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Law can change human behaviour. Do you agree or not?

Law means a body of rules and regulations in the form of judicial opinions,
or in the form of constitutions etc. Law is used by the governing bodies to
control the behaviour of a society. The functions of law vary for different
societies or countries. However, legal laws are different from the moral
behaviour or the traditions of societies. The laws are formed by some
authorized body like court while customs and traditions are made by the
members of society. It is very important to understand here that both the
things are made to run the society smoothly.
However, I agree with the statement that although laws can place limits
on people's behaviour but they cannot alter or convert people's heart.
There is no second thought that very strict laws can sometimes have
negative effects on the society. Usually laws help to give a peaceful life to
people. It plays an essential role in maintaining stableness and
development of society. It infuses a fear in the public that if they do some
illegal activity, they will be punished. If this fear will not be there, then the
instances of terrorism and crimes will increase that will make the life of
the members of society unstable and disturbed. Laws make our lives
comfortable. Hence, it is required to have laws that have positive impact
on people's behaviour.
However, in history, we have many examples where laws had negative
influence on the society. The laws made by some of the kings were so
cruel and inhuman that they had bad effect on the human nature.
However, it is also true that although laws are used to make people's lives
easy and secure, laws cannot change what is in people's heart. Despite
many strict and cruel laws, feelings of hate and disobedience keep
growing in the hearts of public, if the laws are not changed according to
time. Many revolutions in the history of humankind are the evidence of
this statement. Russian revolution and the freedom fight of India are the
best examples of the outcry of public against the laws and legislations of
the government.
Laws should be changed according to the human nature. Hence, it is true
that laws and rules reflect the human nature but these cannot change the
way people think. Although laws should not be altered at every outcry,
they should be modified according to human nature that reflects people's
minds and hearts. It is essential to make people respect laws. Otherwise,
there will be more and more instances of people not following laws. You
cannot ignore the fact that some degree of freedom is required for a
balanced society. Without people obeying any law, it will be like an empty
law. Hence, the social attitude towards laws should be considered while

making a formal law. If the authorities want to use the laws to control or
alter human nature, then they have to make the laws more flexible.
Hence, it can be concluded that the laws that control or place limits on
people's behavior cannot reform human nature.

In most of the education system, students are assessed by

written examination. Do you think its a good idea or not?
Give your reason?

The importance of education system assessing students by

written examination which was always debatable has
become more controversial. The substantial influence of
written examination on students has sparked the controversy
over the potential impact of this trend on students in recent
years. It can be agreed that assessing students by written
examination has number of advantages but it also has some
drawbacks. This essay will elaborate
At the outset, there are innumerable reasons why students
should be assessed by written examination, but the most
important one lies in the fact that it judges the learning and
writing skill of student along with true exemplification of their
time and stress management skill performing in a set time
frame. For instance, research in this area invariably reveals
that written examination is proven to be the most acceptable
method of weighing students amplitude worldwide. This
being so written examination plays a vital role to judge the
capability of student.
Nevertheless, some people adopting an opposing view and
tend to believe that it does not reflects the abilities of
students as their hard work of the whole years depends on a
single days performance which may be effected by any
domestic problem and illness. As an illustration, a talented
student may not be able to perform up to the mark in the
examination as it hinders the ability of student due to extra
cognitive stress or under pressure according to a starting

