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Read the text and comment upon it.

On the way to the Emerald City

Dorothy and Toto followed the Yellow Brick Road for many miles. After while
they stopped beside a large maize field and sat down to rest. It was a bright sunny day
and a light wind was blowing.
Not too far away, high on a pole, Dorothy could see a Scarecrow. The
Scarecrows head was a small sack stuffed with straw. On its face someone painted two
eyes, a nose and a mouth. The Scarecrow was dressed in a blue suit and wore black shoes
and an old straw hat.
While Dorothy was looking at the Scarecrow, she suddenly saw its eyes open and
look at her. All this seemed very strange to her and she walked up to the Scarecrow.

Translate into English:



Nu voi putea sa reusesc la examene daca nu ma ajuti.

As vrea sa nu mai fiu asa de neindemanatic.
Nici Jonathan nici Frank nu stiu de cele intamplate saptamana trecuta.
L-am intrebat deja de trei ori pana acum, dar nu pare sa ma fi auzit.
Fratele mau aranjase ca cineva sa ne duca la hotel.

Write a letter to a pen-friend recommending him/her to read a book you like.


Read the text and comment upon it:

White Fang

White Fang had to work hard.

He worked in a sledge all day, and he stood on guard over his masters things all
night. And he liked what he had to do.
But spring came with great trouble. White Fang did not know what was
happening. One day his master began to pack, but whose box was it?
Who was ready to leave: his master or Matt? Who could he ask?


Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence written before:
1. We have almost run out of sugar.
There is
2. The film was so fascinating that they couldnt help watching it to the end.
It was
3. This book didnt impress me as much as the previous one.
I didnt think
4. She didnt see any of them around at that time.
She denied
5. He felt sorry he forgot about her.
He wished


Imagine a dialogue at a wedding party where you are paying

compliments to the bride and the bridegroom.


Read the text and comment upon it:

Our two pet donkeyes were reliable watchmen, and their hearing was as sharp as
their eyesight. I have seen them many times looking up from the grass they were eating
and stare hard into the distance with ears raised; and in a minute or so I would see
someone coming down the road towards the beach to observe the wonderful sea.
When something unusual happened, Fred, the younger animal, would make so
much noise that he could be heard in the next village and beyond. Obviously this could
be embarrasing when the weather was still, for not everyone enjoys the sound of a
donkey in a full cry.

Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense:



Why you (watch) TV instead of (do) your homework?

If only you (stop) that noise! Dont you see I (study)?
The team (not lose) the match if Tom (not break) his leg last week.
It (be) more than five years since I last (see) him.
They rather prefer Nick (stop) seeing that awful girl.

Have you thought of a future career? Speak about it and motivate your


Read the text and comment upon it:

The capital of the U.S.A. is Washington, in the District of Columbia. The US

Congress has its seat in the Capitol, and the White House is the residence of the
Washington is a beautiful administrative city, without much industry. It has many
famous monuments: the Library of the Congress of the U.S.A., the Washington
Monument, the Abraham Lincoln Memorial, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and
New York is the largest city and port. It is the financial and business centre of the
U.S.A. It is famous for its sky-scrapers.

Rewrite the sentences so that the meanning stays the same:

1. What is your name and where do you come from? he inquired.
He asked her
2. It is possible for him to be late.
3. Because the weather was fine, we went on a trip.
The weather
4. They didnt invite her because they were still angry with her.
If they
5. We belive you should start learning!
Its high time
6. Perhaps Ann was not informed about what had happened.


Describe your school and mention its role in your life.


Read the text and comment upon it:

Teaching safety to children

It is important that children learn early that they should not ride in a car without
wearing a seat belt. Most hospitals insist that parents of newborn infants get an infant
safety seat. Parents must bring the seat to the hospital before they were allowed to take
the baby home. As infants become toddlers, they become more active. They may be less
patient with being restrained. If being buckled up in the car becomes routine, it will be
easier for the toddler to accept it.

