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Beginning Sentence Completion 3

Directions: Choose the best word(s) to complete each sentence.

1) The kids were ______ by the haunted house. They
wanted to run away and hide!
A) hurt
B) lost
C) scared
D) first
E) fooled

7) My friend always eats cereal for breakfast. I am

______ he will eat some today.
A) doubtful
B) sure
C) sad
D) hungry
A) hurt

2) My face and my twin brothers face are ______ .

Everyone says we look ______.
A) similaralike
B) specialplain
C) identical different
D) itchycalm
E) scarynormal

8) The ______ man was the only one who could lift the
heavy load.
A) friendly
B) mad
C) strong
D) silly
E) ugly

3) The ______ woman had many wrinkles and grey hair.

She was born in 1926.
A) agile
B) strong
C) young
D) old
E) kind

9) Rubiela felt ______ , as though she had seen a ghost.

A) weird
B) clear
C) fancy
D) serious
E) calm

4) To ride the roller coaster, you must be at ______ four

feet tall.
A) most
B) least
C) more
D) rest
E) greatest
5) If you do well on tests, people might say you are
A) loud
B) slow
C) foolish
D) fun
E) smart
6) With mud on his face, the boy looked ______.
A) happy
B) fast
C) ugly
D) mild
E) loud

10) When the sun set, the field quickly became ______.
A) dusty
B) warm
C) dark
D) bright
E) wet
11) We were driving east, but we needed to go the
opposite way. So, we turned around and headed
A) north
B) south
C) east
D) west
12) My mother says I am too ______, and that I need to
eat ______.
A) youngbetter
B) healthymore often
C) thinless
D) oldfaster
E) skinnymore

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