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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 31, 2016

What should be our top priority in life? Bhagawan gives us a profound message
today using an example from Mahabharata.
Without faith in God, all other possessions are of no avail. Take the
example of Duryodhana, who was the lord of an empire. Both
Duryodhana and Arjuna went to Krishna before the Kurukshetra
battle. Duryodhana wanted only Krishna's army on his side. Arjuna
was content to have Krishna alone on his side. This was enough to
secure for him victory in the war. All the armies Duryodhana had
were of no avail. Duryodhana relied on the clever strategies of his
uncle, Shakuni. He had no faith in the divine intelligence of Krishna.
The lesson that everyone must learn from this episode is that they
must rely, not on their cleverness but on the guidance of their higher
intelligence, which transcends ordinary reason and thinking. They
should seek the support of That which sustains everything in
creation. Place your trust in God.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 5, 1984.

our life must be based on the principle of surrender to the Divine. Baba
31 mwrc,2016
sweI ieMspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: jIvn iv`c swfI,ikhVI pihlI pRwrQimkqw hoxI cwhIdI hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,mhwBwrq dI iek audwhrx dy
ky smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:Bgvwn au`qy ivSvwS qoN ibnW,swrIAW cIzW dw koeI lwB nhIN hY[drXoDn dw audwhrx lau[auh ,bwdSwh
sI[drXoDn Aqy Arjun,donoN lVweI qoN pihlW,ikRSn kol gey[drXoDn nUM kyvl ikRSn dI synw dI zrUrq sI
[Arjun,ikRSn nUM,Awpxy vl r`K ky hI KuS sn[iehI auhdy leI,lVweI ij`qx leI kwPI sI[drXoDn kol ij`nI
vI Poz sI,aus dw koeI lwB nhIN sI[DrXoDn nUM,Awpxy mwmy SkunI dI cwlwkI qy Brosw sI[aus nUM,Bgvwn ikRSn
dI idvX bu`DImqw au`qy koeI ivSvwS nhIN sI[ies Gtnw qoN ieh sbk imldw hY ik mnu`K nUM,cwlwkI dI
bjwey,au`cI bu`DImqw dI slwh qy clxw cwhIdw hy[hr mnu`K nUM,aus Bgvwn qy Brosw r`Kxw cwhIdw hY ijs ny ieh
sirStI rcI hY[Awpxw ivSvwS,Bgvwn au`qy r`Ko[(05 PrvrI,1984 dy idvX pRvcn)[
quhwfy jIvn dw AwDwr,Bgvwn nUM pUrx smrpx au`qy hoxw cwhIdw hY[(bwbw)[

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