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Name: Azhar Luqman Hakim

NIM: J1A01059

The Devoted Friend (Prose)

By Oscar Wilde

The Devoted Friend is a fiction short-story written by Oscar Wilde. It is a story about friendship
between Hans and Miller. Hans was an honest little fellow. He was distinguished for his kind
heart. He worked at his garden with many beautiful flowers and delicious fruits grew there.
Miller was Hans rich friend. He always came to Hans garden to take his flowers and fruits.
Hans never complained about that, because he thought it was normal thing for a friend. When
winter came Hans garden didnt grew any flowers or fruits. So Miller stopped to come over
there. One spring, Miller came to Hans garden to take his flower. But Hans rejected him because
he wanted to sell his flowers to buy a wheelbarrow. Miller promised to give Hans his
wheelbarrow because it was in a bad condition and he had bought another one for himself. After
that, Miller always asked Hans to do a lot of things that makes Hans even had no time to
watering his garden. Of course Hans didnt complained to Miller. Miller always talked about
friendship to Hans that made Hans never rejected Millers request for the sake of friendship.
One night Millers boy fell ill, Miller went to Hans to ask him to go to the doctor because he was
living far away. He did not want to give Hans his lantern because it was a new one. Hans went to
the doctors house in a dark stormy night. On his way back, Hans was drowned in a hole and

The Devoted Friends is not boring but also not really interesting. It doesnt has conclusive
ending which make some people dont get the idea of the story. This short-story also has a hidden
moral story. It tells about the dark side of friendship, about how greedy human can be, and tells
us that even your best friend can stab you in the back. Hans was too nave to realize that Miller
just used him. While Miller was too evil to understand the true meaning of friendship.
Just like any other prose, this short-story has plot structure, there are:
1. Exposition

: Exposition of this short story is when Miller talked about friendship to

Hans that made Hans will never rejected his request.

2. Climax
: Climax of this story is when Miller didnt want to lend Hans his lantern.
3. Conclusion : Conclusion of this story is when Hans drowned in the hole and die.
So, we can assume that this prose is a literature.

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