Keeping trips short and taking frequent stretching breaks will make longer trips
easier for the young children. Children should be praised for good behaviour in the car.
This helps reinforce that behaviour. Parents should also wear their own seat belts. This
provides a powerful role model.

Fill in the balnks with one worl suitable in the context:

Tom Sponson, at fifty-three, was a 1 succesfull man. He has worked up a

2 business, married a charming 3, and built himself a good house 4 the
London suburbs that was neither 5 modern as to be pretentious 6 so
conventional as to be dull. He had 7 taste. His son, Bob, nineteen, was 8 at
Oxford; his daughter, April, 9 sixteen, who was at a good school, had no 10
to use make-up or flirt.

Describe the region where you live so as to prove it is worth visiting.


Read the text and comment upon it:

Why do babies cry?

Almost every parent finds it very difficult to not attend to a crying baby. This has
probably evolved as a mechanism to protect the helpless infant. The task is for parents to
decide just what the baby is saying through his or her crying.
A baby might cry if he or she: is hungry, is tired, needs holding and comforting, is
cold or hot, or unconfortable, needs a diper change, has a condition known as colic. This
is when a baby has intense crying and fussing for no obvious reason, is in pain, is sick or
has another medical problem.

Correct the wrong sentences:



Tom enjoyed your party very much.

They must have easily won the game.
They go to the bank every Monday.
Why did she came so late home?
She remembered after a few minutes my name.
I took yesterday the children to the theatre.

Explain the advantages of practicing sports and state your reasons for
liking or disliking one.


Read the text and comment upon the text:

British television is made up of four channels. There are two public broadcasting
Channels, called BBC 1 and BBC 2, which show quite similar programmes. (The
programmes on BBC 2, however, tend to be of a more intellectual or cultural nature.)
There are two commercial channels, called ITV and Channel 4, which show a lot
of advertisments.
Channel 4 is the latest TV channel and it appeals mainly to minority groups. It
broadcasts foreign language films and foreign language series from all over the world.
Viewing time begins very early in the morning and finishes late at night.
ITV and Channel 4 are financed by their advertisments, while BBC 1 and BBC 2
are financed by licence fees paid by all owners of television sets.

Fill in the blanks with a, an, the and :

1. Are you going to spen your evening at home or do you intend to go to
2. Everybody knows that Danube flows into Black Sea.
3. Is lion most ferocious animal?
4. I have ordered refrigerator online and refrigerator is what I have got.
5. hen is known to lay eggs.
6. Her brother has no taste in art or music.


Describe your favourite way of spending the week-end.


Read the text and comment upon it:

At the post-office

The Enghish post-office was founded in 1657. At first the post was carried by
horsemen. In 1784 the mail coach was introduced. The mail was first carried by train
in 1830 from Liverpool to Manchester. In 1840 a general charge of one penny was
made for carrying post. In this way, England was the first country that used stamps to
pay for letters sent anywhere in Britain.
In a post-office you can send letters, of course, and buy stamps. But people can
also send postcards or telegrams and make local or long distance telephone calls at
the post-office. Some people buy licenses for their radios and TV sets. Some others
put their money into the National Savings Bank. Old-age pensioners go to pick up
their pensions and the unemployed can pick up their unemployment benefits.
The post-office is always a busy place.









1.a canta; 2. a merge; 3. a deschide; 4. a numi; 5. a manca; 6. a spune; 7. a pierde; 8. a

sfarsi; 9. a visa; 10. a trebui; 11. a gandi; 12. a sti; 13. a plange; 14. a pune; 15. a se
intoarce; 16. a numara; 17. a citi; 18. a desena; 19. a vrea; 20. a arunca; 21. a sterge; 22. a
alege; 23. a incerca.
You are in a store and cant make up your mind what present to buy for
your father on his birthday. Write a dialogue between you and the shop assistant
suggesting several items.


