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USD #461

Visit # 3 Evaluation

Visit # 3 Evaluation
Visit Date:
Visit Time:
10:50 AM
Classes Observed:
HS English
General Comments:
Observations: The lesson plan for the day contained two clear objectives connected to four State
Standards, material to be used in the lesson, detail in the description of the instructional
techniques, and evaluation strategies to check on objective coverage, and differentiation.
As for the observation today, the class began with all 10 students seated and quiet. After getting
the attention of the class, yesterdays material was reviewed and an overview of the days
activities on Confessional Poetry was covered. Class began with a short lecture on Sylvia Plath
where students were asked to take notes. All did! During this five minute episode on the life of
Plath, Halle asked six whole class questions where six different students responded. Three poems
were then covered. She first covered Plaths Mirror. Here, she first read the poem then led a
discussion on the theme and an analysis of each line. Here, she wanted students to interpret the
poem and provide evidence to support the analysis. She ended covering for the overall tone of
the poem. Second, she read Self in 1958. Again, whole class questions were used to elicit
interpretations. Again, she ended asking for the overall tone. To explore the two themes, she gave
the class five minutes to compare and contrast the two themes listing two examples from the text.

This process was repeated for two more poems: Daddy and One for My Dame. Again,
students compared and contrasted the two poems. To end class, students were paired and given a
poem to analyze on tone, theme, figurative language, and how it fits into the Confessional Poetry
movement. Here, Halle moved well around the groups.
This was a great instructional episode! It is evident students respect Halle as their teacher. There
was high use of whole class questioning but infrequent use of student names and lack of equal
distribution. There was appropriate positive feedback and use of probing question to get student
responses. She moved around the front of the room scanning the activity and showed improved
monitoring skills. Positive and calm attending behaviors were consistently noticed (quiet voice,
level eye contact, brief and precise corrective interactions, and a caring and positive demeanor)
as she interacted with various students. All were on task in the journal writing and pairing
activity. Giving her class positive feedback, she dismissed class at the bell. Overall, his was a
well-taught and managed class!
Student Feedback: In talking with several students, Halle was complimented for her efforts in
explaining material and her enjoyable teaching style. When asked if they had any suggestions for
improvement, they had none to mention. I am very proud of Halle!
Summary Comments: Overall, several strengths were noticed as the lesson was taught. The
instructional episodes were well structured to keep students involved. Student questions were
handled in a positive manner with clear responses given to student answers. Pacing seemed quick
but suitable with the material supporting the objectives. As she directed the class activities, Halle
seemed at ease and knowledgeable, making several attempts to relate material to the lives of her
students. She seemed now to talk much more with students than at them. Stronger
consistency was shown in scanning the classroom (This could still be increased to develop those
eyes in the back of your head.) and reinforcing the rules and expectations in an easy, nondisruptive manner. Several effective and time saving procedures were in place and being
maintained to help create a pleasant, task-oriented environment. She seemed much more relaxed
and comfortable directing class activities than from the last visit. A calm enthusiasm seemed
present both in voice and demeanor. From her interactions with students, it was apparent that she
is expanding her student rapport and is establishing a friendly yet professional distance with her
students. I am really pleased with her development. Because of her reflective nature, I have no
doubt she will mature into a highly effective teacher!
Targets: Strong improvement was show with the previous targets identified in the last field visit!
It is obvious she takes feedback serious and strives to get better. As for todays suggested targets
to help with the Teacher Work Sample, it is suggested she (1) try expanding her formative
evaluations to provide for multiple assessments, (2) expand instructional variations for
differentiated instruction, and (3) look for ways to accommodate students with special needs or
reteach material when needed.

