Bhs Inggris (Dialog)

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Contoh Dialog Percakapan Perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris

(Introduction Conversation)

Yosep : Hey, Hanung. Its good to see you here.

Hanung : Hi, Yosep. Glad to see you too. Are you here for the interview?
Yosep : Yes. Are you?
Hanung : Yes. I was called to come for the interview the other day.
Yosep : Good, me too. Did you come all by yourself?
Hanung : Actually, My friend from the same university is here for the interview as well. Here,
Yosep, I would like you to meet my friend, Gladis.
Yosep : Oh, hello, my name is Yosep. How do you do?
Gladis : Hi, my name is Gladis. How do you do
Yosep : How are you, Gladis?
Gladis : Im fine, thank you. And you?
Yosep : Im fine too. Thank you So, you are from the same university as Hanung?
Gladis : Yes, thats true.
Yosep : Were you his classmate?
Gladis : No. Actually, we were in different faculty.
Yosep : Oh, really?
Gladis : Yes, I was from the faculty of communication while Hanung was from the faculty of
Hanung : Yes. We knew each other since we were in high school.
Yosep : Oh, I see that Well, Pardon me, I think I should get going for registration first. Pleased
to meet you, Gladis
Gladis : Well, pleased to meet you too, Yosep.
Yosep : Bye, Hanung! See you around!
Hanung : Alright, see you!

Glossaries Percakapan Perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris

(Introduction Conversation)
Interview = wawancara
The other day = kemarin, hari yang lalu
All by yourself = seorang diri

As well = juga
Classmate = teman sekelas
Different = berbeda
Faculty = fakultas
Communication = komunikasi
Economics = ekonomi
Pardon me = Maaf
Get going = bergegas pergi
Registration = pendaftaran
Other Basic Sentences Percakapan Perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris (Introduction
Let me introduce myself = Persilahkan saya memperkenalkan diri (Formal)
Id like to introduce myself = saya ingin memperkenalkan diri
Hanung let me introduce my friend, Gladis = Hanung persilahkan saya memperkenalkan
teman saya, Gladis (Formal)
Id like you to meet my friend, Gladis = Saya ingin Anda berkenalan dengan teman saya, Gladis
Hanung this is my friend, Gladis = Hanung ini teman saya, Gladis. (Informal)
Hi, my name is Yosep = Hai, nama saya Yosep (Formal)
Hello, I am Yosep = Hello, saya Yosep.
What is your name? = Siapa nama kamu?
What is yours (name)? = Siapa nama kamu?
How do you do? = Senang berkenalan dengan anda (Formal) -> direspon juga dengan how do
you do.
How are you? = Apa kabar Anda? (Formal) -> direspon I am fine, thank you = Saya baik-baik
saja. Terima kasih.
Pleased to meet you/Glad to meet you/its a pleasure to meet you = Senang bertemu dengan
See you around/See you next time/Good bye = Sampai jumpa lagi
Demikian pembahasan tentang ercakapan perkenalan dalam bahasa inggris (Introduction
Conversation) sebagai salah satu referensi pembelajaran bahasa inggris.

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