Read the text and comment upon it:

The Statue of Liberty, which is one of the best-known monuments in the world,
was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of
France. The French made the gift in memory of the help which France gave the
Americans during the war of Independence against the English.
The great statue was designed by the French sculptor Frederic Bartholdi, and it
took ten years to complete. The statue is made of cooper and it is supported by a metal
framework which was especially constructed by Gustave Eiffel, the engineet who built
the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The site chosen for the statue was an island at the entrance of
New York Harbour. In 1884 the statue, which was 151 feet high, was erected in Paris.
The following year it was taken to pieces and carried to America, where it was placed on
a large pedestal, 151 feet high, so the statue is altoghether 305 feet high. It weighs 225
In 1886 the statue was put toghether again and it was oficially presented to the
American people by Bartholdi. Even since then, the great monument has welcomed the
milions of people who have passed through New York Harbour.


Find the opposite words:

1. long
2. wide
3. high
4. light
5. empty
6. strong
7. fast
8. sad
9. right
10. lean
11. poor
12. wet
13. dirty
14. closed

a) rich
b) open
c) merry
d) full
e) slow
f) clean
g) dry
h) narrow
i) short
j) low
k) weak
l) wrong
m) fat
n) dark

Write a postcard to a close friend whose birthday party you could not
attend. Apologize, giving reasons for your absence.


Read the text and comment upon it:

Invitation to beautiful Romania

There is no other country in Europe so worth visiting. Romania has a great variety
of landscapes, folk traditions and art and a very pleasant climate; she is welcoming and
easily reached from any point on the continent.
The variety of landscapes corresponds to the relief of the country. Romanias
relief is complex it has mountains, hills and plateaus, and plains.
Romania has a temperate continental climate, which shows the country at its best
in all seasons: bright sunny days on the Black Sea Coast in summer, orchards full of big
ripe fruit in autumn, snow-covered ski-slopes in the Carpathians in winter and signs of
new life in the vast forests and fields when spring comes.
Romania is easily reached by air, by land od by sea from any point in Europe.
Welcome to Romania!

Put in a or an:

You can catch butterflies with net.

eagle is a high-soaring bird.
There is green pot on the shelf.
He would like to visit European country.
We had argument over a notice in the newspaper.

6. Can I have orange please?

7. There is pair of glasses next to the book.
8. He told me interesting story.
9. It was almost perfect day.
10. Last year we had splendid Indian summer.
11. apple a day keeps the doctor away, goes the saying.
12. Should I give him helping hand?
13. I really enjoyed evening in town.
14. She thimks its great opportunity for her brother.

Write, like in your diary, a special day.


Read the text and comment upon it:

The Black Sea Coast resorts an attraction for tourists

The Black Sea Coast is the place where all the Romanians go on holiday. It is also
an area visited by thousands of foreign tourists every year. What are its attractions?
First, the miles of silvery sand which border the coast. Mamaia, for instance, is a
modern holiday resort with as much sun, sea and soft sand as one could possibly want.
Then, the up-to-date facilities for the holiday makers. The more recently
developed holiday resorts of Neptun, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn have new and confortable
hotels for the tourists. Here are restaurants, green parks, gardens and campsites, with a
great feeling of holiday activity and relaxation.
Last but not least, the possibility of medical treatment. Eforie Nord, for instance,
is both a holiday and a health resort, the mud from Lake Techirghiol being used for
medical purposes.



Oamenii au ajuns devreme.

Cineva ne-a recomandat sa vedem aceasta piesa.
Hainele sale sunt schimbate de bunica.
Trebuie sa inveti aceasta poezie.
Aceasta masina este foarte folositoare.
Lunea trecuta am vazut o rochie frumoasa in vitrina unui magazin.

Write a letter to a pen-friend to let him/her know about your hobbies.


Read the text and comment upon it:

Meals in Britain
The usual meals in Britain are breakfast, lunch, tea and supper. Traditionally,
breakfast is generally a bigger meal than on the continent, but on weekdays, when
everybody is in a hurry, there is no time for a full breakfast. People just have a cup of tea
or coffee, a piece of toast or a bowl of cereals. On Sundays, however, there is more time
to enjoy a full breakfast. This may consist of half a grapefruit or orange juice, followed
by porridge. If you are not still full, you can finish your meal with bacon and eggs and
toast and marmelade.