She is to be commended for attending several after school functions and getting her credentials
ready for the up-coming job search. She will be interviewing at Independence soon.
Cooperating Teacher Midterm: In examining the cooperating teachers Mid-term Evaluation of
the first eight weeks of the experience, it is evident positive development in occurring on all 55
indicators. A rating of 3 (Effective) or higher. There were also numerous (4) Advanced
assessments, which indicated a consistently high-degree of competence. Overall, this was a very
positive mid-term evaluation.
Seminar Activities: Since the last evaluation, Halle has acquired through seminar participation a
professional knowledge base dealing with classroom management, active shooter training,
poverty influences on students, and the process of acquiring a teaching job. First, in the area of
management, she is continuing to polish her classroom management plan that contains clear rules
and, as noted above, is developing consistency in reinforcing those rules. She also participated in
a three hour A.L.I.C.E. training ( where she learned the actions
(Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate) to take when there is an active threat in the
building. Second, in the area of instructional science, she has explored her teaching and learning
styles using six instruments and also added the multiple intelligences instructional model to her
instructional paradigms. Taking the orientation that all students have strengths with which they
can learn, she can now plan individual lessons that use and assess the various learning styles.
Finally, she got an inside view of the job interview process through a panel of superintendents.
Post Conference: Past and future assignments were discussed during the post conference. The
upcoming Teacher Work Sample (TWS) and the Professional Portfolio Website were reviewed.
She is to be commended for an exemplary Shadow Study. Here, a challenging student was
observed for an entire day, visiting all the classes in the students schedule. After consulting the
counselor for background information, the written paper synthesized the environmental factors
that seemed to influence the behavior and academic achievement of the student during the day.
Evaluated by a detailed rubric, the paper was well-written and showed professional insight, detail
in observation, and logical conclusions. Overall, I am very proud of her development as a
professional educator!
1. Develop and implement a plan to improve on each of the targets discussed and/or identified as
suggestions for improvement in the written report. Remember, if you are sick make sure you call
the cooperating teacher and me.
2. Continue to work on your Teacher Work Sample making sure you address all sections and
decide what items you want to include in your website.
3. If for some reason you have not taken the PLT and Content Knowledge Test, sign up for the

next available date.

4. If you have any concerns, questions, or need to change times for our last visit, call 620-8752697, email me at, or use CANVAS to contact me.
5. Remember, by Monday, April 25, 2016, you will submit on CANVAS both your Work Sample
and Professional Portfolio Website.
6. Your last day is Friday, April 29, 2016. Then on Monday, May 2, 2016, you will return to PSU
where you will be recognized for your achievements in becoming a teacher. Also, you will get all
assignments returned and receive your grades for the semester.
7. Learn something new everyday!
Conference Held:
Conferences: Conferences were held with the cooperating teacher, Mrs. Henry, and the student
teacher, Halle, to review progress since the last visit and assess present performance. Using a
clinical supervision model, a pre-conference was held to review past performance since the last
visit, the written lesson plan, and general class characteristics. Using a computerized report
located in the PSU GUS system, a post-conference covered the observations, indicator
commendations, and suggested targets. This report will be uploaded to the GUS system so it is
available to the cooperating teacher, academic supervisor, and the student teacher. Also, future
Teacher Work Sample (TWS) ideas were discussed. An example of a discipline specific TWS
was made available to her on CANVAS to use as a model. A short movie clip was taken of her
teaching to be used in an end of the year video of the semester. The first draft of the video can be
seen at:


A. The Learner and Learning

# Ratings

Current Standing: 3


1 COMPETENT Plans and delivers developmentally appropriate instruction

2 COMPETENT Consults a variety of sources (e.g., student records, counselors, resource specialists, parent
conferences, test results, and other diagnostic tools) to determine the learning needs and
capabilities of individual students
3 N/A

Differentiates instruction appropriately for specific needs of learners

4 N/A

Persists in helping all students achieve success

5 COMPETENT Brings multiple perspectives to the discussion of content, including attention to learners'

personal, family and community experiences and cultural norms


Designs instruction to build on learners' prior knowledge and experiences

7 COMPETENT Displays consistency in dealing with behavior in the least disruptive manner, utilizing
appropriate positive and negative consequences
8 COMPETENT Demonstrates positive rapport with a diverse student population
9 N/A

