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Ruserction Season 6 Episode 14The Quiet

Before the Storm

(Washington DC)(White House Community)(Morning)
Screen is black
You Cant calm the stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will
The camera showed an above shot of the white house community and as it did the Jamess
voice was heard.
James Dixons voice: theres something about the day before you go to war with someone or
another group that bothers. Is it the fear of losing the it the fear of losing your friends
and loved ones. No its none of that because that all happens when you go to has to be
the silence and the knowing that your about to get into some shit you cant get out of and you
cant do anything but fight until its over. And thats all we have left in this world...we fight until its
the camera jumped to James in the FEMA trailer and as it did he was staring at the ceiling and
as he was James stared at it for several seconds and as he did he got up and as he did the
camera showed Kailie standing in the kitchen and as she was James walked in and as he did
Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: good morning James.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: good morning Kailie.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: everyones waiting for you in front of the white house to start there training.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: Ill be out there in a minuet.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: so are you going to tell me where you went last night.

as she said that James looked at her and as he did James said.
James Dixon: All right heres what happened.
as he said that the camera jumped to the Rosevelt room and as it did it showed Dr. Jackson
looking at his laptop screen and as he was Dr. Pop walked into the room and as he did Dr. Pop
Dr. Pop: Good morning Dr. Jackson its good to see you back up here.
as he said that Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: wheres Dr. Wyatt.
as he said that Dr. Pop said.
Dr. Pop: hes outside with the others being trained to fight in this war thats going to happen in a
few days.
as he said that Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: its finally happening isnt it...were going to end this after all these years.
as he said that Dr. Pop said.
Dr. Pop: we are...yes we are.
as he said that the camera jumped to Jack who was at the front gate and as he was Robert
walked up to Jack and as he did Robert said.
Robert Seton: mind if I join you.
as he said that Jack said.
Jack: free country.
as he said that Robert stood next to Jack and as he did Robert said.
Robert Seton: so are you about to head out.
as he said that Jack said.

Jack: yeah...James wants me to get a good look at this place where the fights going to take
place. Its the least I could do with what happened here the other day with my brother.
as he said that Robert said.
Robert Seton: mind if I come with you.
as he said that Jack said.
Jack: sure...Id just like to know why.
as he said that Robert said.
Robert Seton: its this place...I just want to get away from it for a while.
as he said that Jack said.
Jack: say no more I get it...just let me go and get my bike and well be on our way.
as he said that Jack walked away and as he did he returned a few seconds later with his
motorcycle and as he did he was on his motorcycle and as he was Jack said.
Jack: hop on.
as he said that Robert got on the back of the motorcycle and as he did Jack said.
Jack: hold on.
as he said that they drove out of the community as they did the camera jumped back to James
and Kailie and they were still in the FEMA trailer and as they were...they were silent for several
and as they were Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: so your now human.
as he said that James said.James Dixon: I was always human...I just got powers after I was
turned into a walker and came back to life. My powers were just destroyed by the liquid stuff that
President Allestar gave me and Dr. Jackson made.
as he said that Kailie was silent for several seconds and as she was she said.
Kailie Kennedy: well that still docent change who your are James...but now you have a class to
get out to and train.
as she said that James got up from his seat and as he did he said.

James Dixon: it never ends does it.

as he said that Kailie followed James to and out the door and as she did she said.
Kailie Kennedy: Nope it docent.
as she said that she closed the door behind them as they made there way outside as they did
they walked to the white houses front lawn and as they did Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: youve got a lot of work to do.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: yeah I know.
as he said that the camera showed the 30 civilians including the soldiers that were left from the
DC white house community and as they were Kailie walked away and as she did James pulled
out his swords and as he did he said.
James Dixon: all right class...lets begin.
as he said that the camera jumped to Anthony Allen and Madison Naurloa and they were sitting
on the front steps of the white house and they were watching James train the remaining white
house civilians and as they were Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: its amazing isnt it.
as she said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: sure is...James finally taking charge and now weve got ourselfs an may
be a small army but an army none the less.
as he said that Madison Naurloa said.
Madison Naurloa: you know Ive got this feeling in my gut that something bad is going to happen
when we start this war.
as she said that Anthony was staring at the army being trained and as he was Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: Anthony...Anthony.
as she said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: what.
as he said that Madison said.

