Taste Experiment Activity

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DCTS Culinary Arts


Taste Experiment
Examples of Foods with Different Tastes
Sweet: Fruit, cinnamon, honey, cloves, maple syrup
Sour: citrus, sour cream, tamarinds, pickles, green apples.
Salty: Capers, anchovies, olives, natural salts, sea vegetables
Bitter: Coffee, cocoa/chocolate, endive, citrus zest, radicchio, tonic water.
Umami: Miso, meat, MSG, seaweed, soy sauce, fish sauce, mushrooms, parmesan

ACTIVITY 1: Taste each of the following items individually and

describe the flavor. Which Taste does each item represent?
Honey _______________________________________________________________
Miso ________________________________________________________________
Capers _______________________________________________________________
Green Apple___________________________________________________________
Dark Chocolate_________________________________________________________

ACTIVITY 1: Taste a piece of green apple with each of the

following. How does each item affect the taste of the green
Sprinkled with Salt______________________________________________________
Dipped in Honey________________________________________________________
Dipped in Cocoa Powder_________________________________________________
Squeezed with Lemon Juice_______________________________________________
Eaten with a piece of Parmesan ___________________________________________

Using your new understanding of taste, describe how combining

different ingredients can enhance the balance of taste and flavor
in cooking (minimum 5

DCTS Culinary Arts



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