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Muhammad KhairulAnwar Bin

HUMN 330
Week 1 Short Paper - Human Nature
and Ethics

The Milgram experiment started in July 1961 by Stanley Milgram , a psychologist

at Yale University.The experiment was conducted to explain why the German
people could stand idly by as their government conducted genocide on the Jews
and to study the conflict between obedience to authority and personal
conscience .The experiment was done by having participants paired up, with one
person being the learner and the other the teacher.The participant will always
be the teacher and his job was to ask questions to the learner and if the
learner got it wrong the participant was to shock him with increasing voltage
after each wrong answer.
The experiment tells us that ordinary people are very likely to follow orders that
comes from an authority figure it also shows one is more likely to follow an order
if responsibility of said action is pass to another.
I believe this experiment is relevant to an ethic course as is teaches us that
given the right condition ordinary people can be made to do something that
,they as person find morally or ethically wrong.
Milgram Obedience Study. (n.d.). Retrieved January 18, 2016, from

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