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Amber Gotthardt

Jane Blakelock
English 2100-30
Assignment #2, Feb. 1, 2016
Annotated Bibliography

Brody, Howard. "Physician-Assisted Suicide: Family Issues." Physician-Assisted

Suicide: Family Issues. University of Michigan Library, 1995. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.
During this article Brody mentions the process on how family members feel about
assisted suicide, and also being able to make the decision for a loved one. He focuses on
making sure the family is informed about the process of assisted suicide. Brody gives
insight on how family members deal with this type of experience by looking up reviews
on doctors who have participated in physician-assisted suicide. Brody also had provided
us with support services to dive in deeper as to why someone may want to go through
with assisted suicide. This article provides readers on the impact of family members and
the precautions you must take. This could help someone who is dealing with a loved one
attempting to go through with assisted suicide, and what precautions to ask yourself.
Framb, Carlos. "One Suicide (Assisted) Almost Becomes Two." The New York Times. The
New York Times, 17 Oct. 2015. Web. 02 Feb. 2016.
During this article Framb gives us the insight of how it feels when a family member is
given the choice to consider assisted suicide. He mentioned how he felt after assisting his
mother who was slowly dying. Looking at this article, we can see first perspective on
how things were, and what they did during the time she was about to pass. Framb
mentions how he would rather assist with his mother rather than to pay someone to put an
end to her life. Framb gives us all the details as to what he did and what consequences he
had faced. This article could help someone who is in the same situation, towards the end
of the article he mentions how happy he is now, enjoying his life. Reading this article,
this could catch anyones eyes giving him or her the pull/ push to read this story or even
research about physician-assisted suicide.

Pearlman, Robert. "Motivations for Physician Assisted Suicide." Wright State University
Libraries. Springer County of Publication, 21 Jan. 2005. Web. 07 Feb. 2016.
During this article eight PhDs conduct a survey contacting sixty individuals. During
these surveys they asked the participants on how they felt about physician assisted
suicide. Numerous amounts of these participants have dealt with a family member or
spouse going through with physician-assisted suicide. Pearlman had provided us with
direct quotes of these family members responses to the questions provided. Pearlman also
gives us charts that were provided in his article that shows us how many votes each
individual had chosen along with patients characteristics that lead them to the hastened
death. Given this information, this would be an exceptional article for someone who is
considering physician-assisted suicide, given the support the families had put into this
Porter, Theresa. "Bioethical Issues Concerning Death." Wright State University Libraries.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., 2005. Web. 8 Feb. 2016.
During this article Porter gives insight on different medical treatments in the United
States. Porter also explains the use of euthanasia and the process of assisted suicide with
terminally ill patients. The main argument presented would be the use of assisted suicide
and the rights that the patients have, including to refuse of treatment, and withholding
therapies. Porter is portraying as to why assisted suicide should not be legal and the
reasons supporting it. This article gives a good insight on why people might decline
assisted suicide. It also gives the reader information taken in on why someone might
choose assisted death and why others might oppose. This article could be helpful for both
view on assisted suicide, giving valuable information for each.
Ersek, Mary. Assisted Suicide: Unraveling a complex issue. Nursing 2005 35.4 (2005):
48-52. Nursing 2005. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., April 2005. Web. 9 March
In this article Ersek shows a little more in-depth assisted-suicide can go. As an RN. Ersek
talks about the different kinds of assisted-suicide. She also gives steps on what should
happen if a patient requests assisted suicide. Given that Ersek is an RN herself, and
showing a little bit of the inside on what nurses have to go through, shows that this could
be a reliable piece of information. Not only does Ersek talk about the pros and cons on
both sides of the debate, but she doesnt show her own side chosen as an RN about this
subject. Given that this article is neither objective nor biased, it can be used for someone
who is for or against assisted suicide. Her goal was to provide readers information on
assisted suicide, not only showing both sides of the story, but it also has the readers build
their own perspective on top of it

Anderson, Ryan T. Always Care, Never Kill. Backgrounder #3004 on Health Care.
The Heritage Foundation, 24 March 2015. Web. 09 March 2016.
While reading this article Anderson gives us feedback as to why someone would be
against physician assisted suicide. He also gives us some ideas as to why assisted suicide
should still remain illegal in all states. Ideas like labeling assisted suicide as homicide,
and given the concerns that many patients will request for this procedure. Anderson
provides us with the research he has been looking over, like reviewing the state
legislatures and so on. He also provides us with direct quotes from judges, governors, and
professors. As far as the audience goes, I believe that people who are against assisted
suicide would gain the most. But also someone who has an opposing view on this topic
could learn more in depth as to why someone would like assisted suicide to remain
Schilken, Chuck. Lauren Hill Remembered. LA Times. Los Angeles Times, 10 April
2015. Web. 9 March 2016
During this article Schilken provides us with the information on Lauren Hill. Using direct
quotes of what Hill has said and the peers who she had inspired, including her coach
Benjamin. Schilken also provides us with videos of Lauren speaking about her
experience and what she has dealt with, and taking those direct quotes and applying it to
the article. These videos provide its readers and listeners the pain Hill is facing and her
accomplishments she has achieved. Given this information, this article would be useful
for someone who is against assisted suicide (patient or family member), and trying to
fight the remaining time they have left with themselves or a loved one, providing the
accomplishments that can be made if you put your mind to something.
Shoichet, Catherine. Brittany Maynard on the Decision to Die. CNN. Cable News
Network, 3 November 2014. Web. 9 March 2016.
Reading this article, it provides its readers on the life Brittany has chosen. Providing us
with videos of Brittanys last words, and how she and her family has dealt with this
decision. Shoichet provides us directs quotes from family members, mainly her husband
and mother, and the goal they are trying to accomplished that was initially started by
Brittany. Like mentioned above, the videos that are attached to this article gives of first
perspective on how Brittany had looked at life and the reasons as to why she had made
this decision. This article would be ideal for someone who is making a decision between
choosing life or death, giving positive feedback on her decision could go a long way for
someone who is considering assisted suicide.

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