S.AIESSR Cosh Revere of GUE 2016-AJES? ssrso 83127 CGoneral Journal 0501/2015 2015-AiEs3R Cash ‘Reversal GE ZO1S ALES — 4500 1627 Gover Joumei OS01/2016 2015-AJESSR Gren Roverro of CIE 2915-AJEa3 — a0) 401128 CGererl Jour! 090172015 2015AIESSR Cash overes of GIE 2956.3 — 25878 278.08 CGonerl Journal 080172016 2015-AlEe3 Cash Roverco ef GHE 2015-653 — 20750 5254 Gonerl Jourel OS0172018 2014-AJE-1R volt overage GUE 2014-ME-1T — 19800-4784 Ganerl Joust O5tT12015 20:5-Ales4 Cash Tocored AP weno 168284 on 8201 7H864-1 —_LneoLogan County Crmber of Commerce: bated vator Sov -188r47 er 12015 7140888 —_LincarLagan Canty Chamber of Commerce Evert.Sae ries 4s90 S278 oa 081802015 7140380-1 _LineelvLegan Canty Cramber of Commerce. citign waier ose aaa7st a csleaz0%8 7140066-1 _LneeLagan Cunty Cnamber of Cemmaren- Nara beg Mas 335186 ona ormar0%s 10181 GtyofLnccin ‘Sop forgone aco 3381.26, ormznes 10182 ryettineats fas forguericorse 090 ormza0s 10198 ‘The Ctisvon Visge gs rth fe nan 38.00 arm272015 2015-0028 Chyof Loin For CHK 10101 voted on 120872015 1000.00 check ‘orea0%8 10104 Harrie Hoscol Azone, bo. une sity frat the park 296.00 eck ortoar018 10198, Ste Bork to blancs pat ach eocoxnt 1 cote ozporais 10328 ol Ligue Covel Commission quer cenas art nthe park 000 Ba CO7feV201S 7140870 UnealrLagen Caunly amt Commeres- Cullen ate: 7210 Ba OrUZI5 7140879 ——_LnalvLogen Gaunty Chambo of Commerea- Culgsnvaler 250 aH Ca1rz015 7140961 LincalLagen Gamnty Chanter of Commeres- _culgan water 508 en AOrs72015 7140982 Uncalogan Caunty Chamber of Commercs- tated weer 250 eu somsT201S 7140982 LinoivLogen Canty Chamber of Commerce “77 Gorore Jour! (1/90/2018 2016-ADI-ER ‘Cty of Uncoin Reverse of GUE 2015ADJ-8—ForGHik 1019 ~4.000.00 Gonera urn 11/0/2015 2015.ALE6S “To-core eb belance saat 1.70458 General urns 119072015 2OIS-ALESS “Tocorae ey baleace 05s7 seat Ba ‘somos 7140088 LnesntLogan Ceurty Chamber ef Commarce- Calgon water 250 1atot Check ‘aareors 10280 ‘UnccntLogan Ceuny Chamber ef Commer: Cxlganvater 100140893 an apir2018 7140083 Lneie.ogan Carty Chamber cf Comnrcos Usted Stes Treasury for por axes vast” 1,510.28 Ba ‘yaRVE0Ns 7140093 —_LncalvLaganCeunty Chamber of Cammeree- Capen water sor 1818.6 ea saw015 Uresinf.ogan Cuuty Chamber af Canmarce- fee sor sss “otal 72009 Nsxcatomces Exo yaaa asa 7aNO- Subscriptions Exp et ‘ov12015 20048967-1015. The Cour ‘suse tas0 0980 Total 78010: Suberpions Exe Tee 0 03.50 72012- TalningMeotig Exp ‘70:21 - Conteranca Foe Exp Ba osowan:s LUneoinogen Canty Ctamber of Commerce. Food far conference a 48 al T2012» Coneranca Fea Exp Teta 72012: Training Ex ‘e0%4- Wagon Rapa! Landscaping Exp ea en Ba oa 2 ‘check “ata 78014 Wagon Reps Lanescaping Exp 70064 Cereal Bockaeping Services 7H061.1-Clesning Tota 76081. - Cissring ea an cy 20 ey Bit 700842 HouseksopingiRestroom