Madison Naurloa: did you hear what I just said.

as she said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: the calm before the storm.
as he said that Madison said.Madison Naurloa: what was that.
as she said that Anthony said.Anthony Allen: that feeling your the calm before the
storm its when everything is clam like it is now but when we go to battle shit will hit the fan.
as he said that Madison started thinking and as she was Anthony looked at her and as he did he
Anthony Allen: what are you thinking about.
as he said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: the enemy were about to fight...The senator the last time we fought him he
had the president with him. Were training new people to fight...Im just wondering what our
enemy is doing now.
as she said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: well stop worrying about them...well be seeing them soon enough and once
were done with them they wont be a problem any more.
(Washington)(Senator Markus Jacobs the 3rd Fortress, Senators office)
The camera jumped to Washington and it showed a shot of the front of the senators walled
camp and as it did it jumped to the senators office. The camera showed the senator sitting at his
desk and as he was Anna was talking to him.
Anna Smith: we have all of our weapons and our ammunition loaded into the trucks so were
ready to go when ever you are sir.
as she said that the senator said.
Senator Markus Jacobs the 3d: let the men know they can move out now.
as she said that Anna said.
Anna Smith: and you sir.

as she said that the senator said.Senator Markus Jacobs the 3rd: Ill be right behind them.
as he said that Anna made her way to the door and as she opened it she walked out of the room
as she left the senator pulled out a cigar and he light it and as he did The President, Bruce, Dr.
Simmons, Gavin, The Brutal Skull, and Clint Western all walked into the room and as they did
Gavin closed the door behind them.
As The senator saw them he said.
Senator Markus Jacobs the 3rd: So how can I help you gentlemen.
As he said that the Brutal skull said.
The Brutal Skull: were about to move out.

as he said that the senator let out a sigh and as he did it filled the room with smoke and as it did
he said.
Senator Markus Jacobs the 3rd: yes and.
as he said that the president said.
The President: we were wondering why you werent coming with us.
as he said that the senator got up from his chair and as he did he said.
Senator Markus Jacobs the 3rd: Ive got to make sure the people who are staying behind are
safe and secure while were gone...thats why Im not going with you.
as he said that the president glared at him and as he did he said.
The President: all right.
as he said that Anna came into the room and as she did she said.
Anna Smith: its time for you all to make your way to your vehicles were about to leave.
as she said that the Senator said.
Senator Markus Jacobs the 3rd: be on your way boys...weve got a battle to win.

as he said that the group left the room closing the door behind them and as they did the
president watched them through the window behind his desk as they all climbed into there cars
and as he did he watched them all drive off and as they did the senator poured himself a drink
and as he did he said.
Senator Markus Jacobs the 3rd: were slowly on our way to victory.
As he said that he took a sip of his drink and as he did he smirked.
(Washington DC)(White House Community, Rosevelt Room)
the camera jumped to the white house and as it did it showed the Rosevelt room and Dr.
Jackson was sitting at his desk working on his laptop and as he was there was a knock at the
door. As he heard it he said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: Its open.
as he said that Kailie walked into the room and as she did she shut the door behind her and as
she did she walked up to Dr. Jackson and as she did he said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: Kailie what are you doing up something wrong.
as he said that Kailie slammed his laptop closed on his fingers and as she did Dr. Jackson
pulled them back and as he did he said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: Ow...what the fuck is your problem.
as he said that he leaned back in his chair and as he did Kailie pulled out her machete and put it
up to his neck and as she did she said.
Kailie Kennedy: my problem is little weasels like you going around behind our backs and talking
to people that we dont really know and giving them something that could have killed our leader.
as she said that Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: what the hell are you talking about.
as he said that Kailie pushed hard on her machete and as she did she said.
Kailie Kennedy: dont play dumb with me Dr. know what youve done and what
you gave President Allestar to make James a normal human.

