Cooking Methods Unit Exam

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DCTS Culinary Arts

Cooking Methods Exam
Your Score:
Highest Possible Score: 100 (weighted x2)
Multiple Choice: For each of the following questions, circle the letter of the answer that best
answers the question [5 points each]

1. The firming and shrinking of a protein due to the application of heat is called:

en papillote

2. To cook very gently in a small quantity of water or other liquid that is hot but not
actually bubbling is to


3. The method where the food is cooked in a small amount of fat over moderate heat;
the term comes from the French word for jump
A. court bouillon
B. braise
C. saut
D. en papillote
4. The transfer of heat through a fluid, which may be a liquid or gas is
A. convection
B. radiation
C. conduction
D. Maillard reaction
5. The method of cooking where the food is cooked in a pan or rack over water that is
at least 212 degrees Fahrenheit
A. boiling
B. stewing
C. steaming
D. blanching

DCTS Culinary Arts: Cooking Methods Exam

Page 1


True or False: For each statement, circle True or False. [5 points each]


False 1. The appropriate fat temperature for deep frying is usually between
325 and 375 degrees Fahrenheit.


False 2. The heat source in a broiler is usually found on the bottom of the
cooking grate, underneath the food.


False 3. Moist-heat cooking methods are those using air or fat to cook food.


False 4. Cooking methods have different effects on the text, flavor, aroma and
appearance of foods.


False 5. Chicken should be cooked to the internal temperature of 145 degrees

in order for it to be consumed safely.

Fill in the Blank: In each sentence below, fill in the blank(s) with the culinary term that correctly
completes the sentence. [5 points each]

1. In order to achieve crosshatch marks on broiled or grilled foods, place the food
on the grill grate presentation side down and cook long enough to develop dark,
charred lines where it touches the grate. Then, rotate the food __________ degrees
and allow it to cook long enough for lines to develop to the same extent as the first
set of lines.
2. Tomato concasse is tomato that has been peeled, seeded and diced. This is
achieved by first ________________ and then shocking (refreshing) the tomatoes in
an ice water bath.
3. The cooking that occurs from the residual heat remaining in the food, after a food
is removed from a heat source is called___________________.
4. _______________________is the transfer of heat from one item to another
through direct contact.
5. The boiling point of water occurs at _________________ Fahrenheit.

DCTS Culinary Arts: Cooking Principles Exam

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Matching: Label the following with the category of cooking method they belong to [1 point each]
M- Moist-heat Cooking

D- Dry-heat Cooking

C- Combination-heat Cooking

1. _____Boiling

2. _____Deep Frying

3. _____Roasting

4. _____ Steaming

5. _____ Stewing

6. _____Sauting

7. _____Grilling

8. _____ Poaching

9. _____ Broiling

10. _____Baking

Essay Questions: [5 points each]

1. Explain how braising can be considered both a dry-heat and a moist-heat

cooking method.

2. Describe the differences between shallow and immersion poaching.

3. Describe the process of caramelization in foods.

DCTS Culinary Arts: Cooking Principles Exam

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