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Cindy Bayles


Cindy Bayles

1000 E Flour Mill Rd.

Blanding, UT 84511

Table of Contents

Business Card
Web Page
Event Ad

A Duplex Brochure that folds in on itself with a cutout.
Programs used:
Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign.
March 26, 2016


COMM 130 Section 14
Jason Stucki
Set up and align a two-sided, folded document.
Create an original, new logo and use it in a brochure.
Incorporate quality images.
Incorporate at least four quality images, not including the logo.
One should be clipped in Photoshop and text wrapped in InDesign so
the text follows the cutout shape of the image.
Write at least 250 words of original copy in at least three paragraphs,
headers, and subheaders.
Trim for a full bleed and print in duplex (two-sided) color.
I first created a logo in Illustrator. Then using Indesign I created a 23 x 6
spread. I placed the log and pictures onto the spread. In Photoshop I
used the quick selection tool to cut out the image of the girl and the horse.
I then placed it into Indesign and used the text wrap tool. The project was
printed at a copy shop and the cover oval was cut out to reveal the photo
of the family underneath.

Bayles Family Rendezvous Itinerary

What to bring:


We will be setting up our camp

behind scout camp on the beautiful
Blue Mountains in San Juan County,
UT. Dry wash Reservoir is right
across the road from scout camp.
The reservoir has been remodeled
and is now about 10 times the size
it once was. We will be fishing,
canoeing, and swimming at this
awesome new lake throughout our
stay here.

Sleeping bags
Bug spray
Fishing poles
Camp chair
Good shoes
A happy attitude
A willingness to try new things.
Please leave your electronic
at home.

Friday, May 27, 2016

5:00 pm Set up camp
6:00 pm Dinner (Corey and Jamie)
7:00 pm Opening Ceremonies
8:00 pm Deer/Wolf games for all that are interested.
9:00 pm Lights out!
Saturday, May 28, 2016
8:00 am Breakfast! (Katherine and Tess)
10:00 am A Day at the reservoir.
a. Fishing
c. Swimming
12:00 pm Lunch (On your own)
2:00 pm Hiking exploration.
Hike into the Doll House Indian Ruins
6:00 pm Dinner (Grandma and Emry)
7:00 pm Campre stories
Sunday, May 29, 2016
7:00 am Breakfast (Chai and Will)
8:00 am Head into town to get ready for church.
11:00 am Church at the South Chapel in Blanding, UT.
2:00 pm Family Photos
3:00 pm Nap time!!
6:00 pm Dinner (Kara and Jordan)
7:00 pm Family Talent Show
(Please come prepared to share your families best or worst talents)
Monday, May 30, 2016
8:00 am Breakfast (Grandpa and Addie)
10:00 am Various Competitions to be announced!
12:00 pm Clean up camp and head home.

The Bayles Family

We have
They include:
horseback riding,
canoeing, shing,
four wheeling,
hiking, wildlife
watching and
shooting just
name a few.


Front with cutout.

Back of brochure.

Picture shows through the front cover


Spiritual Photo Montage made by the blending of 2 images and the use of
2 types of typography.
Programs used:
February 13, 2016


COMM 130 Section 14
Jason Stucki
To use the FOCUS design principles to create flow and a focal point.
Unify a layout with a consistent theme and dominant spiritual message.
To blend two or more images together gradually, using masks.
Demonstrate advanced Photoshop skills for layout with multiple elements.
Use a mask to apply a filter to one part of the image.
Apply typography principles.
As I started to create this piece, I found a picture of 3 roads and a beautiful
sunset. and a picture of Christ online.I then created a layer mask and used
the brush tool set to soft and large to start to combine the pixels of each
photo. I then made the image larger and made my brush smaller and
used 30% opacity to trace around his frame. Then I zoomed back out and
used the large brush at 20% to combine everything. I placed the scripture
on the right hand side and bottom of the page and used a dissolve blending
mode for the type to make it look just a little rough to fit with the road that
it is on.

Photodesign project. Demonstrate good photography skills and photo
editing. Incorporated the color scheme into the design.


Programs used:
February 6, 2016
Communications 130 Section 14
Jason Stucki
Learn basic photography skills.
Choose a color scheme, take a photo to match those colors, then incorporate
the colors into the layout.
Use a digital camera to take a quality image, then download it.
Adjust image levels, saturation, color balance, sharpen tool on separate
layers for NDE (non-destructive editing.)
Size and crop the image, then place on an 8.511 page layout.
Use layers to design text, and repeating graphic elements in Photoshop.
Print with full-bleed margins. Trim only 1/8 (0.125) from all four sides.
I used a borrowed camera from my daughter. I then used photoshop
to edit the picture. This included adjusting the lighting, cropping, and
enhancing the color. I also used a dry brush eraser to get the uneven edge
on the photo and in creating the lines and the text in the project. I used
the lines and squares to incorporate the color scheme into the project
and give the composition unity.

Stationary project. To create a new logo and incorporate that logo into a
letterhead and business cards.
Programs used:
Indesign and Illustrator
February 27, 2016


Communications 130 Section 14
Jason Stucki
Use the basic tools in Illustrator & InDesign.
Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Letterhead
should be 8.5 x 11, full-bleed optional, but trim only .125.
Apply typography rules, keeping small copy.
Keep designs simple with light watermarks and drop shadows and plenty
of white space.
Include contact information: name, address, phone, website, and email
on each piece. Use periods, bullets, or spaces in phone number.
Used Illustrator to create a custom logo for a local business. Then imported
the logo onto a 8.5 x 11 document in Indesign. The logo was placed
in the center of the document and made larger then an opacity of 7%
was applied and the logo was tilted for effect. At the top the name of the
company was typed and the lens from the camera was used for the O in
the word Moments. Tracking was used to create alignment in the title and
the companies information.

