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Breanna Welch

January 26, 2016

UWRT 1102
Word Prompt #2
As I have mentioned before, I created an e-portfolio in my UWRT 1101 class
last semester. I would like to show improvement from that e-portfolio, to this one. I
feel as though I know how to make a better portfolio because, I now know how to
work everything and I can completely focus on the aspects of my portfolio rather
than the functions of the website. To show how much my work and thinking has
improved I could compare and contrast my finished website from last semester and
also my website from this semester, once complete.
I feel that showing persistence in this UWRT class is a definite must. With this
I am referring to the semester long multi-modal project. This project stretches over
the entire semester, so to be successful I must be persistent. I have to keep up and
make sure that every part of the project is turned in, completed when it is due. To
do this, I must communicate with my group members about what needs to get done
and who needs to do it. On that note, we have to split up the tasks of the project, so
that everyone will be participating.
When it comes to websites, I really had no idea what I was doing at first. I had
to try out two different website creators until I found one that I actually could learn
to use. At first, it was a little difficult doing things such as, adding my papers onto
the website and making tabs and sub tabs to fit each category I needed. After I got
to know the website, doing these things were much easier. With this website, I hope
to use a wide variety of modalities.
Showing flexibility has always been difficult for me. However, I am willing to
try in this website. I feel that I can show this flexibility by making my website
unique. Unique in a way that I use different voices, rather than just one. Also, using
different points of view in what I research and add to my portfolio.
Showing creativity is a big thing in making an e-portfolio. The website is mine
and I want it to reflect who I am. I will add many different pictures and sounds that
can give my peers and instructor a since of who I am, not only as a student, but as a
person in general. Including things that I like to do in my free time, my favorite
color, or my favorite song. Also, I can put my creativity in my papers and the
activities that I do. Adding my opinion and formatting things a little differently could
be two things that I can do to make assignments my own.
I do want to show independence in my e-portfolio. I will do this by revising
beyond my peers and instructors suggestions. I want to write the best papers that
I can. Peer reviews are very helpful to me. I enjoy seeing and hearing what my
peers think I could fix on my papers and projects. Their constructive criticism helps
me to write better papers, which in turn helps me learn what my writing habits are
and what I need to change. I feel as though this helps me to improve my writing
with each paper that I write.

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