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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 01, 2016

How can we experience divinity in daily living? What is the one key quality that
will help us get there? Bhagawan explains to us today.
True learning is like an X-ray camera, which lays bare the
innermost details with perfect fidelity. Our mind should be like
an X-ray with Love as the film, such that it captures the entire
personality of a being with accuracy. An X-ray machine
without film is of no use, as nothing can be captured then.
Love must be abiding and eternal. But today the love of
people is transient and ephemeral, and may expire at any
time. It is not at all worthy of being called Love. True Love
endures trial and turbulence, loss, and pain, and transcends
every trying circumstance. Never forget God under any
circumstance, however difficult it might be. Our Love for God
should survive every onslaught, and resist all the ravages of
time and the vicissitudes of life. Our Love should not change
and float with every passing wind. The lives of great devotees
demonstrate to us how firm and strong our devotion should
- Summer Showers Ch1, May 20, 1996.

The heart of the devotee filled with the love of God is tender and sweet. Baba
01 AprYl,2016
sweI ieMspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: AsIN,AwpxI rozwnw izMdgI iv`c,idvXqw dw AwBws iks qrHW kr skdy hW?auh ikhVw AslI gux hY ijhdy
nwl AsIN idvXqw hwsl kr skW gy[Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: s`cI isiK`Aw,iek AYks-ry dI qrHW hY ijhdI mdd nwl,SrIr dy AMdrly AMgW dw pUrw pqw lgdw hY[swfw
mn,iek Ayks ry dI qrHW hY ijhdI iPlm ipAwr hY ijhVw mnu`K dI SKSIXq nUM pUrI qrHW dsdw hY[AYks-ry dI
mSIn iv`c jy iPlm nhIN hovy qW aus mSIn dw koeI lwB nhIN hY[ipAwr,p`kw Aqy AnMq hoxw cwhIdw hY[pr A`jk`l dw ipAwr,AwrzI hY Aqy iksy vyly vI Kqm ho skdw hY[s`cw ipAwr,hr qrHW dIAW musIbqW,du`K,nukswn Awid
dI prvwh kIqy ibnW,v`Ddw hI jWdw hY[smW BwvyN muSiklW vwlw hovy,Bgvwn nUM,kdy vI nw Bu`lo[ijs qrHW dy mwVy
hwlwq vI hox,Bgvwn leI ipAwr,kdy vI G`t nhIN hoxw cwhIdw hY[swfw ipAwr,kdy vI nhIN bdlxw
cwhIdw[mhwn BgqW dy krdwrW qoN pqw lgdw hY ik swfI BgqI ik`nI p`kI Aqy gUVHI hoxI cwhIdI hY[(smr Swvr
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ijs Bgq dw ihrdy ,Bgvwn dy ipAwr nwl BirAw hoieAw hY,auh nwzuk Aqy imTws vwlw hY[(bwbw)[

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