Rearrange the words in each line to make one sentence:

1. paints, well, landscapes, Jane, very.
2. taller, John, Tom, much, is, than.
3. I, last, saw, time, good, was, the, a, movie, ago, few, a, years.
4. sandpit, was, in, Sheila, playing, the.
5. 1990, in, having, they, new, were, a , house, built.


Compare the car and the train as means of travelling.


Read the text and comment upon it:

Guy Fawkes Night

Most countries have a special national day which they have displays of fireworks.
In England, this special day is November 5th.
Everybody in England celebrates a big plot which do not happen. King James was
going to open Parliament on November 5th, 1605. A man called Guy Fawkes not only
wanted to kill the king, but to blow up Parliament as well. But the kings men found out
about his plan, arrested him on November 4th and hanged him.
Later, some people, got the idea of making a bonfire and burning fireworks on
November 5th in order to remember the gunpowder. Plot, and very soon such bonfires
became a general custom all over England.
Now, children in England, looked forward to Guy Fawkes night every year. They
make a strw man called a Guy. Some of them show thei Guy to the passers-by in the
street and collect pennies.
Others play with fireworks or make bonfires on which they burn the guy. Even
the younger children may stay up late, to admire the rockets bursting in the sky.


Rephrase the following sentences so as the meanning stays the same:

1. Whats your name and where do you come from? he inquired.
He asked her
2. It is possible for him to be late.
3. Because the weather was fine, we went on a trip.
The weather
4. They didnt invite her, because they were still angry with her.
If they
5. We believe you should start learning!
Its high time
6. Perhaps Ann was not informed about what had happened.


What is your opinion about shopping in a supermarket? Give arguments.


Read the text and comment upon it:


Halloween is essentially a young peoples holiday. It is celebrated in the U.S.A.

on the night of Octomber 31st every year. The origin of the holiday dates back to the
popular superstitions of many people: the Druids of ancient Gaul and Britain, the Irish,
the Scotch.
The theme of the harvest, characteristic of modern Halloween celebrations, comes
from both the Druids rites and the Romans festivals in honour of Pomona, the goddess
of fruit.
Halloween is a night-time holiday. On this night the children dress up in grotesque
costumes and go from one house to another, carrying bags in their hands and ringing door
bells. As the door opens they shout Trick or treat.But adults enjoy seeing the children and
make sure they are ready with plenty of sweets, biscuits and fruit. The tricks, when they
do occur, are usually no more serious than soaped windows or some misplaced garden

Rephrase the following sentences so as the meanning stays the same:

1. People believe that Nick is the best DJ in town.
Nick is
2. Mother has sent him a bog parcel.
A big parcel
3. I dont want you to leave, he told her.
He told her

4. It is unlikely that she believe it.

5. It is a pitty you couldnt come.
I wish
6. Mike hasnt spoken English for ages.
Its ages

Describe the place where you spent or would like to spend a winter


Read the text and comment upon it:

English Houses and Gardens

English people live in houses or flats. Some people own their houses but many
rent them. Of course many people live in blocks of flats, because there is not enough
space for everyone to love in a house.
People who live in houses can have their own gardens in front of the house and a
larger one behind the house. English people work very hard in their gardens. They grow
flowers, vegetables and bushes. They usually like to have a lawn too. The children can
play on the lawn and their parents like to have the afternoon tea, and perhaps other meals
there in warm weather.

Choose the right noun:

1. A is a person who treats injuries
and diseases of animals.
2. A is a person who flies planes.
3. A is a person who makes and
repairs locks.
4. A is a composer or a performer
of music.
5. A is a person who takes care of
peoples teeth.
6. A is a person who repairs machines.
7. A is a comedian in a circus show.
8. A is a person trained to care for sick
9. A is a person who prepares food in
a restaurant.
10. An is a person who draws up the plans
of buildings.

Narrate the plot of a novel you liked.

a) clown
b) chef
c) architect
d) veterinarian
e) pilot
f) dentist
g) mechanic
h) nurse
i) musician
j) locksmith

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