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Escape From the Plague

Story Summary:
It was a normal day for Jason. He was training to be a knight. He was
very impressive and he had caught the eye of the king. Jason was always
training because he always dreamed of being a knight. Jason was very caring
to everyone and was very generous. He was smarter than all of the other
Knights in training. As a child he was taught how to read and write by his
neighbor Tom. Tom was a poor man but he was very smart.
One day Jason was training with some of his friends when a messenger
from the king approached him. "Jason Black, you have been summoned by
the king to the castle. You are to report there immediately," said the
messenger. Jason did not know why the king wanted to see him but be ran to
the castle as fast as he could. He burst into the main room in the castle and
that was where the king was, sitting in his throne. "Excuse me sir but I got a
message that you needed me," said Jason.
"I have called for you because I need to send you on a mission. You will
be promoted to a knight," said the king. Jason was very excited. He was
going to be a knight and he was going on a mission. His excitement quickly
faded as he heard what his mission was. He had to go across the town to
retrieve message. This may not have seemed to. E an easy job, but this was
during the time of the Black Plague. He will have to risk catching the disease.
It will be a constant battle to make sure that he doesn't get infected.
The game takes place during the medieval time period in Europe.
Specifically during the time of the Black plague and in the area of England.
Many people had gotten infected by the Black Plague in that time and most
of them got the result of death. The entire game is based off of the Black
Plague and it describes how people die or get infected from the plague if you
choose the wrong choices.
The whole game is actually like a maze. It has many dead ends but
then again it also has one path for you to go through. It just depends on you
choosing the right direction. The games boundaries is made out of dirt and
there is many R.I.P. signs around the game to show the people that have
already died from the plague.
Map of Village:

This game is about a person who is going around the village and
protecting themselves from the infected people. As they are roaming around,
there are tombstones which symbolize the spots of burials. It has many
twists and turns throughout the maze to make the overall game much more
Character Biography
Royalty (Queen): Queens had a very important role in the
monarchy as well as in the society and just in general. They were
sometimes rulers in their own right, but often one of their most
important duties was to act as a regent when their king was unable
to rule, whether the king was sick or too young to make intelligent
Nobility (Lord): The Lords are the ones who lease or other
property to an individual or many individuals (the peasants). They
usually have more than one person living/staying on their property.
A lord would be consider as a landlord today.
Knights: The knights are dressed in all steel/armor so that
they could protect themselves from enemies. One of their main
equipments is actually a horse, even though the horses are quite
expensive, it was a vital part of their equipment. Knights soon
found themselves facing infantry capable of defeating them.
Merchants: They are like the business people in that time
period, the ones who participate in retail and trade. Merchants
sourced for their products during their travels and then would sell
them at markets, shops, fair, and/or etc.
Peasants: The peasants are mainly the agricultural farmers
that work in lands which are owned by a lord. The lord usually rents
out his lands to the peasants in exchange for economic labor. The
peasants arent allowed to love away from the land or change their

profession unless they became freeman. To become a freeman they would

have to buy a lot of land or pay dues to the lord.

Clergy: The clergy is a very important and influential person.

They were exempted from paying taxes because they were giving
services to their parishioners and provided spiritual satisfaction and
care. They were the mediators between God and men.

Escape the Plague

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