NoelleBall Portfolio

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Portfolio of Noelle Ball

Contact Information
Noelle Ball
Noelle Ball

649 South 2nd West

Rexburg, ID 83440

Hayden, Idaho 83835

Table Of Contents
Business Card
Event Ad
Web Page

Description: This image was used to connect with people artistically or spiritually.
Programs used: Photoshop
Date: February 12, 2016
Course and Section: Visual Communication Section 04
Instructor: Lindsey LeFevre
Objectives: Create a montage on photoshop with two images.
Process: I took a picture of my roommates two arms individually by her sides. I
wanted it to look like the hands were about to hold each other when I put them
together. I used photoshop masking and brushing to create the illusive hand effect.
I also used the clone stamp tool to make her chipped nail polish clean and polished. I
used a cyan photo filter to create the blue background and changed vibrance,
contrast, and lighting.

Description: This is a brochure I created for Indie Yoga.
Programs used: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign
Date: March 26, 2016
Course and Section: Visual Communication Section 04
Instructor: Lindsey LeFevre
Objectives: Set up and align a two-sided, folded document. Create an original,
new logo and use it in a brochure. Incorporate quality images. Incorporate at
least four quality images, not including the logo. One should be clipped in
Photoshop and text-wrapped in InDesign so the text follows the cutout shape of
the image. Write at least 250 words of original copy in at least three paragraphs,
headers, and subheaders.
Process: I started by creating a logo in Illustrator. I created a flowery, plant and
made a circle around it to represent becoming one soul, mind, body, and
spirit through yoga. I used green and blue and then pink as a pop of color. Then
I opened InDesign and created the brochure layout with boxes to represent text
until I could fill them. I picked pictures that represent peace and calming like
sunsets and waterfalls.

Yoga has been around for five thousand years. It is both

a physical and mental exercise to bring about self- understanding and strength. The word Yoga itself means
to join together because it brings your body and mind
together as one. Restore balance to your life. Yoga is an
expression of self-love and appreciation toward inner
peace. It brings serenity, love, and respect to yourself and
those around you. Yoga is a form of self-healing. If youre
finding youre missing something in life, it could be the
inner peace yoga brings. It requires strict discipline, but
then great reward. The natural health therapies of yoga
target the imbalance in ones soul, not just the symptoms
occurring. There are three main parts to yoga; exercise,
breathing, and meditation. These three parts target the
body, mind, and spirit. Yogas focus on the mind is found
in concentrating on different parts of the body. The
awareness from putting all thought energy to one section
of your body leaves no room for external noise. You are
able to think about one thing and that one thing only and
form a deep connection to it. Yoga is one of the only exercises in the world that
can block out external
distractions completely. Stress from school,
thinking about plans
for dinner, or worries
of world are pushed
aside for that time
in yoga, and an
inner calm can
take over. Savasna
(the corpse pose) is
generally used in all
yogas for this exact purpose. During
savasna, you lie on
your back, eyes closed,
and let the weight of your
body relax and sink into
the ground. The instructor
will usually tell you to relax
all the different parts of
your body, one by one, until
you are in a meditational
state of mind.

Indie Yoga

All ages of yoga participants

are welcomed and encouraged. Yoga puts no limits on
anyone and can be used to
benefit any age. Studies have
shown that practicing yoga in
elderly age limits the amount
of falling and improved balance and performance in
their bodies. Yoga has no negative impact; you can only
move forward and toward a
positive state.

We provide yoga mats,

towels, blocks, straps,
and all supplies necessary

The eight steps of Classical Yoga are

1) yama, meaning restraint refraining from violence,
lying, stealing, casual sex, and hoarding
2) niyama, meaning observance purity, contentment,
tolerance, study, and remembrance
3) asana, physical exercises
4) pranayama, breathing techniques
5) pratyahara, preparation for meditation, described as
withdrawal of the mind from the senses
6) dharana, concentration, being able to hold the mind on one
object for a specified time
7) dhyana, meditation, the ability to focus on one thing (or
nothing) indefinitely
8) samadhi, absorption, or realization of the essential nature
of the self.

Class TimesTuesday: 7am, 1pm, 7pm (Beginner

and Intermediate Class)
Thursday: 7am, 1pm, 7pm (Advanced Class)

$8: each class
$15: both Tuesday and Thursday
$60: year pass

Photo Design
Description: This is a flyer to advertise a made up spa in Idaho.
Programs used: Photoshop
Date: February 6, 2016
Course and Section: Visual Communication Section 04
Instructor: Lindsey LeFevre
Objectives: Learn basic photography skills, choose a color scheme, and match it
with your photo. Adjust the image levels and edit color and saturation. Size and
crop the image and place on an 8.5 x 11 page layout. Use layers to design text
and repeat graphic elements.
Process: The tools I used were a tripod and Nikon camera. I used a self timer to
get the shot and then edited lighting in photoshop. I added some brown to the
background to go with my hair color and then made the font the same color as
the dress. I originally had all of my text centered but then switched it to the
edges to add some interesting layout.

