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- Ejay
Autumn was fast arriving. The tall trees, lining the
opposite sides of the road , were shedding their dry ,
lifeless leaves on the ground , with an unperturbed
excitement of welcoming new ones , while the air
contained a tinge of moisture , indicating yet another
unexpected shower . Clad in Ray -Ban sunglasses and
a floral dress, Anisha Firdaus drove her nearly worn
out Duster up the twisting, twining hills of Coorg. The
day contained the goldmine of a meaning for her
In the midst of this reverie , she approached the tall
iron gates of a monolithic structure , which greeted
her with a huge sign board , flashing in bold letters :
St.Annes Convent Now on her feet , she began
journeying through the school grounds , accompanied
by a fresh surge of adrenaline . Passing through the
cafeteria , she became a reluctant victim to the smell
of Samosas wafting through the air , as numerous
groups of excited pre schoolers made a dash to their
buses . Shortly enough , she was greeted by a sign
board , adorned with gold , blue and red ribbons ,
along with a message : Welcome to the Reunion of
batch of 99 Filled with the liquid of familiarity
circulating through her insides , she pushed the low
lying gate and entered the venue of the event . The
current Head girl and Head boy greeted her with a
salute , providing respect to her seniority , while a
group of juniors thrust into her hands a bouquet of
chrysanthemums and roses , with Lilies making a
special appearance . As she lifted her gaze , her eyes
caught the attraction of a silver glint , coming from
the girls hostel block , christened Rubys Quarters .
Glinting things always caught her attention. Be it a

shiny quadruped brooch from Rev Myras , or a

diamond necklace from Qia Solace . But today she
knew that this glint was from an object , whose
symbolic meaning was something she could never
ever fathom , despite her fervent attempts to do so .
Till now , her heart was longing to meet her long lost
friends , but now her visit got rejuvenated with a
whole new purpose . Breaking into a sprint tad similar
to Usain Bolts , she left for the thicket , housing her
former quarters . However , her move did not go
unnoticed . From questioning looks to vicious
whispers , she encountered it all . But nothing
mattered . Everything felt so small in comparison to
that glint , which seemed to beckon Anisha with the
power of an electro magnet . Gasping for breath and
clutching her lungs , she arrived at the thicket .
Scanning the skies for the glint , running her eyes
over the stone walled boundary , she finally united
with the source of the glint . It was a metallic grey
wind chime , with tiny blue roses and pearl centers
dangling from the ends of each wind chime . The
cluster of four chimes were hanging from a huge opal
studded circular mirror , with an immense reflecting
capacity . It was the symbol of unity at St. Annes
Convent. But for her, the wind chime had a huge face
value . Gazing at the pearl centers, her mind reverted
to a flashback .. It was 1998 , and the school was
abuzz with the prospect of electing the new President
of School Activities . A lot was at stake for the winner.
The following year , the Convent was hosting a
spectacular event , occurring once in every ten
years , to commemorate the sainthood of St. Anne:
The Sports Carnival . Touted to be the most
spectacular edition of all , the pressure was on . With

that being said , if the St. Annes standards are truly

to be lifted to new heights , the President of School
Activities would have to be one of a kind . The
Prophecy was on the then seventeen year old Anisha ,
the only female cadet to have completed the James
Triathlon , in the 150-year old history of the Convent .
After her resplendent success , fame followed hot on
her heels . Within a span of five days , the Blue Jay
dormitory monitor found herself fast tracked to the
position of the Sports Captain . With this being said ,
could there be any candidate more abler than
Firdaus , for organizing the Sports Carnival ? . The
answer was as clear as a snowflake. Thus, heavily
favored by odds, Anisha Firdaus was elected the 15th
President of School Activities, with a majority as huge
as the stone walled boundary of the school. While
her election was met with a lot of rejoice and more
than usual cherub , it also earned her a lot of spite ,
with most of it coming from Rania Turner Wolf , the
best basketball player of the Convent . The
atmosphere, thick with euphoria and lined with
streaks of malice soon cleared . The very next day,
Anisha found herself striding along the wooden aisle
heading up to the indoor stadium, for addressing
numerous problems like broken lights, depleting fund,
scarce equipment and the absence of enthusiasm in
the Cricket Team . At the end of the day, her rosy,
cheerful eyes showed hints of fatigue and there was
not even a ghost of her dimpled smile. Looking an
absolute wreck, she grabbed her satchel from the
mahogany stand and left for the dormitory. It was
11:30 pm. The Convent wore a forbidding look , with
human activity in extremely low proportions . Anisha
had barely walked , when she was overpowered by a

