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Boiling Heat Transfer

Many engineering applications involve condensation or

boiling phase change
Refrigerator refrigerant boils in the evaporation section
refrigerant condenses in the condenser section
Power plant steam production by boiling water in the boiler
steam condensation in the condenser
Evaporation - at the liquid-vapor interface when
the vapor pressure less than the saturation pressure
at the given temperature.
Water at 20C And relative humidity =60%.
Saturation pressure (see Steam tables) p = 2,3 kPa


p = . p = 1,38 kPa

Evaporation: human body, drying wet clothes, vegetables, fruits,

1 etc.

Boiling Heat Transfer

Boiling occurs at the solid-liquid interface when
the liquid is brought into contact with a surface
with temperature Tw above the saturation
temperature Tsat.
Boiling rapid formation of vapor
Bubbles detach from the surface and rise in
the liquid to reach the free surface.
Heat flux:

q&boiling = (Tw Tsat ) = Texcess [W / m 2 ]

In forced and natural convections physical parameters

involved , , , cp.
In boiling new parameters latent heat lv (or l23 or r) and
surface tension

Boiling Heat Transfer

Boiling occurs in two basic modes:
Pool boiling (var ve velkm objemu) liquid
is quiescent, motion due to free convection
near the surface, mixing induced by bubble
growth and detachement
Convection boiling (flow boiling) motion
due to external forces and free convection
near the surface, mixing induced by bubble
growth and detachement

Boiling Heat Transfer

Boiling also occurs as subcooled (liquid temperature below
the saturated temperature bubbles collapse and condense)
and saturated

Boiling Curve

Notice extremely
high heat flux

Modes of Pool Boiling

Boiling Crisis
In case there is no control of
heat flux transfered at the surface

What happens when the heat flux

is increased beyond the q&max
What happens when the heat flux
is decreased below the q&min
What happens with the vapor film?

Boiling Heat Transfer

For practical applications the best
is to operate devices in the region
of nucleate boiling highest heat
transfer rates.
Which mechanism is responsible
for such high heat transfer?
Convective motion of bubbles they detach from the surface
and move up new liquid is entrained towards the surface
- up to 98% of heat transferred from the surface
Transfer of latent heat of evaporation
Why increasing the heating (temperature of heated plate i.e.
Texcess) results in an increase of heat transfer rate?

Boiling Heat Transfer

Equilibrium bubble radius

Puvnit Pvn

q& = f T a nb

a = 1.2, b=1/3
n number of nucleation sites

n T 5 6

q& f T 3


Boiling Heat Transfer

Heat flux in the nucleate boiling region:

c p (Tw Tsat )
l 23 Pr

= C wf


l 23

g ( f v )


Cwf and s depends on the combination of

the surface and liquid
Heat transfer coefficient in the nucleate boiling region for water
at 2.104 < p < 107 (Pa):

= 3,5 q& 0,7 p0,176


Convective (flow) Boiling Heat Transfer



Complication various flow

patterns - slug, annular
Nucleate boiling region

= 1+

Annular boiling region


= 3,5
X tt


Roughly, to which point on the boiling curve corresponds

the burn-out point?


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