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Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Wise Arrow

by MadLetter

Sight Without Eyes

There Is No Wind

Blood Without Balance

Trance of Unhesitating Speed

Phantom Arrow Technique

Rain of Feathered Death

Force Without Fire

Flashing Venegeance Draw

Arrow Storm Technique

Accuracy Without Distance

Hunters Swift Answer

Revolving Bow Discipline

Solar Spike

Seven Omens Shot

Finishing Snipe

Heavens Crash Down

Heart-Eating Incineration

Dust and Ash Sleight

Streaming Arrow Stance

Whispered Prayer of Judgement

Full Cascades with page-references and Charm mini-descriptors will follow, please be patient.

Fiery Arrow Attack

Immaculate Golden Bow

Dazzling Flare Attack

Shadow-Seeking Arrow

Searing Sunfire Interdiction

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Ten-Ox Meditation

Lightning Speed

Graceful Crane Stance

Leaping Tiger Attack

Feather Foot Style

Spider Foot Style

Monkey Leap Technique

Increasing Strength Exercise

Foe-Vaulting Method

Soaring Crane Leap

Thunderbolt Attack Prana

Ten-Ox Meditation

Unbound Eagle Approach

Power Suffusing Form Technique

Triumph-Forged God-Body

Mountain-Crossing Leap Technique

Legion Aurochs Method

Onrush Burst Method

Eagle-Wing Style

Aegis of Unstoppable Force

Bonfire Anima Wings

Nine Aeons Thew

by MadLetter

Onrush Burst Method

Racing Hare Method

Winning Stride Discipline

Demon-Wasting Run

Arete-Driven Marathon Stride

Godspeed Steps

One Extra Step

Living Wind Approach

Full Cascades with page-references and Charm mini-descriptors will follow, please be patient.

Hurricane Spirit Speed

Armor-Eating Strike

Thunders Might

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Sensory Acuity Prana

by MadLetter

Unsurpassed Taste and Smell Discipline

Keen Taste and Smell Technique

Surprise Anticipation Method

Keen Sight Technique

Keen Hearing and Touch Technique

Foe-Scenting Method

Genius Palate Summation

Unsurpassed Sight Technique

Unswerving Eye Method

Studied Ear Espial

Eyeless Harbinger Awareness

Unsurpassed Hearing and Touch Discipline

Scent-Honing Prana

Any Two Keen Techniques

Inner Eye Focus

Knowing Beyond Silence

Living Pulse Perception

Dedicated Unerring Ear


Roused Dragon Detection

Awakening Eye

Any 3 Non-Excellency
Awareness Charms

Eye of the Unconquered Sun

Full Cascades with page-references and Charm mini-descriptors will follow, please be patient.

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Fists of Iron Technique

Vicious Lunge

Thunderclap Rush Attack

Ferocious Jab

by MadLetter

Iron Battle Focus

Ox-Stunning Blow

Falling Hammer Strike

Reckless Fury Discard

Knockout Blow

Hammer on Iron Technique

One With Violence

Unbreakable Grasp

Devil-Strangling Attitude

Crashing Wave Throw

Oak-Curling Clinch

Burning Fist Burial

Wind and Stone Defense

Heaven Thunder Hammer

Force-Rending Strike

Burning Proof of Authority

Dragon Coil Technique

Shockwave Technique

River-Binding Wrath

Adamantite Fists of Battle

Blade-Rebuking Wrath

Sledgehammer Fist Punch

Intercepting Fury Smite

Intercepting Fury Smite

Dancing With Strife Technique

Solar Cross-Counter

Cancel The Apocalypse

Fivefold Fury Onslaught

Striving Aftershock Method

Rampage-Berserker Attack

Superior Violent Knowledge

Heaven Fury Smite

Inevitable Victory Meditation

Supremacy of War Meditation

Ascendant Battle Visage

Full Cascades with page-references and Charm mini-descriptors will follow, please be patient.