Supplies 2 aa Bn es ‘Tela! 76081.2: Househooping/Restroom Suse 79061 Clercst/ Bookkeoping Services - Other (Genace Journal onal Jena Tela 70061 - Cire! Bonar Sorens -Oxhne Tata 72061 - Cire Bookkeeping Servizns 72800 - Occupancy 72501 Office Metntenance Exp 7A501.4- Channing Supp CGanorl Joust Genel Joust General Joust Ba cowrsoz075 7 140556-1 sais 7140008 osiier20%5 isa 7140954 orisso1s T0068 outorz0ns 7140981 rorsriors 10238 osonzots ornazons ia00se onrisots 7140008 ovsvaans 714070 osrzons rio0r2 arrarzoes 7140871 caraogots 7140981 sorsuznns 7140883, ‘vsor2n1s 7140088 ‘pits 7140098 osrso20%s 7140586-1 orarzoxs 710964 oorarzois 7140374 apivzors 7140008 as V2015 2014.AIG-1R osro12015 201s AJEe4 osouz01s 2016-48 os12015 2015.AlEot OS 012015 205A ‘yimarzoss 7140908 LUnece.ogan County Chamber of Camera Lreclrt.gan Couty Cramer of Commerce- Rar Jones Unecrttogan County Chamber of Commerc \Unedrd.ogan County Chonbst ef Commarea Lunesnt.ggan County Chamber ef Commerce ctyotuneain LUrcolvtogen County Chamber of Commorie- LUreckdLogen Couty Chamber of Commerc ‘UnednvLovan Corty Chamber of Commarce- Uncotlopan Cory Camber of Commerce: UncaitLogan Coury Chamber af Commerc. ncaintLopan Couiy Chomber of Commerce. Unoditogan Coun Chamber of Commerce Unecttogan Gaty Chamber of Commerce [necntLogan Caety Chembar of Cammarc- LUnscettogen County Chambor of Comore LUncvntLagan Coty Ghambar af Comore [Urcontiogan Cuity Chamber of Corer LUncc.ogan County Chamber of Commerces LUrten.ogen County Chambor of Commarea voit con cash ‘Unacitiogan Ccuty Chambar of Commerce- 1 Post Fneraing Oe CCoverners Conference . Landscapng # oe Landscaping et oon ower ea ing Tule Office aces oer xara Offi Cearing (oe Ceaing (fee Cering Office Cerra ffce Caring tice Cering (tice Gearing Office Gearing Reversad! GIE 2O1AIE-11 To cones A Revers of GE 2016611 ~ Tocemact NP ‘Toconeet NP caaning sues 160.0 05.48 225.00 sas ex ws sone 0005 175000 78090 558 0158 aa atest 2084 o1s.55 2.00 mass [ss (ass 40.00 40.00 40.00 0.00 4000 1090 40.00 16000 40.00 200.00 00 249.0 «000 20.0 2090 2000 00 24000 200 250.00 "60.00 ‘0000 982 a3 35.18 Tar ss 0822 322 000 200 G00 are 087 2540 28.40 28.40 009 25.40 240 509 ped ‘ota 7650%.1- Cisaning Supoee 7980.3 - Snow Removal Exp “ola 785013 - Snow Removal Exp “ole 78501 Offense Ex 7502- Rent Ep 8s 79502.4» Bulldng Office Remt Exp en Gonera Jura Ganera ours! BRERERes “ote! 78502: - Bung /Ofie Ret Exp ‘75022 Storage Rent Exp “ola 785022 Storage Rent Exe ‘78502 Rent Exp -Othar “ots 7802 Rent Ex- Other “ele 79502 Rent Exp “ola 78500 -Oozupaney 78803 Telephone Exp ggegege oa geeege oso1018 osouz0s 8012018 2014-AIEAR fsmyao1s 2015-064 arra0%s T4006 orrs20%5 ria008 owrs12015 7140873 ooreo015 7140081 ‘0132015 7140083 vfsrz01s 7140028 sarsinnns 7280009 osvaore 1002573 osioi20s reosia7 o7raraois 