Understands and respects a diverse student/parent population and helps all students learn
respect for the traditions and cultures of others


Uses appropriate nonverbal communication


Provides a learning environment which includes high time-on-task and active engagement

1 COMPETENT Promotes a classroom environment that is caring and supportive to all students

Organizes and maintains the physical environment of the classroom in a pleasant and orderly
manner conducive to student learning and safety

1 COMPETENT Monitors students' behaviors and activities in the classroom at all times
1 COMPETENT Handles multiple tasks, intrusions and distractions while maintaining the flow of the lesson

Teaches and reinforces classroom expectations, rules, routines and procedures fairly

B. Content

Current Standing: 3

# Ratings



Demonstrates content area knowledge

1 N/A

Keeps abreast of new ideas and understandings in the field

1 N/A

Effectively uses multiple representations and explanations that capture key ideas in the
discipline, guides learners through learning progressions and promotes each learner's
achievements of content standards


Engages students in learning experiences in the discipline(s) that encourage learners to

understand, question and analyze ideas from diverse perspectives using standards of evidenc

2 COMPETENT Creates opportunities for students to learn and practice content language
2 COMPETENT Provides a real world context for lesson content
2 COMPETENT Demonstrates pedagogical knowledge relevant to the discipline
C. Instructional Practice
# Ratings

Current Standing: 3


2 COMPETENT Creates lessons that encourage students to think creatively and critically and to solve problem

Develops clear lesson plans which include objectives, materials, activities,

adaptations/modifications and evaluation techniques based on the curriculum

2 N/A

Develops clear long-term instruction plans (e.g. units and/or modules) which include
objectives, materials, activities, adaptations/modifications and evaluation techniques based o
the curriculum


Selects materials and activities consistent with the objectives of the lesson and students' dive
abilities resulting in appropriate adaptations and modifications


Applies the appropriate scope and sequence of objectives for teaching the curriculum (nation
state and/or local standards)

2 N/A

Uses available educational technologies for effective instruction


Provides opportunities for all students to successfully apply or practice knowledge and skills

3 N/A

Designs assessments that align with learning objectives

3 N/A

Effectively uses multiple and appropriate types of assessment data to identify each student's
learning needs and to develop differentiated learning experiences

3 N/A

Maintains clear and reasonable work standards and due dates

3 N/A

Makes changes in instruction based on feedback from multiple classroom assessment source

3 N/A

Gives constructive and frequent feedback to students on their learning

3 N/A

Balances the use of formative and summative assessment as appropriate to support, verify an
document learning

3 N/A

Accomplishes smooth and orderly transitions between parts of the lesson

3 COMPETENT Communicates clearly to all students the objective and purpose of each lesson
3 COMPETENT Conducts class with poise, confidence and enthusiasm

Maximizes instructional learning time by working with students individually as well as in sm

or whole groups


Gives clear directions

4 COMPETENT Provides focus on important points and checks for understanding

4 COMPETENT Uses a variety of effective and appropriate instructional strategies and resources

4 COMPETENT Encourages participation from all students through effective questioning strategies (e.g., equ
distribution, level variation, adequate wait time, probing and clue giving, and appropriate
correctives and feedback)
4 COMPETENT Presents lessons in a clear, logical and sequential manner
D. Professional Responsibility

Current Standing: 3

# Ratings


4 N/A

Models and teaches safe, legal and ethical use of information and technology

4 COMPETENT Demonstrates maturity and accepts constructive criticism in a positive manner


Knows and follows school policies and shares in the general responsibilities and duties
associated with teaching (e.g., attendance, discipline, hall duty)

4 COMPETENT Listens carefully to all students then responds in a professional manner

5 N/A

Practices self-evaluation and reflection

5 N/A

Maintains confidentiality at all levels


Implements the recommendations from evaluations of professional performance

5 COMPETENT Demonstrates effective interpersonal skills


Maintains a consistently positive and professional demeanor


Communicates effectively, appropriately and professionally in all forms and to all audiences

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