pair of strong , firm hands . Hit hard by the intensity

of the clasp, Anisha found herself struggling for
oxygen. All the while , she could feel her lungs closing
itself , and the affection was spreading fast . An
Asthma attack was the last thing she wanted. Her
heavy eyelids rolled shut, and her athletic physique
went limp. Terrified of having choked her to death ,
her attacker dropped the body and fled . Anisha
Firdaus crashed to the ground. 9 hours later ..
Upon gingerly opening her eyes, Anisha was greeted
by mild rays of sunlight , that fell through the curtain
gaps . Her nose detected the smell of phenyl and
Dettol, and her hands brushed against the steel ends
of her bed. Mildly taken aback, she knew her location.
It was the convents infirmary. While stiffening her
back, she noticed the silhouette of a person, heavily
leaning against the oak door of her ward. After
minutes of staring into empty space, Anishas
silhouette got an identity. It was Benny Wells, the
gardener. She felt warmth enveloping her body.
Familiarity for something she had been pining for. Mr.
Wells flashed her a quick smile, and seated himself
across the edge of her bed. Anisha.he began
Yesterday night, I saw Rania sprinting across the
bushes, with a face projecting terror and guilt. Heavily
perspiring, she ran towards the exit gate. I ran behind
her, and came across you, lying limp on the
ground. As Mr. Wells paused for a quick breath,
Anisha was dumbstruck. Rania Turner Wolf had nearly
killed her. I was seized with fear. Your pulse was low,
and your neck showed signs of a fatal strangle . So I
brought you here. Mr. Wells gazed into Anishas
brown eyes with a look of sympathy . Overcome by
relief, Anisha hugged Mr. Wells tight. She was alive

and kicking! In the days following the strangle, St.

Annes convent was in news for various reasons .
Rania had been suspended for her gruesome action,
and her gang of friends were under the scanner. The
Sports Carnival was put off by three months , and
numerous disciplinary camps took its place . During
her quarantine period, Anisha and Mr. Wells bonded
extensively, and soon reached that point of
understanding , wherein they could speak through
their eyes . Even several months after her recovery,
Anisha and Mr. Wells were thick of friends. Tea,
friendly banters, Christmas Dinners , Garden fiesta.
Whatever the occasion, the fifty year old Mr. Wells
always remembered Anisha. After a year of friendship
, Anisha was one of the most successful students ,
due to graduate that following summer . The night
before her graduation , Anisha found Mr. Wells
glancing at the wind chimes with the excitement of a
child . Mr. Wells she began. Today is my last
day in the Convent. I really dont know what future
has in store for me, but I am going to pine horribly for
your company At that point , Mr. Wells turned to
her . The moonlight reflected off his wet face , as
tears rolled down his eyes . Anisha, the year passed
by had a lot of meaning for me. I will miss you
terribly. Separating from a good friend is never easy
.. But , you see those wind chimes? Whenever I
miss you , I will gaze at those wind chimes , and I
shall know that you are out there, evolving as a bold
and beautiful woman You are just like those wind
chimes . Beautiful and unique in every single way,
from top to bottom , and powerful enough to
influence a wide territory. You see?. Anisha
hugged him tight for one last time, and left. Left to

enter a new world, sans the compassion and care of

Benny Wells. Anisha was jolted into reality by a shrill
call Turning around, she saw Nina Lake coming
towards her . Firdaus , I never knew you dreamt in
broad daylight .. said Nina , with a pinch of sarcasm
in every syllable . I was just gazing at the wind
chimes Their beauty fascinates me replied
Anisha . Funnyyou know that gardener, Benny
Wells? He died just few months ago . Every day he
used gaze at those wind chimes. A week before his
death , he requested the matron to hang the wind
chimes by his side and minutes before his last
breath , he smiled at the wind chimes , and rested in
peace . Now even you seem to have a similar
affection I mean , what is so exquisite ? Anisha
felt choked. Nina left. Even after her graduation ,
Benny Wells had spent several minutes of his life
thinking and praying for Anisha For that Anisha ,
who had been banished from her family , for that
Anisha , who was never worth loving . Yet, this man
had been compassionate enough to think of her even
minutes before death , thereby shattering the
nuances of neglect she had been subjected to ,
throughout her life. She smiled at the wind chimes ,
for she knew that the worth of the wind chimes had
traversed every boundary of neglect and sorrow in
her life , and had paved way for a new Anisha
Firdaus , who had been loved and cared for
immensely by Benny Wells , for all that he was worth

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