40004 orsmois 7140085 corrsazors 1003078 oswoors ‘ones om/o1z015 1000468 vasotzo%s 7140582 vows tomar soars 10255, ovarianis 7140970 osiowa01s corres 740586 oss 7340088 oreuaots 70870 oso 7140873, Uneoi.ogan County Gramber of Commerce: LUncatvLagen Ceuly Chamber of Commerce ois xan Lsoont.ogen Coney Crémbar of Commerce LUnzdn.ogen Cossty Chambor of Commercor UncdniLogen Cosy Chamber of Commerce LnzcedLogan Gostty Chamber of Coramerce- LUncoldLopan Cami Chember- LUncantogen Courty Chamber of Commares- ‘UneoltLogan County Chamber of Commerce. ‘Unodet.ogen County Cramer of Cormmaree- UnedntLogan Caity Ctormber of Coramereo- Ans ts Reverse of GJE 2015-01683 ~ Revers of GIE 2015-8163 Reverso of GJE 2014AJE- Toconect AP May bis une 2015 es ay shina 2018 pet Bats Revere of GIE 216-03 ~ Reese of CIE 25-ALEC3 Roverte of GJE 2015.A16:2 — Reverse of GJE 2016-0682 ~ Rovere of GIE 200-AJE1 = Toeatect AP ay it stone 2015, os.19 202 22 6.35 35 0768 $2008 0572 wisi 0897 951 rast 432 a2 a2 a2 an 1073 +080 rar 248 138 128 es10 an 03s 8600 035 ose mage 343.80 19531 Toll 785045: Wola xp TRS045- Trash Removal Exp Tol 7504.5 Trash Removal Exp “ola 70504 - rttes xp “ets 7000: Opretng E30 78000 - Miscelaneous Exp ‘2004 Professional Fos Exp "90044: Profesional tanning Foes on ova Jere eel i ene Sora ‘cena Sra Gare Saad (General ut ‘cock “Tots 700014 Presson leming Foor 73001 5 Accounting RevewAvelt Exp Genel Sr Teta 700.5 - Accounting ReviewAust Exp “ota 70001: Prfeaionl Fos Exe ‘0002 iswance Exp 790022 Business Lebity Ins Exp oa Sener eum Sena Jour (Sona our eek Be ee Dapert spn0%8 7140088 {e015 7140003 osiown01s : 05017015 2015.AES3R Os 12018 2N1EAEER onan T0968 orisaors 7140066 o7rir%s T140970 oarsr0%s ra0s73 onr016 714098 roovz015 7140509 ‘rrowants 710888 ‘ass20%8 7140989 ‘oious018 2014 A618, ‘OSIOIS ZOLLER. O0i0NS 21S ALES! (t01 2018 201S-ALES! sorozots 10082 ‘O90 12015 2016-A1E98 comnts 71167 osevanis 2274-4550.0 asm1n018 201-AIEAR Oo 12015 291SAIESAR oso 2018Alet 50015 78/2015 EW. osne/ant 83-US 8007-6 ostor20is Lunclt.ogan Cau Chamba of Coraroe- LUeclLogan Coury Chamber of Conese LUnaln.ogan Gaunty Chamber of Comme ‘caeh asm \neatvLogon County Chamb f Commerce LUrcebvLegon County Cheb of Comers. \Urcalatogan Cnry Gtombore Comarcn- LUncobLogen Gay Cham f Camas: ‘Uncebogen County Chamber of Commeree- Uncongen Coury Chamba of Gmnmarea- \Urecbviegan County Chamber of Cornmerea- LUrccbvtogun County Chamber of Carmarce- vot cash coh Hemlon Rene lic EN Abbet 8 Asean, Ls, ‘State Fam Fro Gata Co vt es cat ‘Site Farm Spetty roduts ‘Stole Farm Specty rots, ‘Stat Farn Feed Cosbty Co ‘toto Ferm Spat Protits on ts Revere of GIE 216-06) ~ Revers fGIE 20:5-AJE33 ~ May bis se 7018 Rovere of JE 2014 A161 = ‘Toca TocoretAP ‘Steg Paring Focomect NE Revemn of QE 204A ~ Revere of IE 2015-01682 ~ Toca NP 78 on