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Amy Zimmermann

590C LP2
Lesson question: How can I copy and extend patterns using pictures, sounds, and movements?
Common Core standard:
Generate and analyze patterns.
Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. Identify apparent features of the pattern that
were not explicit in the rule itself.

Lesson objective:


(1) Students will copy patterns.

(1) Lower level students will copy patterns using

manipulatives for AB, ABC, and ABB.
mastery: 3/3
competent 2/3
re-teach: 0-1/3
Students will extend the same patterns using
mastery: 3/3
competent: 2/3
re-teach: 0-1/3
Students will extend patterns using a series of
worksheets. Each worksheet will have five
patterns. The students will continue new
worksheets until he or she is unable to get at least
65% correct.

(1) Students will extend patterns.

(2) Students will extend patterns.

IEP goals addressed:

Not privy to IEPs for this class.
I will open the pattern page. We will start with the game. I will make easy to more
complex patterns and call on students to continue them. Some students will then be able to start their
We will watch the pattern video.
After the video, we will look at the activity page on brain pop jr. I will call on students to tell me what
comes next in the pattern.

We will do a few movement patterns and sound patterns. I will model and then have students come up to
start their own, using the rest of the class to continue the pattern.
(1) Lower level students will be paired 1-1 with a teacher or aid and will use concrete objects to copy and
continue patterns. First the adult will set up an AB pattern with six objects, the student will copy the
pattern. The adult will then create a new AB pattern and the student will be asked to extend the pattern by
choosing from given objects. The same procedure will be carried out for ABC and ABB patterns.
(2) Higher level students will receive a worksheet. They will draw shapes or write numbers to continue
patterns. Students will start with basic patterns and move up to more complex patterns until the student is
unable to extend correctly 3/5 times.
Tiered by
During instruction, students will have the opportunity to practice patterns in different ways (by picture,
movement, and sound) which address Gardners theory of multiple intelligences.
Resource: some students will work with manipulatives for assessment and some will work with paper and
Challenge: AB to ABC to ABB patterns for lower level students. Scaffolding worksheets for higher
pattern worksheets
objects for concrete patterns
checklist for concrete patterns


AB copy



AB extend
ABC copy
ABC extend
ABB copy
ABB extend






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