Rapturous Cradle

Ten Calamities Technique

Raging Wrath Repeated

Titan-Straightening Method

Incarnated Fury Attacks

Heaven Thunder Hammer

Lightning Strikes Twice

Wicked Dissolve Dust

Orichalcum Fists of Battle

Fire-Eating Fist

Apocalypse Flare Attack

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Deft Officials Way

Frugal Merchant Method

by MadLetter

Consumer Evaluating Glance

Insightful Buyer Technique

Enlightened Discourse Method

Speed the Wheels

Measuring Glance

Indolent Official Charm

All-Seeing Master Procurer

Irresistible Salesman Spirit

Semantic Argument Technique

Bureau-Rectifying Method

Enigmatic Bureau Understanding

Foul Air of Argument Technique

Empowered Barter Stance

Eclectic Veribage of Law

Bureau-Reforming Kata

Taboo-Inflicting Diatribe

Subject-Hailing Ideology

Woe-Capturing Web

Order-Conferring Action

Illimitable Master Fence

Soul-Snaring Pitch

Ungoverned Market Awareness

Omen-Spawning Beast

Infinitely-Efficient Register

Full Cascades with page-references and Charm mini-descriptors will follow, please be patient.

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Tireless Workhorse Method

Arete-Shifting Prana

Efficient Craftsman Technique

Sublime Transference

Brass Scales Falling

Craftsman Needs No Tools

Crack-Mending Technique

Flawless Handiwork Method

Time Heals Nothing

Triumph-Forging Eye

Blood Diamond Sweat

Breach-Healing Method

by MadLetter

Supreme Celestial Focus

Ages-Echoing Wisdom

Red Anvils Ringing

Thousand-Forged Hands

Chains Fall Away

Vice-Miracle Technique

Shattering Grasp

Durability-Enhancing Technique

Design Beyond Limit

Object-Strengthening Touch

Celestial Reforging Technique

Hero-Forging God-Weapon

Supreme Masterwork Focus

Bright-Forging Prana

Experimental Conjuring of True Void

First Movement of the Demiurge

Unbroken Image Focus

Divine Inspiration Technique

Essence-Forging Kata

Holistic Miracle Understanding

Mind-Expanding Meditation


Dragon Soul Emergence

Summit-Piercing Touch

Peerless Paragon of Craft

Copper Spider Conception

Vice-Miracle Technique

Supreme Perfection of Craft

Clay and Breath Practice

Words-as-Workshop Method

Chaos-Resistance Preparation

Soul-Forge Tampering

Realizing the Form Supernal

The Art of Permanence

Divine Transcendence of Craft


Spirit-Gathering Industry

Inspiration-Renewing Vision

Unwinding Gyre Meditation

God-Forge Within

Exegenesis of the Distilled Form

Sun-Heart Tenacity

Spirit-Stoking Elevation

Full Cascades with page-references and Charm mini-descriptors will follow, please be patient.

Horizon-Unveiling Insight

Wonder-Forging Genius

Dual Magnus Prana

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery


Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Drifting Leaf Elusion

Reed In The Wind

by MadLetter

Searing Quicksilver Flight

Force-Stealing Feint

Fleet Dreaming Image

Safety Between Heartbeats

Seven Shadow Evasion

Sunlight Bleeding Away

Thousand Steps Stillness

Refinement of Flowing Shadows

Dust Motes Whirling

Reflex Sidestep Technique

Shadow Dancer Method

Leaping Dodge Method

Unbowed Willow Meditation

Full Cascades with page-references and Charm mini-descriptors will follow, please be patient.

