Dr. Heide Letter 4 30

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I'm deeply disappointed by the letter from former Commissioner Miller and how it was used to make personal attacks on me at the last Commission meeting — and that the head of the Commission didn’t bother to inform me that this was to be on the agenda. I never accused Mr. Miller of having a conflict of interest, ! was merely inquiring if there was any. | think it is completely reasonable to ascertain if any current or previous commissioners have benefitted financially by having served on the board. There is at least $25 million at stake with this particular investment in Covington and | would be remiss in my duties if | didn’t attempt to find out where/how that money was potentially being spent. | find it disingenuous for his outrage regarding my legitimate concerns. As the State Auditor has pointed out, Valley's previous Board of which Miller was a member, was involved with some unusual payments to the CEO. It is only prudent as an elected official to make sure that nothing so questionable takes place when | am providing oversight. With regards to me being paid by a competitor of Valley, that potential conflict was vetted during the campaign and also during the board meetings. | am currently the stroke director at Auburn Medical Center. As a Hospital Commissioner I represent the interests of Valley Medical Center, | have every interest in Valley being the best it can as my friends, family and neighbors are treated there, My first daughter was born there and my second daughter will be born there soon. | was elected to oversee the taxpayer's money and making the public hospital district's business as transparent as possible, something that the electorate thought Mr. Miller was not achieving, otherwise he would still be commissioner. As a physician my interest is patient care. | started and directed Valley Medical Center's nationally recognized stroke center. My many patients, who live in the district, often end up at different hospitals, not just at Valley. It is my duty that | see that they get the best care possible. There are few stroke specialists in the region ~ and | am one of them — | want all patients in the region to get the care they need. There are several specialties that work at Valley Medical Center and also other local hospitals. This is a common practice within medicine; ie the radiologists at Valley also work at Auburn Medical Center, in addition the cardiologists at Southlake Clinic (which Valley does business with) also work at Swedish Hospital, the same enitity Valley competes with in the Covington and Maple Valley area. Itis unfortunate that Mr. Miller does not have the understanding of the medical system (or has selective amnesia) to see that my arrangement is actually very common and that there is no conflict of interest. |, of course, will recuse myself from any vote or decision that would have any conflict of interest. | volunteer my time to keep transparency in government. My job and passion is to care for patients -- wherever that may take me. Dr. Aaron Heide

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