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P a m e l a

M a r s h a l l

Pamela Marshall
Brigham Young University Idaho
Design Portfolio
Communication Student
Public Relations Emphasis
Phone: (602) 373-0781

Table Of Contents
Buisness Card
Photo Design
Web Page
Event Ad

Instructor: Lindsey LeFevre
Course: Comm 130, Section 04
Date: 3/26/16
Programs Used:
Adobe Photoshop, Indesign,
and Illustrator
This is a brochure made for a made up event in
Idaho Falls.
The Objective of this project was to learn how
to make a creatively designed brochure for a
company, event, or cause.
The process for this brochure was longer than
most. It started with some sketches of a logo. After
I sketched some logos, I re-created my favorite
sketch in Illustrator. Then I used Photoshop to cut
out the girl on the inside middle, so that I could
make her crown the center of attention. After
cutting her out, I moved everything into InDesign
and formatted it, then I made the flower borders in
Illustrator to match the logo.

Instructor: Lindsey Leferve
Course: Comm 130, Section 04
Date: 2/20/16
Programs Used:
Adobe Illustrator
This is a logo made up for a Mountain Home Store.
It is supposed to show a fashion forward design,
but also show the rustic aspect the
mountains posses.
With this project I had to learn how to use
Illustrator better, and create the same object in
three different ways: Color, Black and White, and
White on Color.
Process Overview:
This logo started out with sketches. Once I chose
my favortie I used the elipse tool in Illustrator for
the outside, then typed my words, then used the
triangles to make my mountains. I then grouped
the items and changed the color for each
one as needed.

Business Card
Instructor: Lindsey Lefevre
Course: Comm130, Section 04
Date: 02/27/16
Programs Used:
Illustrator, InDesign
This is a business card I made for myself. It was
made to show off my design skills, while giving
people my information.
To design a professional business card.
Process Overveiw:
I started with illustrator and made my logo, I then
moved it into InDesign where I turned it into a
business card. I used my logo as the front of the
card. I then used the color picker to create the
back, and a fun dot border. I then added my
information and aligned it to the left.

ra s

Pamela Marshall
Communication Student
175 W 5 S Apt. 614
Rexburg, ID 83440

Instructor: Lindsey Lefevre
Course: Comm130, Section 04
Date: 02/27/16
Programs Used:
This would be stationary that I would use if I was
ever to have my own business.
To create a professional piece of stationary for a
company to use.
Process Overveiw:
After creating my logo in Illustrator, I moved
it into InDesign where I was able to change
the opacity. I then sized it to be centered on
my page. Then I re-used my dot idea from my
business card , and put my information in
the top right.

Photo Design
Instructor: Lindsey Lefevre
Course: Comm130, Section 04
Date: 02/6/16
Programs Used:
This is a design I did on an original photo.
Learn how to take photos and then edit them,
then use Photoshop to design on the image.
Process Overveiw:
After I took my photo, I used the color picker to get
a matching color scheme, and then I used that
to create my block at the bottom. I then made
smaller blocks in different colors and duplicated
them. I lined them up, Then I added in my font.

Instructor: Lindsey Lefevre
Course: Comm130, Section 04
Date: 02/11/16
Programs Used:
This was a project done to show an uplifting or
insperational message.
Know how to blend two photos together and then
add an insperationall quote using contrasting
fonts and sizes.
Process Overveiw:
I found two photos that went with my design idea.
I then blended them together using the layer mask
. I changed the opacity to make certain features
clearer than others. Then I added in the font.

Instructor: Lindsey Lefevre
Course: Comm130, Section 04
Date: 01/23/16
Program Used:
This is a professional flier made for a gradute
leadership conference.
Use InDesgin to create a flier in black and white,
with words and pictures already chosen.
Process Overveiw:
I used the FOCUS process in my design. I started
by formulating ideas: sketching, creating an
audience in my mind. Then I organized my layout,
contrasted the interior objects, moved around my
layout, and finally brought it all together.

Web Page
Instructor: Lindsey Lefevre
Course: Comm130, Section 04
Date: 03/12/16
Progams Used:
This is a webpage deigned for my company.
Know how to deign in HTML and CSS.
Process Overveiw:
I started by editing my html in notepad. I added
my logo in, formatted the page, and linked the
css. I then changed different parts on the css.
I used photoshop to match the colors of my
page to the color of the logo.

Event Ad
Instructor: Lindsey Lefevre
Course: Comm130, Section 04
Date: 02/1/16
Programs Used:
Microsoft Word
A flier made for a womans shelter bruch
in Rexburg.
Learn how to scan an image, and then use
word as a design program.
Process Overveiw:
I started by finding an image that I thought
wouldd work for my flier idea. I then scanned
it into my computer, and uploaded it into word.
I then chose colors that matched with my
picture, and inserted words.

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