Cuban Missile Crisis Lesson

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In this lesson, we review the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and then move into learning

about the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Objective Students will be able to defend their answer to the question: who gets the
credit or blame in the government when something goes well or poorly?

Tell students that there is going to be a short quiz the next day.
Review the Bay of Pigs fiasco
o Who was the leader of Cuba, and what kind of government did he lead?
o Why did the invasion fail?
If I get blank stares, ask the students more pointed questions:
What was the term I gave you yesterday?
How did we connect that term (groupthink) to the Kennedy
Who did we lay the blame on?
Move into the Cuban Missile Crisis
o Hand out the CMC Worksheet
o Video for Cuban missile crisis
o Who: JFK, Nikita Khrushchev, Fidel Castro
o What: USSR moved nuclear missiles into Cuba in order to threaten the
United States. JFK eventually negotiated the removal of the missiles from
Cuba for the removal of US nuclear missiles from Turkey and Italy
o When: October 16-28, 1962
o Where: Cuba
o Why: Khrushchev wanted to deploy nukes closer to the US so that he had
useful first strike capability. He also did not believe that JFK had the
confidence to bargain for the missiles removal.
o Talk about how all levels of TEMPS were affected because of the crisis
help the students make the connections
o Ask the question: Who gets the credit (or discredit) when the U.S.
government makes a good decision? A bad decision?

Assessment the review of the previous days material is the assessment for the day.

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