sss7 az Sar aa a0 800 m0 020 10 92 2516 1595 205 asi Reo a0 as 4837 am 308 228 oust ax voz a ras ee Tass ‘near sear Tanase Tetsaae stssan 18540 sse00 4.18540 sao 1.00000 9000 009 wen coz eeazt coat 000 rao zsm0 500 00 2500 Tera Tart jst 458000 oso 128850 sor8 ‘1032 zoos totae sgosco 29042 sons 485.00 2540070000 -sans0o 4.90600 ae ‘Tos 750022: Busnes LEHR xo “oti 73002: eve Exe T8058 Advertising Exe 71008 Adve Eepeateste Genera Jura! (Gore Js! “Tos E0051 - Adverisg Expos 700082 vss Deokn Av Exp cara Jour ‘Genre Joist “a 700062 Weosta Deen At Exp Teta 7908 Abverrg Ex “on 70000- Mecsacu x2 ‘7200 Daprecation Bxponce carr Jorat ‘ets 79209, Depreciation Expense ‘atl Esporse Net Orary reome onacants oookzr44t sazerzors x2re4t ‘anarets s025t OwDi018 14.AIEAR osbiots 201eAEAR ‘os012016 25-AIest saris 2016a00.01 ‘Stato Fem Spacisty Product ‘Stato Fem Sptty Prot: Slate Farm Fee & Coty Co wo cm ‘com was 21880 wos 248700 rsa 253458 rae) ase asce Reverse GIS 216 ATT asm 17500 Toomed NP 7500 200 a a vere sf GIE 2O14.N-51 = ase 91088 Tocana AP sa7sco saa Teme see Soca seauel mei 92a810 ‘Toracadeemaringderocitonenp.onfied 472727272 wan aa Bre _wiaerce ‘aeas0 60030 === MAL Type bate or Nome ome Amount Belsnes rtnaryIncomelExpense Income 41100- Funding 41101 Cy of Lincoln Fusing Besos owranR016 ‘rossi of iyo Uncon Depcat essa ——_aanioz0ns “Taser of iy of rca Deceit Total 44901 City of Lincaln Fesing : “rata 41109 Funding 141200- Tropics 472003: Sloe ‘Seles Receipt o3ioer0%6 621200 (cash Salas CChiesjotutsteke___ 200.00 090 “Towa 1200.3 Stes . 200.00 "0.00 Tota 41200 Toples ec) ‘0.00 42100 Merch Sale inc ‘Sales Recsnt oanazo%a s2t089 cath toe oats 200 200 “ola 42400. Merchanciee Sales toe a 300 200 49100 otmer ne 49104 terest Decent oust Inert aa sas Depot ovea018 erat 423 t6t epost ons12076 Intros 331 ‘os6 Depost —oazaz0%8 mera, at wae epost — oaraszb16 erat 205 a7 ‘Total 49101 Inerest ins wat ar ‘ota 49100- Other ne Tore ‘Tota ncome "2528 826 Exponce 158000 - Personnel Expenses 120100. Payroll Exp ‘101 Slory BWage Exp en oirsir0%8 rreoda7 LUncniLogan County Chamber of Commerce- Dkector 39865, 3.06868 ea omey20%6 7140097 UnealvLopan County Chamba of Commerae- CEO 9092 409758 ex ovevz0%s 7140087 {UncolvLagan County Chambeof Conmerce- Cie anspor vase 4ans0 es ovawaors 7140007 LnotnLogan County Chamber of Cammerea- Events coors ras peed it ovine 7340997 LUneolnogen County Chamber of Commeres- Offa asset 389 6.26101 i corzscans 7121008, Lnsin.ogsn County Chamber of Canmerce- Oiecor 3036.55, some ea arzrzons 7143003 Unesinagan County Charter of Cmmaree- CEO 549 9972.06 en careers 7141008 Lnedinftogan County Chamber of Commeres- fice Manager aaa 074598 sit ore T1008 Uncoinl.ogan County Chamber of Commaree- Events coon! erase 1.82190 en oarzar2016 7121008 LincoinLogen County Chamber ef Commerse- Office Assist S790 3220081 ‘otal 6101 + Sstary & Wage Exo “e008! 