Illuminated M


Kara Laws | 60 N Main Street | Blanding, UT 84511 | 480.532.8772 |


Custom business cards using a unique logo.

Business Card

Programs used:
Illustrator and Indesign.
February 27, 2016
Communications 130 Section 14
Jason Stucki
Use the basic tools in Illustrator & InDesign.
Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Business card
should be 3.5 x 2 and printed above center on a vertical page.
Apply typography rules, keeping small copy.
Keep designs simple with light watermarks and drop shadows and plenty
of white space.
Include contact information: name, address, phone, website, and email
on each piece.
Next I created the business cards. I used the camera logo by itself on the
back of the card and the company info on the front. I copied the name
from the front of the stationary and then, using the shift key shrunk it to
fit the business card. I also left aligned all of the company info except for
the website which was set on the bottom right in pink to give it a bit more
emphasis. For this same reason the owners name was in pink also.

Illuminated M

Kara Laws



60 N. Main Street
Blanding, UT 84511


Web page displaying a logo I created.
Programs used:
Text Wrangler and Photoshop.
March 12, 2016

Web Page

Communications 130 Section 14
Jason Stucki
Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page so the long
side is 300 500 pixels.
Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it
appeals to a target audience.
Acquire a working knowledge of HTML.
Acquire a working knowledge of CSS.
Identify hex colors to match logo, using Photoshop color picker.
Open the HTML page in a web browser and capture a quality screen shot
with .5 inch margins for printing.
I used TextWrangler to alter the html and css for this project. I changed
the html to reflect what I wanted to say and how I wanted to page to
lay out. I also inserted my logo in the page. Then I used a provided CSS
document and altered the CSS to reflect a web page that highlighted my
logo and was easy to read. I also used Photoshop and its eyedropper tool
to discover the hex# of the colors in my logo. Then I used those numbers
in my website as the background, in the heading, and for the text.

A custom logo designed for a website.
Programs used:
February 20, 2016
Communications 130 Section 14
Jason Stucki


Create three completely different, original logos to fit a company or
personal image that will appeal to the audience.
Market research: gather opinions from at least ten people about which
logo appeals most to them.
Use only the Illustrator tools to create and draw your logos.
Refine one logo with variations for color.
I sketched out several logos before I settled on the one that worked the
best for this project. I asked for votes from family, friends and from my
classmates. Then I chose the one of the 3 that everyone seemed to like
the best to refine it. In Illustrator I created the lemons simply by making
triangles and then attaching an anchor point in the middle and using
the direct selection tool to pull it and make the bottom of it a little more
round. Then I added a thick curved line to create the outer edge of
the lemon. I contrasted my typography by using a slab serif font and a
decorative script font. A complementary color scheme of yellow and
purple was used.

Lemons and Meringue

Lem ns
Lem ns
Lem ns




An event ad promoting a bake sale to help a family in need.
Programs used:
Microsoft Word and a scanner.
January 30, 2016

Event Ad

Communications 130 Section 14
Jason Stucki
Comprehend image sizing (how pixels and inches work together)
Find, scan and import a high-quality image.
Create a full-bleed design.
Choose a color scheme and typeface(s) that work for your message and
Learn to use only Word design features without using any Adobe
programs, including Photoshop.
The skills that were used was that of photo editing using word, and placing typography
and elements in the correct place. I started out this piece by sketching some ideas on
paper of what I thought would connect with my audience and get the message across.
Contrast of size and of color was used extensively in this piece. By Varying the size of
the shapes of each item it created a nice flow. Repetition was also used by adding a few
hearts to keep the heart theme going throughout.

Bake Sale


Please join us in helping the Worjeski family!

Charity Bake Sale

Come and enjoy delicious baked items
donated from around San Juan County
to benefit the Worjeski family.
All proceeds will go towards helping this
family with medical and transportation
costs for their daughter Sams cancer
treatment. Donations can be made at
Saturday, February 13
5:00 pm -8:00 pm
Blanding Arts and Events Center

A promotional flier to advertise a Graduate Leadership Conference for
graduating seniors.
Programs used:
January 23, 2016


Communications 130 Section 14
Jason Stucki
Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography.
Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout.
Retrieve image and logo from links on this page.
Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document to keep
links in InDesign intact.
Indesign was used to create this flier. Two forms of typography were used to highlight
the important text in the piece. This shows contrast. The audience is more likely to notice
the points of contrast on the flier. Also, the use of white space was used helping the
viewer to notice the name of the conference and that space is limited.


Enter Image here:


Do you want to have the competetive edge in business?

Come learn how at Vouant Communications
Annual Graduate Leadership Conference.
Vouant Communications is devoted to
helping tomorrows leaders gain essential
leadership skills in the workplace.
During this three-day seminar, attendees
will meet with top executives of Vouant
Communications to discuss breakthrough
leadership techniques, while cultivating
attributes of leadership that will market to
any employer.

Conference is available
to graduating seniors.
Space is limited.

October 21
8 a.m. 5 p.m.
Lincoln Convention Center
Registration and more information available at

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