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Name Elise Johansson

Number 248 770 0864

Twitter @ecjo
Instagram @ecjo13
Address 1894 Farmbrook Drive
Troy MI, 48098


B&W Flier
Magazine Layout
Movie Poster
Business Cards
Photo Montage
Event Ad
Social Media Campaign

Black&White Flier

Description This Flier was made for a client who provided us with us with
multiple images, logos and copy. We were asked to make a back and
white design with .5 margins. We were also instructed to use one of
the pictures, one of the logos and all the copy. It is designed to be
printed on a standard 8.5 by 11 inch piece of paper. This could be
easily mass produced and hung all over a college campus.
Process The design was mostly done in indesign, Photoshop was used just to
switch the color of the logo from black to white. I decided that the
best way to stand out and catch passerbys eyes would be to create a
high contrast with the black background and the white text. Another
way that the flier is able to standout in comparison to other posters
in the tilt in the images and copy. Unlike some of the earlier designs,
this final draft has all the copy and the picture aligned even with the
tilt. This was achieved lining all of the elements up first and then
using the transform tool in order to tilt the elements.
Programs Adobe InDesign & Adobe Photoshop

Magazine Spread

Description This is a Magazine spread that was made with the purpose of putting
in a church magazine such as the New Era. I wrote the story and
designed the spread.
Process With my Magazine Layout Project, I started off with a couple of
sketches after I had finished brainstorming. I then took that sketch
and made a shape map in InDesign. That was helpful that I was able
to see how my design looks on the computer and this allowed me to
tweak it a bit from the original sketch. I also added what I thought
my color scheme would be. In Indesign I pulled up my shape map,
and when I put my images and story in, I had to adjust a few things
so that it would all fit properly but not that much. I decided to add
the background image of the boken lights as a fun way to pull in the
colors blue and yelow.
Program Adobe InDesign

Movie Poster

Description This is a movie poster that was for a fictional film using all orginal
photographs and combining them to make a complete image.
Process For this Project I used photoshop. I started by making a new
document that has the correct proportions of 1117 inches. I then
was able to start combining my different photographs. I used masking
and layering to add a different sky, move the fire closer to the left and
make the fire bigger. I also edited each photo individually in order to
make the lighting and coloration match. The message that this poster
is showing is that Day vs Night is a movie that stars two young women
that are caught between different things such as day and night. The
audience that is it looking to appeal to is audiences and young women
around the ages of 14-24.
Program Adobe Photoshop

Buisness Cards

Description I was asked to create a business card design using InDesign with a
logo that I had created using Illustrator.


I first started with the logo. I used various shape tools in Adobe
Illustrator to create the main shape of the carrier. I then used a
combination of grouping and rationalizing to group and delete parts
of the design. I then added the french fires themselves, rotating the
erasing some off the top to vary the shapes. Finally I overlayed the
text. I then took that project and brought it into Adobe Illustrator
where I had opened a document. I made two rectangles using the
rectangle tool to match the 3.32 inch guidelines we were given for
the size of a business cards. I then made a boarder with the rectangle
tool and a blue stroke on the front of the card. I then centered the
logo and made a yellow border with the rectangle tool. I then used the
text took to put in my information, making sure to keep a contrast
using size. I then moved onto the back. Using various shape tools and
the pencil tool I was able to make the figures you see. I paid very close
attention to spacing in over to keep the appearance professional.

Programs Adobe Illustrator & Adobe InDesign

Photo Montage

Description I was asked to make a spiritual montage made by the blending of two
or more images and the use of typography.
Process I started by looking for spiritual quotes to base my montage off of.
I went back to my general conference note. I found multiple quotes
that could work. I then looked up images that could correspond well.
Once I had chose my two images, I first opened a document and
make it the required took the image of my friends on the mountain
and applied a filter to it. I then took the picture of Jesus and using the
lasso tool cut it and dragged it into my other window. I also increased
the feathering so that the photo already has some softness to it. I then
moved it around until I was happy with the way it looked. I then took
my quote and and added it to the photos. Then through critiques I
took some of my words and put them in italics to emphasis them.
Program Adobe Photoshop


Description I was asked to create a color full-bleed event ad that would be used
to promote a fundraiser. The only tools I was allowed to use were
Microsoft Word and a scanner.
Process In creating this image I started with the picture in a book. I scanned
the image and then put it into Microsoft Word. I then took away the
margins. I chose two contrasting fonts for the title and the body copy.
I then pulled the color from the sky with the eyedropper tool for the
text. It was eye opening to see how much you could actually do with
the Microsoft design feature.
ProgramMicrosoft Word


Monday, October 13 5pm 9pm

3295 Terrance Road, Troy 48098

Come join us for Troy High Schools annual bake sale,

all proceeds will go towards the American Heart
Association. Items will be sold for $1 each.

Dessert in the Desert


Description I was asked to create a logo and a two-sided (duplex) folding brochure
for a company of my choosing.