7220037 Total 68100 - Payroll Exp "aa0081 72,200.81 165200 - Payroll Taxes, 66201 - FICA Medionrs Expense eu ovatrabts Tis0907 LUncotntogar County Chamber of Commeres- sar 71 Bi oareerao%e 7141008 LncolnLogan County Chamber of Commerco- 202 17923 ‘Total 66201 - FICA Medicare Expense 028 Foas 168202 - Social Security Tax Ba ovine 7140597 LincetntLogan County Chamber of Commerce 4343 43.43 Bi ear9i2016 7141003 Lincotnegen County Chamber of Commerce- 34430 zara Total 45202 - Social Securty Tax Taras 7778 (65203 - FUTA Exp Ba orra1r20%6 7140097 LineolvLogan County Chamber of Commerce- 4293 298 ei 212912016 7141003, LncoivLegen County Chamber af Commerce 330¢ 7587 “Total 96203 - FUTA Exp 7597 7597 ‘56204~ SUTA Exp =u owssr2016 7140997 LincsintLogan County Chamber of Commerce 906.93, 06.93 an onrgaaovs 7141003 LincolnfLogan County Chambér of Commerce ease 3851.49 Total 6204 SUTAEsD 51.8 Tastes ‘otal 6200 Payroll Taxes "20442 2agaae {65300 - Employoe Benoit: 186302 IRA- Company Exp ar ousivz0s 7140997 LincointLogan County Chamber of Commerce- e392 83.92 ea zrote 7141005 Lincointogan County Chamber of Commerce- 60.35 ar ‘otal 96202 IRA~=Company Exo 1aar7 aT £66904 Mileage Reimbursement - Admin en owsir20s 7140007 LncolnLogan County Chamber of Commerce- 40 434 “Total 65904 - Milesg2 Relmbursement- Admin ase 2 “ole! 68300 Employee Benefits oo] "a6 “Tota 86000 - Personnel Expenses vasaase Tapas 72204 Advertising RBOAA Print Bat oymarovs 63043 Uncoln Dally Nows 100.00 100.00 Bu oznsiz0%6 63208 Lineatn Daly News 200.00 300.00, eu 03412046 28820 Lineatn Printers, Ine. Dinning Guides. 1550.00 950.00, en osiosi20%6 63527 LUncotn Dally News 400.00 1950.00 Total 72201.1 - Print 7,950.00 "1050.00 7209.2 Broadcast Bu ounwz0s 2093 mon 41666 430556, Total 7220%.2 Sroadcast 7220143 Dighavitedia au si Total 72201.3 DigitalMedia 722014 Bibosrd en ‘it a ea Be ‘otal 72201.4- Bitboard “Toto! 7220» Advansing 72210- Sub Grants check eH “otal 72210 Sub Grants "78000 + Operating Exp, ‘78001 + Computer Ex 7001.1 Computer ordware Exp Bn Total 72001.» Compu Hardware Exp 78001.2+ Sotiware Exp eu Bi Bet eat Total 78001.2- Soivinre Exp “otal 78001 - Computer Exp 7002 Tourism Copler Exp "780022 Copler Maintenence Exp en eit ‘ola! 78002:2- Copier Maintenance Exp Total 78002 Tourism Copier Exp 78004- Website Exp ‘78004.{ - Website Host Fecs/Domaln Exe ea Ba ‘otal 72004.1 - Website Host Faes/Domsin Exp ovauz0t6 1740 osrorrac18 =778 pions 16-019145, 2012016 18-025145 ozieizote 1575 312016 *8.055145 ‘asi2016 11070 sivarra0e 10278 oznerzn9 072315 ‘owsiiz0%6 7140007 owstvan%e 7140007 ovrs1r20%6 7140007 oarmao%8 7141008, ozeaize rs 7443003 ovvsiv2016 9002126608 0712016 9002208808 ovsiots 7140907 ‘ozz072016 7141003 1088 ‘The New Herald Neve 100.00 The