new research. Thus, student should be evaluated by a set of

different methods rather than only written examination.
From what has been discussed above, it can be concluded
that the impacts of written examination on students is
prominent, although it has number of drawback that should
be well handled.
There is some dispute whether the best method of assessing
students is to use examinations or some form of continuous
assessment. This is a complex issue and my belief is that there is
probably no one method that applies to all educational systems.
There are three major arguments in favour of retaining exams. One
is that they provide a clear and objective measure of what students
have learned, whereas any form of continuous assessment is
probably going to be far more subjective. An additional point is that
testing tends to be an excellent way of motivating learners to study
harder and to reward the students who do best. Likewise,
examinations test the ability of students to work under pressure,
and this is a vital life skill for their later careers.
On the other hand, there are still occasions when it can be better to
relieve the students of exam pressure and to measure their abilities
through continuous assessment. This is particularly the case in
lower age groups where young children can be affected negatively
by stress and under-perform in exams. It can also be argued that
continuous assessment is a more effective way of testing some
subjects such as design and technology, which are more creative
and less academic. A further point is that often continuous
assessment can allow teachers to reward students who work hard,
but who may be less able and not do well in more formal testing.
In conclusion, while continuous assessment may be fairer in some
contexts, there are still times when traditional exams may be more
appropriate. A possible compromise would be to use both forms of
testing together, allowing teachers to reward both ability and hard
Many educational establishments such as schools and universities
are choosing to assess their students through course work and
projects undertaken during term time rather than the traditional
examinations. Continual assessment can be an effective way to

evaluate students abilities, but formal examinations should also be

There are two principle benefits of formal examinations. Firstly, they
are a fair system as every student has an equal opportunity since
they all sit the same exam at the same time, meaning that those
students who work hard should be rewarded with a high grade. In
addition to this, it is also difficult to cheat if the exam is properly
invigilated. However, some students naturally excel in exams,
whereas others find it difficult to work under these stressful and
time-constrained conditions. Formal exams, may not, therefore,
always reflect a students true ability.
Continual assessment, on the other hand, allows those students who
work at a slower pace more time to work on their course work and
projects. The teacher can also observe and assist students who
may be weaker, thus providing them with the opportunity to
improve during the term. Not only this, projects encourage team
work, an important skill that is necessary for future employment.
Focusing only on formal exams may mean that this important
component of childrens development is not seen as important by
teachers or students.
To conclude, it is evident that both continual assessment and formal
examinations are effective in different ways, but they also have
weaknesses. I would therefore argue that in order to have robust
evaluation procedures in the future, both should be used to assess
students during their education.
The ability to learn more then one language will be less
important in future. Do you agree or disagree?

Many companies involves employees in decision making

policy; some people think it is important for the progression
of the company. To what extant do you agree or disagree.
What are the advantages and disadvantaged associated
with this.
Today, many organizations involve employees in the decision
making process. Some people argue that decisions should only be
taken by the management, while others feel that employees too
should be a part of the decision making process. Both views will be
discussed in this essay before a conclusion is made.

Managers have got wide experience and vast knowledge. They are
familiar with the way the business operates. They are also aware of
the strengths and weaknesses of their employees. This knowledge
and experience allows them to make decisions that are beneficial to
the company, its stakeholders and employees. Whats more, while
making important decisions several confidential documents are
taken into consideration. Security can be an issue if all employees
are involved in the process.

On the flip side, there are many reasons for employees to

participate in the decision making process. They also want to feel
that their contribution is valued. If the management involves them
in the decision making process they will feel more confident of their
roles. This will encourage them to stay longer with the same
organization. Studies have shown that one way of reducing the
attrition rate is to involve employees while important decisions are
made. Wrong decisions taken by the management can have a
negative impact on the employees. If they are part of the decision
making process, they will be able to make appropriate suggestions.
In addition, employees who work in a transparent environment tend
to have a better bond with their manager.
To conclude, there are many reasons to involve employees in the
decision making process. While the organization does not have to
discuss all the confidential information with them, they should at
least be allowed to make decisions that have an impact on them.
In today's competitive world, it has become essential for all
organizations to do their best in every sphere of their business.
Innovations and new ideas have become, somewhat indispensible to
be able to remain as a part of the competition. Now, the question is
who in the organization should take part in making the business
survive? One group of people think that it should be the higher
management, whereas, other group of thought believes people
across all levels should be encouraged to give in their ideas where
ever possible.
It is a fact that people working in the particular area knows the ins
and outs of the processes involved to perform that job. He is in the
best person to come out with ideas which can provide a higher
output for the organization in that particular area. For this reason, in