I started my project by sketching out some ideas for what I wanted

to make. Then taking those ideas into consideration I decided on
what company I wanted to make the pamphlet for. I decided on a 24hour cookie place. This then led me to Illustrator to make the logo.
In Illustrator, it took me a couple times to be able to get the effect I
wanted on the C. After I had the C down I tried to find a font I liked
for the rest of the name but nothing I found fit well so I decided to
use the pencil tool and make my own lettering. After I had done this
with the pencil tool I used the pen and ellipse tool to make the clock.
I then opened up InDesign and set some margins and designated
fold lines using guidelines. After I had these set in place I followed
my sketches making boxes and placing them where photos will go
and placing my copy in the collect places. I also added my logo in at
this point. After I had the boxes for where my photos will go I started
looking for the photos to fill them. I wanted to stick to brown cookies
so that the photos would go nicely with my color scheme. Once I had
found all of them I placed them into the design.

Programs Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop


Description This is a poster that was made entirely in Microsoft Word to go along
with song lyrics of my choosing. The poster has to be 118.5 inches.
Process I first started by looking through some of my own photography to
see if I had an image that would work for this project. I found the
following picture and paired it with the title from the song No sleep
for the Wicked and the chorus as the quote. My audience is college
students, college students who dont sleep. Between the picture of
students out with the stars and the title illuding to a known song
talking about no sleep. Once I had my image and my quote then
I place the image into word. Using the text boxes and line tool I
placed the words and line on the page. I then played around with
font type, size and color making sure they had good contrast. I used
the eyedropper tool to pull the color from the right side of the photo
for the text. After going through some critiques and a couple drafts I
exported my project as a PDF.
Program Microsoft Word

Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked. Money don't

grow on trees. I got bills to pay; I got mouths to
feed and ain't nothing in this world for free. No I
can't slow down, I can't hold back though you know
I wish I could. No there ain't no rest for the wicked
until we close our eyes for good.


No Sleep For The

Event Advertisment

Description I was asked to take a photograph and then using only photoshop edit
the photograph and incorporate it into a poster design. The poster
has to be exactly 118.5 inches.
Process I decided that I wanted a photograph that had one central focus and
one central color. This way when it came time to add text and design
elements, it would not be too over cluttered. I found my neighbors
shoes sitting outside her apartment and thought that they were the
perfect candidate. Using my Nikon D3100 I was able to take the
picture. Then I brought the photo into photoshop to edit the photo.
I first adjusted the levels then moved onto adjusting the curve. Next
a slightly dulled the saturation and then sharpened up certain parts
of the photo. Then I opened a separate window in photoshop, setting
the size to 118.5 inches. I then dragged the edited photo into my
new window. I then cropped it to how I wanted it, following the rule
of thirds. I then added my text and the rectangular design elements. I
used the eyedropper tool to get the color for the box. I then saved my
design and exported it.
Program Adobe Photoshop


Description I was asked to design a website using HTML/CSS code and Text
Wrangler. The websites goal is to showcase a logo that I designed.
Process The website was created using the text wrangler program. This was
a challenging project for me because I had never done any coding
before. I used the lab assistance and the Internet a lot. Google was
very helpful. It was amazing to see how just simply typing a question
into Google and there were so many people with the same question
and other people there to answer them. I was able to take the HTML
document that I had attached my image to last week and then attach
a CSS document to it. The CSS document allowed me to style the
text that I had in the HTML document. I was able to change the
colors to match the colors in the logo by taking my logo and putting
it in photoshop and using the eyedropper tool I was able to take the
exact and enter it into the CSS code. I changed the fonts of both the
headings and the body copy. I chose Century Gothic for my headings
to match my logo and then as backups I chose Corbel and sans-serif.
For my body copy I chose Bodoni 72 Book as my main font because it
contrasted well and then Lucida Bright and serif as my backups. Lastly
I added the bullet points and some padding to space them a little
more to the right.
Program Text Wrangler


Description I was asked to make a logo for a company of my choosing

Process Illustrator was is different than using indesign or photoshop. I can
definitely see when and where you would use it. It was fun to see all
the tricks that you could do. I first started with three different design
options for my logo. I then had 10 people vote on which designs they
liked the best. I had two designs that both had 4 votes each. I then
chose my favorite one out of those two. After I had my number one
choice I tweaked it and tried different colors. I moved the design
elements around, playing with the alignment. I then tried bolding
and italicising different words.
Program Adobe Illustrator

Instagram Campaign
Description This is a Instagram Campaign that made for Mountain Dew with all
orginal photographs and orginal copy.

Process Mountain Dew is a brand that is owned by PepsiCo. Currently Its

Instagram focuses a lot on the athletes that they sponsor and their
newest campaign, puppy monkey baby. I thought that a new fresh
take would be beneficial. Not straying too much from them as a
company, considering that they tend to show a lot of action sports
and use adventure to brand themselves. I thought realistically about
what people use Mountain Dew for and it tends to be present a lot
on late nights. Its something that accompanies friend groups as they
stay up and have fun. I wanted to show this with this campaign. I
found 5 images that showed fun, late nights with friend groups. I
then matched these with captions that always end with Let us fuel
your night. and the hashtag #DewFuelsTheNight. I then actually
edited the photos to make them appear as if they had been posted by
mountain dew in order to get the full effect.
Program Adobe Photoshop

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