Teacher Intro Letter

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Dear Parents and Guardians:

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Molly

Beaver and I am a senior at the University of Arizona. I will be graduating in
May with my degree in Elementary Education with an ESL endorsement. I
am very excited to become an active participant in your childs classroom as
their student teacher.
I am so pleased to be placed at Los Amigos Elementary School for my
student teaching experience. I am looking forward to working under the
mentorship of Ms. Leyvas and will uphold her high standards.
I am going to spend my first two weeks getting familiar with the daily
routines of the class and getting to know your child. I seek to differentiate
my teaching practices to accommodate each of the students different
learning styles. It is my sincerest hope that the students benefit from this
experience as much as I will.
While this letter is only a brief introduction, I hope that each of you feel
comfortable with my role in your childs class. If you have questions at any
points, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to having the
opportunity to meet you in person in the next few months.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by email:
mollybeaver@email.arizona.edu or by cell phone 520-471-7622

Favorite things:
Molly Beaver

Dark chocolate
U of A

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