Pico Mosquito

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This is a mosquito. It has three main body

parts. It has the head, thorax and
The head has the compound eyes, the
antennae and the sucker.
The eyes have many lenses and are very
sensitive. The sucker is used to suck out
blood for food. Next is the thorax that has
a pair of wings and six legs. The legs are
like claws and help the mosquito stay on
the surface and not fall off.
Lastly, the abdomen hangs from the
thorax and it has the stomach and the
lungs of the mosquito.

The mosquito can live almost
They can live in the forest,
marshes, tall grasses, weeds and
places that are wet or have water.

They need water in order to

The mosquito can also grow around
our houses.
It can grow in birdbath, rain barrel,
pet water dish, tree holes, tire
swings, and toys that are outside.
If water is found, mosquito can
grow in it!
There are 4 stages in the life cycle of a
mosquito. Most of it happens in the
water. The female mosquito lays her
eggs in water. An egg hatches and
become a larva. The larva is also
called wriggler because that is how it
swims. Next, the larva grows into a
pupa. Finally, the pupa grows into an
adult mosquito.

Only the female mosquito bites humans

and animals.
The saliva of the female mosquito makes
the insect bite itch!
The male mosquito feeds on flower
Mosquitoes fly at speeds between 1 to
1and a half miles per hour. A second
grader walks faster!
A mosquitos wing can beat 300 to 600
times a second!

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