many manufacturing houses labourers are given incentives for each

new idea they come up with. Such companies value the thoughts of
its each and every employee.
On the other hand, there are companies which believe that it should
be the duty of only the higher management to come up with
innovations and decisions. Management has a belief that taking
ideas and suggestion from everybody would only lead to chaos.
Employees may provide suggestion having personal interest, which
could be harmful for the company.
Innovations and ideas is something which has brought us to this
technologically developed world. Perhaps, it has been accepted by
all by now. Organization can only flourish well where its employees
are given the freedom to innovate and rewarded for the same. Top
level management should be smart enough to judge its plausibility
of implementation, as the final decision has to be taken by them.
The importance of travel seems to be over rated. Brilliant
scholars locked themselves at home. Travel is important for
education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is well known that tourism industry brings tremendous benefits to a
countrys development. In fact, for many citizens of some exotic realms it
may be one of the major sources of income. Unfortunately, despite of the
obvious positive aspects, there some drawbacks present as well. It is
agreed that growing tourism sector poses a threat to a regions natural
and cultural resources, as well as begets increased crime rates. To tackle
these issues, the positive solutions of government issuing severe fines for
littering and introducing more police patrol to the streets will be analyzed
for viability in this essay.
For one, to address the problem of travelers damaging the flora and fauna
of the county they visit, its administration could have imposed strict
penalties for polluting resources such water supply, beaches, coral reefs,
heritage sites and others. The effect of this can be seen in Stockholm, for
example, where acknowledgment that city can fire you $1500 for throwing
a garbage have impounded people with penchant for littering significantly.
Thus it can be clearly seen from this example that imposition of such fines
may help restrain tourists from tossing their trash wherever they please.
Further, additional security forces could be brought to popular crowded
sights visited by many vacationers to crack down on criminal activity
increase. For instance, during peak times of Olympic games in London,
2012, the number of police on duty had been increased fivefold. This, and

draconian powers granted to law enforcement, boosted security in capital

and helped to make the Games safe and secure for both visitors of
metropolis and its townsmen. As this example shows, the conventional
wisdom concerning the relationship between police numbers and crime
has been proven true. Therefore authority should be encouraged to
allocate more police resources to the places visited by sightseers.
After looking at potential resolutions to the complications associated with
growing tourism industry, it is felt that establishing harsh punishment for
damages caused to the nature and bringing more police to the places of
interest can provide plausible remedies. It is thus hoped that the solutions
Modern innovations of antibiotics, computers and aeroplanes,
which one is the most important and why?
In the past 100years many devices have been invented that
affected our life, for example, cell phone, jet motor and so on. But I
think one of the most important invention that had great effect on
human life is computer. In the present era, you can see computer
everywhere. The embedded computers find in many devices from
Mp3player to fighter aircraft, from toy to industrial robot.
At the beginning, computers were very big and occupied a room.
They were used for special purposes and did not work very fast.
During the time computers evolved and got faster and smaller and
then personal computer(PC)was invented that established a vast
revolution in human life. With the coming of computers to our home,
we can perform some tasks that were far-fetched before. We can
buy and sell things, chat with a friend, and travel to other country.
Imagine you want to travel abroad, you can select your hotel;
evaluate its facilities even see inside of hotel rooms and booking it
just by one click.
In the recent years, we see a fast development in PC. Laptop and
tablet are some kind of new PC that is portable and wireless.
Scientists predict that in the nearest future it will be possible to
smell a new perfume and watch 3D scene at home like we do in the
In conclusion, computer is an integral part of human life that you
cannot imagine. We will see the progress of computer in the future
and the dependence of mankind to it more and more.
Environmental pollution is too alarming to be managed by

individuals. Real change can be made at the government level.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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