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Photo Essay: Place, Event or Journey

Digital and Advanced Digital Photography


Sally Mann, Images from Deep South, 1998

Throughout the year you have been introduced to a variety of photographers, subject matter and concepts in digital photography.
Your final assignment will be to create a series of works about a place of your choosing. Your photos should not only demonstrate
a strong idea and concept, but be a unified series of works that showcase what you have learned this year about composition,
and technically controlling the camera. Choose a place/ subject with personal significance and meaning to you.
A second option will be to document an event or journey that will show both unity of idea, but variety of composition.
Examples of events could be a birthday party, sports event or practice, a rehearsal or performance.your photo series
should show the progression or sequence of events and detail shots to describe the scene or happening. In your photos,
strive to share the emotion of what it is like or how it feels to be at the event.
A journey could be anything from an actual trip to somewhere far away or a walk down your street. The journey could
be a literal interpretation of a step by step progression of getting from one place to another, (documenting what the
journey is like, and/or how it feels to be on the journey), OR you could interpret the idea of journey in a metaphorical way.
(such as your journey from childhood to graduation and adulthood).
Your photo series of work will be at least 10 photographs- you will take a minimum of 20 photos, and then narrow it down to your
best 10. As you photograph the series, create variety in your photo series by varying distance, point of view, or shooting at different
times of day.
Places to Consider:
Cemetery, ButtonWood Park Zoo, Colt State Park, Dighton Rock State Park, Power plant, Downtown Providence
Downtown New Bedford, Mystic Seaport, Seekonk Speedway, Circus, Baseball game Pawsox, Redsox
Farm, Parade, Sculpture Park, Playground, Waterfront, Bridge, Carousel- Fall River Heritage State Park
Fishing pier, Gooseberry Island, Beaches, Cathedrals, old churches, Powwow, Newport, Fishing trip, Home....
Concepts to Consider:
Memory, Spirituality, Time, Transformation, Nature/Ecology, Conservation, Structures, Journey, Urban Decay, Human Footprint,
Family, Relationships, Nostalgia, Humor, Consumption, Play, Man vs Nature, Change, Travel

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