as she said that Dr. Jackson looked at James shocked and as he did he said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: so he did it then didnt he.
as he said that Kailie didnt say anything and as she did Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: by your silence Im guessing thats a yes.
as he said that he chuckled and as he did Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: whats so funny.
as she said that Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: I never thought James would actually take the serum...I made it just in case
he ever gets out of control with his powers. When I was making it I was thinking about the group
and protecting us and since were living here now the people that are here are part of us now
youve got to remember that and if you dont like it...well you really dont have a choice in
deciding whos in our group and whos not now do you.
as he said that Kailie released her grip on Dr. Jackson and as she did she made her way out of
the room and she shut the door behind her. The camera jumped to Lisa Benderson and as it did
she was sitting down on the roof of the white house looking down at the group of civilians
watching them as they were training.
As she was watching them she was thinking about the battle and just as she was the door to the
roof of the white house opened up and as it did Aubrie, Graham, and Mr. Teller all walked out on
the roof and as they did Mr. Teller said.
Mr. Teller: Jeffery said youd be up here.
as he said that Lisa stayed in her spot and as she did she said.
Lisa Benderson: what do you guys want.
as she said that they all walked towards her and as they did Graham said.Graham: its the day
before our final battle...where else would we want to be.
as he said that they all took a seat next to Lisa and as they did Lisa Aubrie said.
Aubrie: So tomorrow we go to war with the senator and the brutal skulls probably going to be
there do you think your ready to fight him.

as she said that Lisa thought for several seconds and as she did she said.
Lisa Benderson: yes I am...remember James isnt the only one who has powers.
as she said that Mr. Teller said.
Mr. Teller: well when you do fight him weve got your back 100% all the way.
as he said that Lisa looked at him and as she did she said.
Lisa Benderson: 100%.
as she said that Aubrie smiled and as she did she said.
Aubrie: 100%.
as she said that the 4 of them continued to look out at the group and as they did the camera
jumped to President Allestar who was in the oval office sitting down behind the presidential
desk. As he was Kailie burst into the room slamming the door against the wall and as she did
the president said.
President Allestar: what is the meaning of this.
as he said that Jeffery was in the room right behind Kailie and as he was he said.
Jeffery Durant: I dont know sir she just...
as he was about to finish his sentence Kailie pulled out her machete and as she did she put it up
to the presidents throat and as she did Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: what the hell were you thinking.
as she said that the president said.President Allestar: What are you talking about.
as he said that Jeffery pulled out his pistol and as he did he aimed it at Kailie and as he did
Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: dont play dumb with made James take that serum to make him human
again. And I know for a fact that he wouldnt take it if he didnt want this army of people that you
as she said that the president the president said.
President Allestar: I had him take it...because he was a threat to us...all of us.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: But since you made him take it...and hes human now how do you except us to

