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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 02, 2016

What are the most important qualities all of us must cultivate assiduously if we
consider ourselves as devotees? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.
You spend a great deal of time to acquire some material object
or other. How much time do you devote to thoughts of God?
You shed tears profusely to experience a pleasure related to
the senses. Do you shed a single tear for experiencing God?
How then can you realise God? Today Bhakthi (devotion) has
become a mass-produced manufactured product. But are the
devotees practicing what they profess? Without practice, can
the fruits of devotion be realised? The 12th Canto of the
Bhagavad Gita clearly describes the qualities of a true
devotee. The primary virtue is absence of hatred towards any
living thing: Cultivate Universal Love (Advesta-sarvabhutanam). Avoid causing harm to others. Do not speak ill of
any one. Give up pride and egoism. Cultivate purity of thought,
speech and action. Spirituality is not separate from other
aspects of life. Spirituality permeates everything.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 5, 1984

The truly human qualities are calmness, forbearance and compassion. Baba

02 AprYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:jy AsIN Awpxy-Awp nUM,iek Bgq mMndy hW qW swnUM Awpxy iv`c ikhVy
zrUrI gux pYdw krny cwhIdy hn [Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl Xwd duAwauNdy
au`qr: qusIN,Awpxw bhuq swrw smW,sMswrI kMm krn iv`c Krc krdy ho[d`so,
qusIN Awpxw ik`nw smW Bgvwn dI ArwDnw iv`c lgwauNdy ho?qusIN AwpxIAW
ieMdRIAW dI vwsnw pUrI krn leI pUrw zor lgwauNdy ho pr kI qusW Bgvwn dI
ArwDnw leI smW k`iFAw hY?iPr qusIN Bgvwn dy AwBws dI ikvyN aumId kr

skdy ho?A`j-k`l,BgqI vpwr dw rUp Dwrx kr cukI hY[kI Bgq,jo ku`J

ivKwvw krdy hn , auh Asl iv`c auh hn?Bwgvd gIqw dy bwhrvyN A`iDAwey
iv`c ,iek s`cy Bgq dy guxW dw vrxx kIqw hoieAw hY[pihlw gux ieh hY ik
iksy nUM vI,iksy nwl,nPrq nhIN krnI cwhIdI[swry bRhmMf nwl,ipAwr pYdw
kro[iksy nUM vI nukswn dyx qoN bco[iksy dI burweI nw kro[mn,vcn Aqy
krmW iv`c Su`DI hoxI cwhIdI hY[jIvn dy dUjy pihlUAW qoN,A`iDAwqimkqw v`K
nhIN hY[hr vsqU iv`c,A`iDAwqimkqw ivrwjmwn hY[(05 PrvrI,2016 dy
idvX pRvcn)[
iksy vI mnu`K dy AslI gux hn: SWq sBwau,iKmw krnw Aqy dieAwluqw dw

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