Now Horald News 100.00 2000 Mideamerica Advertsing Midwest, sono Uid-Amerioe Advertsing Midwest so0.00 term Graphix Solutions tne. Owned Bilboard sores Mid-America Advartsing Mwest 500.00 Xm Graphix Stitions Inc. Owned Btboard yazo2a 3638.58 "5306.24 Lncoln Hertage Muceum 1000.00 +1900.00 ‘Logan County Rallpéting Asaoc "2000.00 Jncolnf.ogan County Chamber ot Conmercs- Laptop rez 762.08 LinealvLogen County Chamber of Conmeree- quik.books for pa 756 LUncalvLogan Gounty Chamber of Commorca- quick.beoks upca 7160 ‘Uncolntogan County Chamber of Commerce: avg uperade 33.32 LUeolvLogan County Chamber of Commercs- Gui. books 62 2890, 369 Ronica-Minata Business Solutions USA Ine rs Konlea-Minota Business Solutions USA Ine 052 183.08 T6308 LUnecinfLogan County Chamber of Commercs- Google 1590 LincalnvLogan County Chamber of Commerca- Goosie 1500 ‘30.00 ‘1006 100.00 200.00 70000 1000.00 2910.34 251934 3,630.58 36058 ‘530824 +1900.00 2,000.00 7000.00 182.09 762.09 mast 15303, 165.03 75503 * 1500 30.00 78008.3- Data Bese Exp Bal Bil Bit Total 76004.3 + Data Base Exp 78004. Internet Accass Exp ca Bin “otal 78004.4 Itornat Access Exp Tote! 78004 - Webste Exp 78007 - Postage Exp en en “Tolal 76007 - Postege Exp 78008 Office Supplies Exp a ‘Tota T8008 - Office Supplies Exp 70009 Miscellaneous Exp en Bit Bur ei Creat a Ba ‘Total 78008 - Miscellaneous Exp ‘T0010 Subscriptions Ex> en ‘otal 78010 Subscriptions Exp 78061 - Clerical / Bookkeeping Services "72081.1- Cleaning su it Total 72064.1 Cleaning ‘78061.2- Housekeestng/Restroom Supplies am it “otal 76061.2 HousekeepingRestroom Supplies “Tota! 78064 + Clrical/ Bookkneping Services 170500 - Occupancy osrsiieo16 7140997 ‘oat20i6 7140097 opperois 741003, owswao1s 7140997 ozorzots 7141003, onsii20r6 7140907 c2rzeraet6 7141003, owwatizote 7140997 ovatre01s 7140997 orvatr20t6 7140007 owavznie 7140097 orisirz0%s 7140997 nanereat6 71402974 vatesta1e 7141003 oasz02016 7141003, ovstr20r8 7140907 owaveote 7140987 ozzeraois 7141003, ovsinots 7140997 ozzez0%6 7141003, LUincolvLogan County Chamber of Commerce chamber master LUneaiLogan County Crambot of Commerce JOC design IT mat LincolvLogan County Chamber of Canmercs- JDC Sign LUncolvtogan County Chamber of Commerce. comeast LUncolnLogan County Chamber of Conmerce- Comeast ‘incoln/Logan County Chamber of Commerce LincolaLegen County Chamber of Commerce- Lincolnogan County Shamber of Commerco- LUneoledLogan County Chamber of Commarce- Ad for CEO Lineal/Logan County Chamber of Conmerce- botled water LUneavLogan County Chamber of Conmeren- Giggles and gab LinearvLogan County Chamber of Coimmarce- Andi Plaque LneatLogan County Chamber of Commerc {lnonvLogen County Chamber ef Conmecco- gift for Jean-Cheir LneolnvLogan County Chamber of Commerce- botiled watsr LincolvLogen County Chamber of Commerce: Ad for