Description: I created a new logo for the local Romance Theater in Rexburg, Idaho.
Programs used: Illustrator
Date: February 19, 2016
Course and Section: Visual Communication Section 04
Instructor: Lindsey LeFevre
Objectives: Create an original logo to fit a company. Use only Illustrator tools to create and
draw the logo.
Process: I started by finding a picture of the theater online to get a feel for the vibe they
portray. I wanted to make the logo create a family friendly feel for the theater. I used
primary colors to add a child-like feel to it but kept the fonts professional to attract adults. I
made three rectangle boxes to line up with the wording. The and Theater are in
different fonts than Romance because I wanted Romance to stand out more.

Event Ad
Description: This is a flyer to attract attention of adults to attend a charity bbq
at the beach. The event proceeds will go to a colon cancer foundation to help
fund research and patient care.
Programs used: Microsoft Word
Date: January 30, 2016
Course and Section: Visual Communication Section 04
Instructor: Lindsey LeFevre
Objectives: Comprehend image sizing. Find, scan, and import a high-quality
image. Create a full-bleed design. Choose a color scheme and typeface that
works for your message and audience. Learn to use only Word design features
without using any Adobe programs including Photoshop.
Process: I used Word for the entire flyer and took a beach picture from an Ensign
magazine. I started by having centered alignment then realized that looked boring so I changed it to have asymmetry. My focal point is my title and I created
that by bolding the lettering and making it the biggest part of the flyer.

Description: I created a letter head for a fantasy photography business.
Programs used: Illustrator and InDesign
Date: February 27, 2016
Course and Section: Visual Communication Section 04
Instructor: Lindsey LeFevre
Objectives: Use the basic tools in Illustrator and InDesign to create a new
letterhead to fit a company. Keep designs simple with light watermarks and plenty
of white space. Include contact information without parentheses or hyphens.
Process: I first used Illustrator to design the spiraled sun. I then used InDesign to
form the letterhead. I used colors that reminded me of a sunset to keep the vibe
of happiness. I changed the opacity to a low percentage for the second sunshine
logo at the bottom of the stationery so that if needed, words could be written
over it.

Business Card
Description: This is a business card I created for a fantasy photography studio.
Programs used: Illustrator and InDesign
Date: February 27, 2016
Course and Section: Visual Communication Section 04
Instructor: Lindsey LeFevre
Objectives: Use the basic tools in Illustrator and InDesign to create a logo for
a business card. The card should be 3.5 x 2, using small typography. Include
contact information.
Process: I used Illustrator to create the spiral sun for the logo. I then used
InDesign to form the business card and played with different fonts for the

Web Page
Description: This webpage was for a made up security company.
Programs used: Illustrator, HTML, CSS, Photoshop
Date: March 12, 2016
Course and Section: Visual Communication Section 04
Instructor: Lindsey LeFevre
Objectives: Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page. Write
content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to
a target audience. Acquire a working knowledge of HTML. Acquire a working
knowledge of CSS. Identify hex colors to match the logo using photoshop color
Process: I started with Illustrator to create the cat logo. I used shapes and
colors for this. I then inserted the saved image into my HTML coding. I had to
link the HTML and CSS coding to connect them.

Black Kitty Security

Black Kitty Security is a business for home security. They are reliable, safe, and will keep
your home free from burglaries. Customers don't have to worry about set-up, our workers do
it for you!

Background of the logo design

My goal in creating this logo was to connect the name of the business and the logo. I chose
a black cat because they are mysterious and stay unseen most of the time. I wanted people
to feel that their security system would work but be out of sight.
I made the logo simple because I want people to realize it is a simple company. It wouldn't
take a genius to be able to set up the security system. They come and do it for you in an
I just used an analogous color scheme with the blue and black. I didn't want this logo to
take away from the actual company. Black Kitty Security is family friendly which is also why
I chose a cat for the picture of the logo. Children like cats and it wouldn't seem scary to

Description: This is a flyer I created for the Leadership Conference at
Programs used: InDesign
Date: January 24, 2016
Course and Section: Visual Communication Section 04
Instructor: Lindsey LeFevre
Objectives: Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout.
Process: I used InDesign to create the flyer. I had to form text boxes, edit
misspelled words, and fix alignment on the flyer.

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