Drifting Shadow Focus

Shadow Over Water

Fourfold Shiver Binding

Flow Like Blood

Rumor of Form

Harm-Dismissing Meditation

Way of Whispering Technique

Vaprous Division

Living Bonds Unburdened

Hundred Shadow Ways

Unbridled Shadew Attitude

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


None; or 3 Bureaucracy, War

or Presence Charms

Enduring Mental Toughness

Integrity-Protecting Prana

10 Charms of
any one Ability

or Socialize Charms

Destiny-Manifesting Method

Sun King Radiance

by MadLetter

Integrity-Protecting Prana; or: any 3 Bureaucracy,

Performance or Socialize Charms

Stubborn Boar Defense

Spirit-Maintaining Maneuver
Stubborn Boar Defense;
or: any 8 social Charms

Stubborn Boar Defense; or:

any 4 Archery, Brawl, Melee, Thrown, War Charms

Steel Heart Stance

Steel Heart Defense; or: any 5 Charms

Righteous Lion Defense

Temptation-Resisting Stance

Undying Solar Resolve

Temptation-Resisting Stance
or: any 6 Martial Arts Charms

Undying Solar Resolve; or: Any 5

Athletics, Resistance or Survival Charms

Mind-Cleansing Prana

Righteous Soul Judgement

Mind-Cleansing Prana;
or: any 3 Martial Arts Charms

Righteous Lion Defense; or: Any 6 Charms that

Invincible Solar Aegis

Watchful Eyes of Heaven

Accord of the Unbreakable Spirit

Unhesitating Dedication

Barque of Transcendent Vision

Energy Restoration Prana

Barque of Transcendent Vision; or:

Any 5 Martial Arts Charms

Body-Restoring Benison

Inviolable Essence-Merging

Full Cascades with page-references and Charm mini-descriptors will follow, please be patient.

Spirit-Tempering Practice

Transcendent Heros Meditation

Legend-Soul Revival

Phoenix Renewal Tactic

Spirit-Tempering Practice; or: Any 5

Lore, Presence or Socialize Charms

Empowered Soul Technique

Soul-Nourishing Technique

Soul-Nourishing Technique; or:

Any 5 Charms

Invincible Solar Aegis

Eminent Paragon Approach

Eminent Paragon Approach; or:
Any 15 Caste Charms

Clear Mind Discipline

Divine Mantle

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Watchmans Infallible Eye

by MadLetter

Inquisitors Unfailing Notice

Crafty Observation Method

Divine Induction Technique

Evidence-Discerning Method

Miraculous Stunning Insight

Watchful Justiciars Eye

Judges Ear Technique

Evidence-Restoring Prana

Ten Magistrate Eyes

Dauntless Inquisitor Attitude

Unknown Wisdom Epiphany

Judge-Generals Stance

Enlightened Touch Insight

Empathic Recall Discipline

Mind Manse Meditation

Full Cascades with page-references and Charm mini-descriptors will follow, please be patient.

Irresistible Questioning Technique

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Seasoned Criminal Method

Swift Gamblers Eye

Lock-Opening Touch

Living Shadow Preparedness

Flawless Pickpocketing Technique

by MadLetter

Flawless Impenetrable Disguise

Perfect Mirror

Split Deception Method

Flashing Ruse Prana

Spurious Presence

Clever Bandits Rook

Lightning-Hand Sleight

Door-Evading Technique

Unshakable Rogues Spirit

Stealing From Plain Sight Spirit

Reversal of Fortune

Preying on Uncertainty Approach

Doubt-Stealing Heist

Proof-Eating Palm

Fate-Shifting Solar Arete

Master Plan Meditation

Magpies Invisible Talon

Iron Wolves Grasp

Phantom Hood Technique

Skillful Reappropriation

Null Anima Gloves

Nights Eye Meditation

Unbroken Darkness Approach

Full Cascades with page-references and Charm mini-descriptors will follow, please be patient.