win this war...we have no idea how much men the senator has or how much fire power he has.
We could loose this battle.
as she said that President Allestar said.
President Allestar: isnt that the price of going to war...lose....when we go to war we loose the
people we love most isnt that how the game works.
as he said that Kailie thought for several seconds and as she did she lowered her machete and
as she did Jeffery kept his gun pointed at her and as he did Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: from now on if you get any bright ideas you run them by me got it.
as she said that President Allestar glared at her and as he did he thought for several seconds
and as he did he said.
President Allestar: got it.
as he said that Kailie put her machete back in its sheathe and as she did she started to make
her way towards the door and as she did she was stopped by Jeffery who still had his gun
pointed at her and as she did President Allestar said.
President Allestar: lower your weapon Jeffery.
as he said that Jeffery looked Kailie right in the eye and Kailie looked right back at him and
Jeffery kept his gun pointed at her and as he did President Allestar said.
President Allestar: let it go Jeffery.
as he said that Jeffery glared at Kailie for several more seconds and as he did he lowered his
gun and as he did Kailie walked out of the room leaving the door open behind her. As she left
Jeffery said.
Jeffery Durant: I can go after her sir.
as he said that President Allestar said.
President Allestar: No just let her go...Im all right.
as he said that he reached into his desk and he pulled out a bottle of scotch and a drinking glass
and as he did he poured himself a drink and as he did he said.
President Allestar: that will be all can show yourself out...and close the door behind
as he said that Jeffery said.Jeffery Durant: yes sir.

as he said that Jeffery walked out of the room and he closed the door behind him as he did the
President took a sip from the glass he just poured himself.
The camera jumped to the front lawn of the white house and the sun was starting to set and as it
was each civilian had a gun and they all were shooting at lined up cans and each civilian
knocked down the cans with there bullets. As they were James saw the sun setting and as he
did he said.
James Dixon: All right people...all right you can stop now.
as he said that the civilians stopped firing there guns and as they did James said.
James Dixon: the sun is setting and weve had a long but good day of training and I think were
all ready for this fight in the morning. Now with that I want all of you to have the night of your life it like it was your last because come sunrise tomorrow were off to war. we all meet
back out here at sun up so make sure to be here bright and early.
as he said that the group of civilians started to separate and as they did Jane walked up to
James and as they did James said.
James Dixon: Hey.
as he said that they kissed and as they did Jane said.
Jane Miller: come on...I know a private place we can be for a while.
as she said that Jane lead James off away from the group and as she did the camera jumped to
David Pegouske who was in the FEMA trailer and as he was...he was with Evan Hall, Frank
Sirwits and Ryan Campbell and as they were together David said.
David Pegouske: it all ends tomorrow.
as he said that Evan had some beer bottles with him and as he did he passed them out to the
others and as he did he said.
Evan Hall: that it does.
as he said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: Guys Id like to make a toast.
as he said that he raised his beer bottle and so did the others and as they did Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: you know we all have been through a lot of shit together in the past 6 almost 7
years but were champions in what we do and what we do best is survival and I know when I say
this the senator is just another ass whole trying to take over the world. And you know what we

do with ass wholes.

as he said that David and Evan said.
David Pegouske: We Kill em.
Evan Hall: we kill em.
as they said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: thats right we kill the bastards and every time we come out on top so no matter
what happens tomorrow I know that us...The Michigan Group Survivors will come out on top as
Champions. To champions.
as he said that they all clanked there glasses and as they did Ryan, David, and Evan said.
Ryan Campbell: to champions.
David Pegouske: to champions.
Evan Hall: to champions.
as they all said that they each took a sip of there drinks and as they did Kailie walked into the
trailer and as she did she looked right at David and Ryan, Frank, and Evan knew that look and
as they did the 3 got up from there seats and as they did Frank said.Frank Sirwits: come on
guys lets give these 2 some privacy.
as he said that the 3 walked out of the trailer and closed the door behind them and as they did
Kailie walked up to David and as she did she saw the beer in his hand and as she did she said.
Kailie Kennedy: do youve got anther one of those.
as she said that David said.
David Pegouske: sure.
as he said that David reached into a cooler that was next to him and he pulled out another beer
and as he did he handed it to Kailie who made her way to the couch that he was sitting on and
she sat right next to him and took the beer. as she did she took a sip of it and as she did she
Kailie Kennedy: Its good.
as she said that David chuckled and as he did he said.
David Pegouske: yeah it is.
as he said that they looked each other in the eyes and as they did they slowly got closer and
closer to each others faces and as they did David kissed her and as he did it lasted for several