CEO LUneoinftogan County Chamber of Commerce LneoinLagan County Chamber of Commerce ‘ineotaLogan County Chamber of Commarce- LUncolnLogen Caunly Chamber of Commerce 7128 165.40, T7388 241.03, 2H08 1687 250 sr22 234 53.41 25.00 250 7312 so2s9 0288 2187 eter 787 14a e575 12423 65.00 798.00 73.30 56.50 5580 2260 129 47389 17360 24103 Bates 1887 1947 35.39 ars 438 1682 4912 eta 4259 10258 67 or 181 22.09 209 72504 + OMee Nalntonance Exp 70501. Cther Exp i oarzermo% 7141008, LincolvLogen County Chamber of Commerce- Gotz fre eavipme 15.00 1500 ‘ola 78501.4 Other Exp 1500 "1800. “otal 78601 + Offee Mohionence Ep 15.00 500 ‘70502 Rent Exp 78502.4- Bullsng {Office Ront Exp in ovairaovs 7140097 LineoifLogan County Chamber af Commerce 550.09 550.00, 8 oxearz0t6 7141003 LUncoloLogan County Chamber af Commerce- ae 550.0 4.100.00 “otal 78502.1 Bulking /Offee Rent Exp 7400.00 7,100.00 785022 Storage Rent Exo it yo12018 mewe08s on Mountain 6300 3.00 it ‘ovoar2018 HASTAS oa Mountain 5302 12800 “otal 78502.2- Storage Rent Exp 126.00, 72500 Totsi 70502 Rent exp : 7226.00" 7228.00 ‘Total 74500 - Cecupancy 201.00 1244.00 "78803- Tetophone Exp sit onrstanis 7140087 LUncolntLogan County Chamber of Commerce- yr tanta Bit oarzaranis 7181008, LineotndLogan County Chamber of Commerce s2475 25187 Total 78503 - Telephone Exp 2187 251.87 79504 Utites Exp 705043 Gasletectic Exp aun ovvsir20%8 7140997 LUncointLogan County Chamber of Cmmerce- 138 7738 Bin ‘oareerots 7141003 LUncoinLogan County Chamber of Commerce- 398.58 27598 “otal 785043 - GastElectc Exe 27596 27898 79508.5- Woter Exp at ‘oustzots 7140987 UncolnLogan County Chamber of Commerce- 376 Bat oarzer20%6 7141003, LneoinvLogan Counly Chamber of Commarco- 383 “Tol 78504.5 - Water Exp 13.38 755046. Trash Removal Exp Bit oursti2016 7140987, LineatniLegan County Chamber of Cammercs- 318 ass Bit ‘ozrr018 7141003 LUneoinLegan County Chamber of Commerce an 16.20 “otal 7504.6 - Trash Removal Exp . 7829 Tez Total 78508 Utities Exp "wo5.86 3054 “otal 78000 - Operating Exe 3721s ‘y2tse "79000 - Miscelaneous Exp 78001 - Professional Fees Exp 780013 Legal Exp Bin ‘ozoaz016 161681 Sorting Nontrup Atomeys 3780.00 3,750.00 Ba asioar201 163144 Sorting Nonhrup Attomeys 1.58500 5,435.00 “otal 70001.3- Legal Exp 79001.5- AccountinglReview/Auait Exp Bt Tota 7000%.5- Accounting RevinwiAud x0 “ole! 79001 - Protecsonol Foes Exp 179002: insurance Exp 790022 Bustnees Lobilty Ins Exp en Bi Tote! 700022- Business Lieb ns “Tova! 79002. insurance Exp “otal 79000: Macatznaous Exp “Toto! Expense ‘Net Oxtnary Income Nt tacome ovmazo%s sso138 Rorber, ek & Baockal LLP ovuz0%e aaraat ‘State Farm Spécial Products (0372016 99-£8-0707.29116 State Form Fro & Casuaty Co ‘dors 428.00 2700.00 2,700.00, “335.00, 2700.00 270000 373500

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