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Whirling Brush Method

Letter-Within-A-Letter Technique

Flawless Brush Discipline

Essence-Laden Missive

Stolen Voice Technique

Voice-Caging Calligraphy

Moving the Unseen Hand

Cup Boils Over

Subtle Speech Method

Flowing Elegant Hand

Strange Tongue Understanding

Mingled Tongue Technique

Sagacious Reading of Intent

Twisted Words Technique

Poetic Expression Style

Single Voice Kata

Word-Shield Invocation

Discerning Savants Eye

Excellent Emissarys Tongue

Vanishing Immersion Style

Perfect Recollection Discipline

Mind-Scribing Method

Swift Sages Eye

by MadLetter

Power-Snaring Image

Flashing Quill Atemi

Perfect Celestial Author

Full Cascades with page-references and Charm mini-descriptors will follow, please be patient.

Mind-Swallowing Missive

Unbreakable Fascination Method

Heaven-Drawing Discipline

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Harmonious Academic Methodology

Essence-Lending Method

by MadLetter

Order-Affirming Blow

Will-Bolstering Method

Wyld-Dispelling Prana

First Knowledges Grace

Bottomless Wellspring Approach

Chaos-Repelling Pattern

Flowing Mind Prana

Lore-Inducing Concentration

Selfsame Master Instructor

Essence Font Technique

Wound-Accepting Technique

Any 2 Lore Charms

Truth-Rendering Gaze

Power-Awarding Prana

Immanent Solar Glory

Injury-Forcing Technique

Essence-Draining Touch

Heaven-Turning Calculations

Sacred Relic Understanding

Flowing Essence Conversion

Essence-Twining Method

Force-Draining Whisper

Legendary Scholars Curriculum

Selfsame Master Instructor

Hidden Wisdom Bestowal

Wake the Sleeper

Any 2 Lore Charms

Surging Essence Flow

Power-Restoring Invocation

Will-Shattering Illusion

Seal of Infinite Wisdom

Surging Inner Fire

Truth-Rendering Gaze

Prophet of Seventeen Cycles

Incalculable Flowing Mind

Wyld-Shaping Technique


Hero-Induction Method

Unstoppable Magnus Approach

Wyld-Cauldron Mastery

Wyld-Called Weapon

Wyld-Forging Focus

Sevenfold Savant Mantle

Manse-Raising Method

Demiurgic Suspiration

Order-Affirming Blow
Gold Dots:
Red Dots:

Permanent Essence requirement

Ability Rating requirement

This current version of the Charm Cascades is a Work-in-Progress. A full version of these Cascades
including page-references and short-descriptions of the Charms will appear in the future. Please
be patient.
If you find any typos and errors, please contact me at:

Power Beyond Reason

Savant of Nine Glories

Mind-Scribing Method [Lore]

Tome-Rearing Gesture

God-Kings Shrike

Chaos-Repelling Pattern

Any Three Lore Charms

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Ailment-Rectifying Method

Wound-Mending Care Technique

Flawless Diagnosis Technique

Any Medicine Charm

Plague-Banishing Incitation

Wound-Cleansing Meditation

Touch of Blissful Release

Master Chirurgeon Meditation

Contagion-Curing Touch

Instant Treatment Methodoloy

Anodyne of Celestial Dreaming

Feit of Imparted Nature

Wound-Banishing Strike

Anointment of Miraculous Health

Life-Exchanging Prana

Wholeness-Restoring Meditation

Body-Sculpting Essence Method

by MadLetter

Body-Purifying Admonitions

Benison of Celestial Healing

Life-Sculpting Hands Technique

Order-Affirming Blow
Gold Dots:
Red Dots:

Healers Unerring Hands

Permanent Essence requirement

Ability Rating requirement

This current version of the Charm Cascades is a Work-in-Progress. A full version of these Cascades
including page-references and short-descriptions of the Charms will appear in the future. Please
be patient.
If you find any typos and errors, please contact me at:

Healing Trance Meditation

Perfect Celestial Chirurgeon

Immaculate Solar Physician

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Dipping Swallow Defense

Excellent Strike

Call the Blade

Excellent Strike

Iron Raptor Technique

by MadLetter

Hungry Tiger Technique


Solar Counterattack

Perfect Strike Discipline

Bulwark Stance

Flashing Edge of Dawn

Heavenly Guardian Defense

Fivefold Bulwark Stance

Iron Whirlwind Attack

Fervent Blow

Protection of Celestial Bliss

Invincible Fury of the Dawn

Over-and-Under Method

Fire and Stone Strike

One Weapon, Two Blows

Rising Sun Slash

Peony Blossom Technique

Foe-Cleaving Focus

Order-Affirming Blow
Gold Dots:
Red Dots:

Permanent Essence requirement

Ability Rating requirement

Heaven Sword Flash

This current version of the Charm Cascades is a Work-in-Progress. A full version of these Cascades
including page-references and short-descriptions of the Charms will appear in the future. Please
be patient.
If you find any typos and errors, please contact me at:

Circle of Bright Reaving

Agile Dragonfly Blade

Guard-Breaking Technique

War Lion Stance

Hail-Shattering Practice

Solar Counterattack

Summoning the Loyal Steel

Calm and Ready Focus

Unassailable Guardian Posture

Ready in Eight Directions Stance

Glorious Solar Saber

Edge of Morning Sunlight

Immortal Blade Triumphant

Corona of Radiance

Sandstorm-Wind Attack

Sharp Light of Judgement Stance

Blazing Solar Bolt

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Ancient Tongue Understanding

Spirit-Detecting Glance

Spirit-Manifesting Word

by MadLetter

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

All-Encompassing Sorcerers Sight

Uncanny Perception Technique

Spirit-Cutting Attack

Celestial Circle Sorcery

Burning Eyes of the Deliverer

Keen Unnatural Eye

Spirit Draining Stance

Ghost-Eating Technique

Solar Circle Sorcery

Sorcerers Burning Chakra

Breath-Drinker Method

Phantom-Seizing Strike

Spirit-Slaying Stance

Spirit-Drawing Occulus


Supernal Control Method

Dark-Minders Observances

Material Exegenesis Prana

Uncanny Shroud Defense

Spirit-Repelling Diagram

Gloaming Eye Understanding

All Souls Benediction

Carnal Spirit Rending

Nine Specters Ban

Spirit-Caging Mandala

Burning Exorcism Technique

Spirit-Draining Mudra

Wyld-Binding Prana

Soul Projection Method

Demon-Compelling Noose

Spirit-Shredding Exorcism

Order-Affirming Blow
Gold Dots:
Red Dots:

Permanent Essence requirement

Ability Rating requirement

This current version of the Charm Cascades is a Work-in-Progress. A full version of these Cascades
including page-references and short-descriptions of the Charms will appear in the future. Please
be patient.
If you find any typos and errors, please contact me at:

Immortal Soul Vigil

Carnal Spirit Rending

Emerald Induction Technique

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Respect-Commanding Attitude

Masterful Performance Exercise

Any five Essence 2+

Performance Charms


Memory-Reweaving Discipline

Demon Wracking Shout

by MadLetter

Impassioned Orator Technique

Soul-Firing Performance

Stillness-Drawing Meditation

Spirit-Cutting Attack

Perfect Harmony Technique

Trance of Fugue Vision

Dogmatic Contagion Discipline

Penultimate Unity of Form

Unmatched Showmanship Style

Battle Anthem (of the Solar Exalted)

Infectious Zealotry Approach

Soul-Bracing Momentous Power

Soul Voice

Heroism-Encouraging Ballad

Pivotal Encore Performance

Order-Affirming Blow
Gold Dots:
Red Dots:

Permanent Essence requirement

Ability Rating requirement

This current version of the Charm Cascades is a Work-in-Progress. A full version of these Cascades
including page-references and short-descriptions of the Charms will appear in the future. Please
be patient.
If you find any typos and errors, please contact me at:

Heart-Compelling Method

Mood-Inducing Music

Fury Inciting Speech


Master Thespian Style

Plectral Harbingers Approach

Soul-Stirring Cantata

Graceful Reed Dancing

Voice-Hurling Method

Cunning Mimicry Technique

Battle-Dancer Method

Shining Expression Style

Most Excellent Mockingbird

Winding Sinuous Motion

Monk-Seducing Demon Dance

Splendid Magpie Approach

Thousand Courtesan Ways

Celestial Bliss Trick

Phantom-Conjuring Performance

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Listener-Swaying Argument

Harmonious Presence Meditation

Impassioned Discourse

Majestic Radiant Presence

by MadLetter

Tigers Dread Symmetry

Fulminating Word

Impassioned Discourse Technique

Excellent Friend Approach

Threefold Magnetic Ardor

Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgement

Underling-Promoting Touch

Empowering Shout

Underling Promoting

Awakened Carnal Demiurge

Prophet-Uplifting Evocation

Worshipful Lackey Acquisition

Favor-Conferring Prana

Rose-Lipped Seduction Style

Shedding Infinite Radiance

Authority-Radiating Stance

Fulminating Word

Terrifying Apparition of Glory

Crowned King of Eternity

Countenance of Vast Wrath

Blazing Glorious Icon

Impassioned Discourse

Order-Affirming Blow
Gold Dots:
Red Dots:

Permanent Essence requirement

Ability Rating requirement

This current version of the Charm Cascades is a Work-in-Progress. A full version of these Cascades
including page-references and short-descriptions of the Charms will appear in the future. Please
be patient.
If you find any typos and errors, please contact me at:

Hypnotic Tongue Technique

Mind-Wiping Gaze

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Durability of Oak Meditation

Ox-Body Technique

Spirit Strengthens the Skin

Body-Mending Meditation

Poison-Resisting Meditation

Essence-Gathering Temper

Hauberk-Summoning Gesture

Illness-Resisting Meditation

Willpower-Enhancing Spirit

Glorious Solar Plate

Immunity to Everything Technique

Battle Fury Focus

Whirlwind Armor-Donning Prana

by MadLetter

Iron Kettle Body


Iron Skin Concentration

Tiger Warriors Endurance

Diamond-Body Prana

Wound-Knitting Exercise

Adamant Skin Technique

Unbreakable Warriors Mastery

Order-Affirming Blow
Gold Dots:
Red Dots:

Permanent Essence requirement

Ability Rating requirement

This current version of the Charm Cascades is a Work-in-Progress. A full version of these Cascades
including page-references and short-descriptions of the Charms will appear in the future. Please
be patient.
If you find any typos and errors, please contact me at:

Front-Line Warriors Stamina

Ruin-Abasing Shrug

Aegis of Invincible Might

Armored Scouts Invigoration

Bloodthirsty Sword-Dancer Spirit

Fury-Fed Ardor

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Seasoned Beast-Riders Approach

Master Horsemans Techniques

by MadLetter


Hero Rides Away

Flashing Thunderbolt Steed

Single Spirit Method

Harmonious Tacking Technique

Wind-Racing Essence Infusion

Elusive Mount Technique

Saddle-Staying Courses

Whirlwind Horse-Armoring Prana

Rousing Backlash Assault

Woe and Storm Evasion

Immortal Chargers Gallop

Untouchable Horsemans Attitude

Horse-Stealing Leap

Bard-Lightening Prana

Seven Cyclones Rearing

Resilience of the Chosen Mount

Phantom Steed

Worthy Mount Technique

Mount Preservation Method

Immortal Riders Advantage

Horse-Healing Technique

Untouchable Solar Steed

Order-Affirming Blow
Gold Dots:
Red Dots:

Permanent Essence requirement

Ability Rating requirement

This current version of the Charm Cascades is a Work-in-Progress. A full version of these Cascades
including page-references and short-descriptions of the Charms will appear in the future. Please
be patient.
If you find any typos and errors, please contact me at:

Coursing Firebolt Flash

Sometimes Horses Fly Approach

Soaring Pegasus Style

Rapid Cavalry Approach

Speed-Fury Focus

Supernal Lash Discipline

Fierce Chargers Pulse

Grizzled Cataphracts Way

Inexhaustible Destriers Gait

Phantom Riders Approach

Iron Simhata Style

Wrathful Mount Invigoration

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Immortal Mariners Advantage

Ship-Claiming Stance

Salty Dog Method

by MadLetter

Shipwreck-Surviving Stamina

Fathoms-Fed Spirit

Perfect Reckoning Technique

Ship-Imperiled Vigor

Weather-Anticipating Intuition

Tiger Warrior Training Technique

Tide-Carried Omens

Legendary Captains Signature

Ship-Sleeking Technique

Orichalcum Letters of Marque

Hull-Preserving Technique

Tide-Cutting Essence Infusion

Wave-Riding Discipline

Hull-Taming Transfusion

Ship-Leavening Meditation

Blood and Salt Bondage

Ship-Sustaining Spirit

Salty-Dog Method; or:

Immortal Mariners Advantage

Chaos-Cutting Galley

Invincible Admiral Method

Sea Devil Training Technique

Sea Ambush Technique

Deck-Sweeping Fusillade

Ship-Breaker Method

Superior Positioning Technique

Implacable Sea Wolf Spirit

Deadly Ichneumon Assault

Sea Serpent Flash

Ship-Rolling Juggernaut Method

Order-Affirming Blow
Gold Dots:
Red Dots:

Any 10 Sail Charms

Indomitable Voyagers Perseverance

Wind-Defying Course Technique

Black Fathoms Blessed

Ocean-Conquering Avatar

Current-Cuttin Technique

Permanent Essence requirement

Ability Rating requirement

This current version of the Charm Cascades is a Work-in-Progress. A full version of these Cascades
including page-references and short-descriptions of the Charms will appear in the future. Please
be patient.
If you find any typos and errors, please contact me at:

Storm-Weathering Essence Infusion

Burning Anima Sails

Rail-Storming Fervor

Ship-Raising Renewal

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Master of Small Manners

Shadow Over Day

Motive-Discerning Technique

by MadLetter

Aspersions Cast Aside

Effective Counter Argument

Asp Bites Its Tail

Wise Council (Flashing Soul Reform)

Endless Obsession Feint

Unimpeachable Discourse Technique

Culture Hero Approach

Dauntless Assayer Method

Humble Servant Approach

Quicksilver Falcons Eye

Intent-Tracing Stare

Night Passes Over

Easily-Discarded Presence Method

Guarded Thoughts Meditation

Indecent Proposal Method

Cunning Insight Technique

Preeminent Gala Knife

Wise-Eyed Courtier Method

Umbral Eyes Focus

Discretionary Gesture

Deep-Eyed Soul Gazing

Selfsame Master Procurer

Penumbra Self Meditation

Doubt-Sowing Contention Method

Fete-Watcher Stance

Any four Essence 3+ Socialize Charms

Culture Hero Approach

Friend of a Friend Approach

Understanding the Court

Venomous Rumors Technique

Knowing the Souls Price

Seen and Seeing Method

Inverted Ego Mask

Face-Charming Prana

Heart-Eclipsing Shroud

Soul-Void Kata

Hundred-Faced Stranger

Unbound Social Mastery

Legend Mask Methodology

Even-Touched Prophet

Draw the Curtain

Order-Affirming Blow
Gold Dots:
Red Dots:

Elusive Dream Defense

At Your Service

Fugue Empowered Other

Permanent Essence requirement

Ability Rating requirement

This current version of the Charm Cascades is a Work-in-Progress. A full version of these Cascades
including page-references and short-descriptions of the Charms will appear in the future. Please
be patient.
If you find any typos and errors, please contact me at:

Soul Reprisal

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Perfect Shadow Stillness

Easily-Overlooked Presence Method

Blinding Battle Feint

Invisible Statue Spirit

Mental Invisibility Technique

Stalking Wolf Attitude

Guardian Fog Approach

Shadow Victors Repose

Blurred From Style

Vanishing From Minds Eye Method

Hidden Snake Recoil

Dark Sentinels Way

Flash-Eyed Killers Insight

Sun Swallowing Practice

Sound and Scent Banishing Attitude

False Image Feint

Smoke and Shadow Cover

Five Fold Shadow Burial

Ten Whispers Silence Meditation

by MadLetter

Order-Affirming Blow
Gold Dots:
Red Dots:

Permanent Essence requirement

Ability Rating requirement

This current version of the Charm Cascades is a Work-in-Progress. A full version of these Cascades
including page-references and short-descriptions of the Charms will appear in the future. Please
be patient.
If you find any typos and errors, please contact me at:

Shadow-Crossing Leap Technique

Flashing Nocturne Prana

Shadow Replacement Technique

Mind Shroud Meditation

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Hardship-Surviving Mendicant Spirit

Friendship With Animals Approach

by MadLetter

Food-Gathering Exercise

Trackless Region Navigation

Element-Resisting Prana

Spirit-Tied Pet

Unshakeable Bloodhound Technique

Beast-Mastering Behavior

Beatial Traits Technique

Traceless Passage

Deadly Onslaught Coordination

Ghost Panther Slinking

Eye-Deceiving Camoflage

Red-Toothed Execution Order

Familiar-Honing Instruction

Hide-Hardening Practice

Saga Beast Virtue

Life of the Aurochs

Spirit-Hunting Hound

Ambush Predator Style

Phantom-Rending Fangs

Force-Building Predator Style

Crimson Talon Vigor

Order-Affirming Blow
Gold Dots:
Red Dots:

Permanent Essence requirement

Ability Rating requirement

This current version of the Charm Cascades is a Work-in-Progress. A full version of these Cascades
including page-references and short-descriptions of the Charms will appear in the future. Please
be patient.
If you find any typos and errors, please contact me at:

Deadly Predator Method

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Triple Distance Attack Technique

Precision of the Striking Raptor

by MadLetter

Angle-Tracing Edge


Cascade of Cutting Terror

Steel Storm Descending

Joint-Wounding Attack

Flashing Draw Mastery

Mist on Water Attack

Observer-Deceiving Attack

Swarm-Culling Instinct

Flying Steel Ruse

Empty Palm Technique

Crimson Razor Wind

Sharp Hand Feint

Falling Icicle Strike

Fallen Weapon Deflection

Shadow Thrust Spark

Shadow Wind Slash (Shadow Wind Kill)

Cutting Circle of Destruction

Mist-Gathering Practice

Order-Affirming Blow
Gold Dots:
Red Dots:

Permanent Essence requirement

Ability Rating requirement

Shrike Saving Discretion

This current version of the Charm Cascades is a Work-in-Progress. A full version of these Cascades
including page-references and short-descriptions of the Charms will appear in the future. Please
be patient.
If you find any typos and errors, please contact me at:

Savage Wolf Attack

Shower of Deadly Blades

Firey Solar Chakram

Exalted 3rd Edition

Charm Cascades


Ideal Battle Knowledge Prana

War God Descendent

by MadLetter

League of Iron Preparation

Tiger Warrior Training Technique

Immortal Commanders Presence

Rout-Stemming Gesture

Holistic Battle Understanding

Magnanimity of the Unstoppable Icon

Redoubt-Raising Gesture

March of the Returner

General of the All-Seeing Sun

Supremacy of the Divine Army

Four Glories Meditation

Immortal Warlords Tactic

Battle Path Ascendant

Transcendant Warlords Genius

Order-Affirming Blow
Gold Dots:
Red Dots:

Permanent Essence requirement

Ability Rating requirement

This current version of the Charm Cascades is a Work-in-Progress. A full version of these Cascades
including page-references and short-descriptions of the Charms will appear in the future. Please
be patient.
If you find any typos and errors, please contact me at:

Battle-Visionarys Foresight

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