seconds. As it did they broke the kiss and looked at each other with smiles and as they did they
both set down there beer bottles and as they did they started to get undressed and kiss each
other at the same time.
(Washington DC)(White House community, Wall)(Night)
the camera jumped to the wall of the community and as it did it showed James and Jane lying
under a blanket and they werent waring clothes and as they were...they were staring at the stars
and talking.
Jane Miller: its so beautiful out tonight.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: yeah it is.
as he said that he thought for several seconds and as he did he said.
James Dixon: About tomorrow when we go off to fight this war...I need you to do something for
as he said that Jane said.
Jane Miller: Ill do anything for you James.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: I need you to stay here while the rest of us go and fight.
as he said that Jane said.
Jane Miller: what...why.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: well theres no one here to guard this place and several members from my family
are staying here to guard this place and Id like you to stay behind so you wont get hurt.
as he said that Jane thought for several seconds and as she did James said.
James Dixon: do you understand what Im asking of you Jane.
as he said that Jane said.
Jane Miller: I do...and I will...I will stay behind for you.
as she said that James said.

James Dixon: thank you.

as he said that Jane faced him and as she did she said.
Jane Miller: you know how to thank me.
as she said that they kissed and Jane got on top of James...the camera jumped to Dr. Jackson
who was sitting down at his desk staring at a wine bottle and as he was Dr. Pop entered the
room and as he did he said.
Dr. Pop: your still here.
as he said that Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: yes Im still here.
as he said that Dr. Pop said.
Dr. Pop: well James gave us the night off because the group if going to war with the senators
group in the morning.
as he said that Dr. Jackson said.Dr. Ethan Jackson: how does that effect us were not going
because were doctors and James wants us to stay here.
as he said that Dr. Pop said.
Dr. Pop: well it gives us a chance to say good bye to the others because we might not see all of
them again after this.
as he said that Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: dont worry well see them again.
as he said that Dr. Pop said.
Dr. Pop: well some of the Michigan group survivors are having a party in the dining hall and if
you need me Ill be there.
as he said that he walked out of the room and as he did he closed the door behind him as he did
Dr. Jackson thought for several seconds after Dr. Pop left and as he did Dr. Jackson logged off
his his laptop and he made his way out of the door and he closed it behind him.

The camera jumped to the dining hall and as it did it showed Dr. Jackson walking into it and as
he did the camera showed that Jamess whole family were there and as they were Dr. Jackson
saw that they were having fun and as they were he walked up to them and he joined the party.
(California, Pacific Coast)(Night)
(Robert and Jacks mission)
the camera showed Jack pulling his motorcycle up to the beach where the white house
community were going to fight the senators group and as they did Jack turned off his motorcycle
and as he did Jack and Robert got off of it and as they did they each walked up to the shore line
of the ocean and watched the waves reach the sand of the beach and as they did Robert said.
Robert Seton: so this is where were going to fight in the morning.
as he said that Jack said.
Jack: yep this is where were fighting in the morning.
as he said that Robert looked out at the ocean and as he did he said.Robert Seton: lets have a
look around at this place before it all goes to hell.
as he said that Jack looked up at Robert and as he did he said.
Jack: right behind you.
as he said that Jack and Robert started to walk along the shore line and as they did Robert said.
Robert Seton: its so peaceful.
as he said that Jack said.
Jack: Not a single walker in sight.
as he said that Robert said.
Robert Seton: Weve passed plenty on the way here.
as he said that Jack said.
Jack: you know after this war...its not going to be like the fight we had with the president...its
going to be completely different. People will die tomorrow.
as he said that Robert said.
Robert Seton: I know.

