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WFED Lesson Plan Template

The Pennsylvania State University
Workforce Education and Development
Competency-Based Teacher Education

Lesson Plan Template

Name of Instructor:
Chef Claire E. Dacko
Program Title:
Culinary Arts
Course Title:
Level 2A (Sophomore and Junior)
Unit Title:
Lesson Title:
Identification and Classification of Fish
Lesson Objectives:
Given a pre-reading assignment, handout and lecture presentation on how to identify
various types of seafood, the student should be able to classify fish and shellfish into
different categories according to ACF (American Culinary Federation) and NOCTI
Time (length of lesson):
10 to 15 Minutes
Equipment and Materials needed:
On Cooking Textbook, Fish and Shellfish Classification handout, writing utensil
Academic Standard(s) and Anchor(s) and/or Common Core Standard addressed by
this lesson:
CC.1.4.9-10.A: Convey complex ideas, concepts and information clearly and accurately
Technical Standard(s) or Competencies taught in this lesson:
Institutional Foodservice Worker CIP Task #: 1807: Identify types of seafood and their
market forms
-Introduce a funny story that appeared recently in the news regarding fish as an ice
-Refer students to handout and illustrations
-Explanation of importance regarding the need for students to understand information
2013. Professional Personnel Development Center for Career and Technical Education.
Penn State University.


WFED Lesson Plan Template

before lab work can occur. Emphasis on importance of ingredient knowledge to future
-3 Main Categories of Seafood:
-Focus on Fish-Definition
Identifying Factors: Round Fish
-Have backbone on upper edge of body
-Have eye on each side of head
-Swim vertically
Types of Round Fish (Examples, Photographs)
Identifying Factors: Flat Fish
-Have backbone running horizontally through the center of the fish
-Have eyes on the top of their heads
-Swim Horizontally
-Generally swim on bottom of the ocean
Types of Flat Fish (Examples, Photographs)
-Flounder (Fluke)
Boneless Fish
-Have cartilage (what is cartilage?!- Flexible connective tissue found in parts of
body. Think of our ears, nose, etc.) instead of bones
-Review Key Points
-Question to Students:
Why do you think it is important to be able to identify and classify different
types of fish before working with, fabricating and cooking them?
-Q&A- If time allows
-Thank You!
Evaluation/Student Assessment (attach student worksheets or assessments to this
2013. Professional Personnel Development Center for Career and Technical Education.
Penn State University.


WFED Lesson Plan Template

lesson plan):
-Graphic Organizer (Web Diagram) to be completed at the end of lesson
Special Needs Adaptations and/or Accommodations (please identify which you are
Accommodations: The student will be permitted to work with learning support to review
a list of learning objectives. The Web Diagram can be read verbally to student if needed
or student will be permitted to give Web Diagram answers orally rather than in writing.
The student will be permitted to use additional text or visual resources to aid in
understanding of content theory. The student will be permitted additional time to
complete Web Diagram if needed.
Or any additional Accommodations/Adaptations according to IEP
English as a Second Language (ESL) Adaptations and/or Accommodations (please
identify which you are using):
Accommodations: The student will work with learning support to help identify, define
and understand terminology. The student will be permitted to use additional text or
visual resources to aid in understanding of content theory. The student will be permitted
additional time to complete Web Diagram if needed.

2013. Professional Personnel Development Center for Career and Technical Education.
Penn State University.

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