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Kids 3
Problems detected:

Non-acceptance of boundries.

Non-acceptance of behaviour rules.

Non-acceptance of the teacher's authorithy.

As forbidding certain things isn't working with this

group, I consider that's neccesary to redevelop the
classroom rules adding a rewarding system (inside of
the classroom).

We'll talk about the importance of keeping order

and silence inside the classroom when we work,
so as respecting the partner when he/she is
talking, and having the teacher as a guide.


By an inductive dialogue we'll set rules to



We'll make a "control table". The names of the

students will be written on it.


We'll make crosses or happy faces, according to

their behaviour.


At first, it will be daily. The ones that get a happy

face we'll be congratulated, and the ones that
get crosses we'll be invited to try to behave
better next day.

It's important that they evaluate their own behaviour.

We won't aloud justifications or excuses.

The goal is to change -by a possitive encouragementthe negative attitudes.

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