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Assurance of Salvation (1 John 5:1-13, John 10:27-30)

3 April 2016
Pastor Art Brammer, Tay Street Baptist Church
Can we know for sure we are saved?
Is it possible to think we are saved when we are not?
Can we lose our salvation?
Satan is the enemy of our souls.
1) All roads leads to heaven.
2) If you do good works youll get to heaven
I've we are genuine believers, then Satan wants us to doubt we are
I. Why we can have assurance of salvation:
A. The Bible teaches that we can know that we have eternal life -- 1
John 5:11-13.
1. To have the Son (v. 13) means to believe in His name( to
put your confidence in who He is & what He came to do).
2. There are other proofs: Gods witness and change of life.
B. The Bible teaches that we cant lose our salvation -- John 10:2729
1. This life is described as being a present possession of
every believer. It is a permanent transfer (Col 1:13)
2. We have the double security of being in the hands of the
Son and the Father. See Romans 8:38-39 and 1 Peter 1:5.
C. What about people who used to be Christians and now they are
not? They were never believers to begin with (1 John 2:19).
D. What about a believer who falls into bad/deep sin? A believer
who dies while out of fellowship with the Lord does not lose his
salvation (1 Corinthians 5:5).
II. What confuses the issue of assurance of salvation:
A. Satan gives people a false assurance of salvation.
1. Some people think that the church will save them.
2. Some people misunderstand what it believe to believe in
a. It is more than intellectual knowledge.
b. Some people believe in another Jesus (2 Cor 11:4).
B. Satan confuses the issue by inserting the issue of good works
into the equation of salvation. I am saved by faith AND good
I dont earn it by good works.

I dont keep it by good works.

I dont lose it buy bad works (sin).

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