as he said that they stopped walking and as they did he looked at the ground for several
seconds and then looked back up at Jack and as he did he said.
Robert Seton: so lets make the best of tonight.
as he said that the camera jumped to Jack and Robert sitting down by a fire and Jack had a
wine bottle out and as he did he took a sip of it and he handed it to Robert and Robert took a sip
form it as he did Jack said.
Jack: so many stars out here.
as he said that Robert said.
Robert Seton: I know I dont think Ive seen so many in my life.
as he said that Jack and Robert were quiet for several seconds and as they were Robert said.
Robert Seton: so are you ok with tomorrow...going to war and all.
as he said that Jack looked at Robert and as he did he said.
Jack: yeah...I am.
as he said that they were both quiet again and as they were Jack said.
Jack: are you.
as he said that there was a long pause and as there was Robert said.
Robert Seton: I am.
as he said that there was another few seconds of silence and as there was Robert said.Robert
Seton: theres a chance that we both might die tomorrow...Im wondering if you were ok with that.
as he said that Jack thought for several seconds and as he did he said.
Jack: I am.
as he said that they both stared at the fire and as they did Jack said.
Jack: are you.
as he said that Robert took a long sigh and as he did he said.
Robert Seton: I am.

(Washington DC)

(White House Community, Front lawn)

the camera showed Amy Dixon, Eddie Dixon, Tommy Dixon, Brent Coe, Cherrie Coe, there 3
kids, Julie Jeffries, Pat Jeffries, Jared, Shaun, Mitchel, and Evan Jeffries Linda Perez, Papa
Dixon, Grandma June, and Dr. Pop and Dr. Jackson all on the front lawn of the white house as
they were...they were watching the white house community board the Michigan group Survivors
school bus and the prison bus and as the last people boarded them the camera showed James
talking to Jane.
James Dixon: well were about to take off.
as he said that Jane kissed James for several long seconds and as she did she said.
Jane Miller: keep my family safe.
as she said that James said.James Dixon: dont worry I will.
as he said that Kailie leaned half her body out of the winnebago and as she did she said.Kailie
Kennedy: come on James lets hit the road...the senators not going to kill himself you know.
as she said that James smiled and as he did he said.
James Dixon: well Ive got to go.
as he said that James started to make his way to the winnebago and as he did Jane said.
Jane Miller: good luck.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: Ill be back...well be back everyone.
as he said that James walked into the winnebago and as he did he closed the door behind him
and he locked it as he did James made his way to the drivers seat of the winnebago and as he
did James looked at Anthony who was sitting in the seat next to him and as he did he said.
James Dixon: Are you ready for this.
as he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: as ready as you are.
as he said that James smiled at him and as he did he started up the winnebago and as he did
he said.
James Dixon: Lets get the show on the road.

as he said that James started to drive the winnebago towards the main gate and as he did Brent
Coe was standing by it and he unlocked it and opened it and as he did James lead the line of
vehicles in the winnebago and as he did he honked his horn as he drove out of the community
and the prison bus followed right behind James and the school bus finished the line of vehicles.
As it did Brent closed the gate and locked it and as he did the camera jumped to the top of the
wall and it showed the rest of the people who were staying behind watching the others leave.
(California, Pacific Coast)
the camera jumped to the pacific cost beach line and as it did it showed James and the rest of
his group and the white house civilians all lined up across the beach and as they were James
was standing by Anthony and as he was James said.
James Dixon: So how do you feel.
as he said that Anthony said.Anthony Allen: ready.
as he said that Kailie and David were standing next to each other and as they were...they held
each others hands and they smiled at each other and as they did David said.David Pegouske:
are you ready to finish this.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: I am.
as she said that the group could hear the roar of the senators army approaching and as they
could Robert said.Robert Seton: here they come.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: All right everyone...I want you to remember this as you go into battle...they may be
bigger then us...and they may have more weapons then us but there is one thing there not and
we No matter what happens out here on this battle field no matter what happens to
any of us they can not take that away from us.
as he said that the senators army appeared and there were way more people then on James
group and as there were James said.

James Dixon: because you know who we are.

(Screen goes black)James Dixon: The Michigan Group Survivors.

(End Scene)

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