Memoir#1: Achak (Childhood)

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Memoir#1: Achak (childhood)

I was but a toddler when I first experienced the American Indian war. It was brutal, with
all types of violence here and there. The white men were always obnoxious. It was there where I
was taken away from my mother. I havent even taken a good glimpse of her face. The only thing
I remembered was my name, Achak, and for what I was taken; a slave. It was 1653, I was owned
by a rich merchant by the name Rolph Smith, father of Alyce Smith and brother of Jack Smith. I
was 12 years of age and already doing labor of a grown man. I learned to patronize myself so I
wouldnt try to be rude to the white family. I tried my best so I wouldnt be beaten to death like a
lamb being slaughtered. Alyce was a young gal about my age and really pretty enough to be a
mermaid, who has transformed into a human to live in such a world like this. Usually before I go
to sleep, I try to picture how my mother would look like, with long, silky, hair and brown eyes
with dark black highlights around the perimeter of her pupil. She would smell like a bird covered
in a blueberry fragrance. Her skin as soft as the beavers tail. I would think of her being that
person who free animals from the snares and a person full of jolly flabbergasts. It was April 12,
1658, 3 three days before my birthday. But the white men would call it the day I turn into an
adult. I wasnt quite sure why they picked a specific age for a person to become an adult. What I
think is that our maturity depends on whether we are adults or not because an age is just a
number that determines how long weve lived in this world. I needed to do something in life
other than just be a slave. I wanted to have a family. And thats where Alyce would come in.
Every day at noon she would bring me a meal, like a loaf of bread and a cup of water. I thought it
was a privilege to be the slave of a rich merchant who is the father of a beautiful young lady and

the brother of a soldier. I loved Alyce. She was perfect for me, she was perfect to start a family
with. I thought that if my mother were here to help me make this decision she would want me to
marry her. She was sweet and believed that Native Americans shouldnt be enslaved. It seemed
that she disagreed with her father because her father believed the total opposite. The day before
my birthday I thought about the same thought I had the other time; what should I do with my
life? I didnt know what to think of at first but I thought that maybe I could run away and go
back to my tribe that was long lost and not heard of again. But then I thought about Alyce, and
how I wanted to start a family with her. And then the best thought came to my head; Alyce and I
should go together.
Happy birthday to me! It was the day when I became an adult. And the day I would
propose to one I loved, Alyce. When I woke up I was intensified to work hard, but it was actually
the opposite of that. Rolph Smith handed me a compass. He congratulated me. So did Jack and
Alyce. It turns out that I didnt have to labor outside in the field that day, but instead, I had to
cook. I finally got to use one of my special techniques. I was asked to cook a meal for about 200
men. I thought I had to do it alone but luckily I had some other slaves helping around.
I wondered for what this big meal was for but I insisted to mind myself. On that day I
cooked, and grilled meat like rabbit and squirrel. The smell filled the entire cooking area. We all
made this meal for about three hours straight until I was asked to serve the food out. Finally, I
came out into the cool air feeling refreshed with the wind blowing onto my chest. I spotted Rolph
at a table with the governor and Alyce by his side. And I spotted Jack as well doing security duty
but in his formal clothes. I realized it was a wedding and then remembered the proposal to Alyce.
So I tried to call her into a secret room and said,
Alyce, can I ask you a question

Of course you can she replied.

Wouldwould you marry me?
She stared at me thinking of something to say until Rolph called her over. It was then
that I realized that I was at Alycess and the governor's sons wedding day.
Tears filled my eyes. I knew at that moment that the answer to my proposal was no. This
infuriated me. I decided that it was about time that I ran away back to my long forgotten tribe
where everyone wasnt as obnoxious as those white men. I guess I underestimated them too
much. Im now old enough to make my own decisions.

Memoir#2: Achak (Adulthood)

So I ran and ran out into the wilderness where I would never be seen by any white mans
eye ever again. I started northwest where my tribe would be. I noticed that it was getting dark so
I rested for a little while and then started to find shelter. It was a rough first day out in the
wilderness, but only if I were to be taught to survive then I wouldve done great out here. Maybe
they can teach me to do so, I thought. So I started doing the best I could by getting four long,
thick branches and some large leaves to make a temporary flimsy shelter for the night. It turned
out to be pretty outstanding and since I was tired I just used the leftover leaves as a bed and a
blanket. In the morning I set out to go hunting for food. So I carved out a spear with rocks that I
found by a near river. I caught squirrel on a tree trying to eat its nut.

It is now February 12, 1671. It has been 13 years since I have ran away from the Smiths.
I now look forward to do something with my life. I was welcomed hospitably into the tribe that I
once lived in. Everyone was happy to see me. Some even cried and celebrated for the coming of
a native brother. At that night we danced around the fire at the center of the camp. We sang
traditional songs that brought joy into our ears. It was soon my turn to dance. I laughed like I
never laughed before. They made me wear on this costume that looked like an animal. They
would say it represented the god of war. They would say this god was the one who protects their
village and fights with them at war. Seems like he wasnt there for all those Indian wars, as the

white men called it. Then that thought came back to me. What should I do with my life? And I
knew exactly what to do.
Its March 1, 1671. That date was one of the most important day to enthrall because it
was my first day of training. I joined the Native American army. The first thing they taught me
was that our gods would be with us, fight with us, and attack our enemy. I was ready to make
that change in the lives of our native brethren to protect our village and to bring peace upon our
land, if it means to sacrifice our lives in the field of battle. We trained for weeks and weeks but it
seems like there wasnt any trouble. So we took a rest like a bear preparing for hibernation.
Its been about 4 months already and still there hasnt been any trouble with the white
men. And most importantly there wasnt anyone I thought would be good to let them in to my
life, to start a family. So in the meanwhile we usually worked on the field for farming to survive
for ourselves. It seemed like the whites were really unfamiliar with the area, and that was my
opportunity to help one.
That morning I woke up to hear the scream of an animal or something unknown from a
distance. I thought it was an animal trapped in one of our snares. So I ran to see what was going
on. To my surprise it was a little boy who was caught in a snare. I helped him out of it and tried
to find his parents but it seemed like he was lost. So I took him back to the village and aided him
for he was badly wounded. I havent heard a word from him since I helped to the village until he
said, Thanks, sirwhat is your name? And I answered, My name is Achak. He responded
What a funny namedoes it mean anything? Spir Then I heard a man call out the boys
name. I was frightened. Hey come over here, sonny boy What he do to you? Nothing
father Dont you dare touch my son again, you hear me? I didnt like this white man for he
didnt appreciate what Ive done for his wounded son.

I wondered why we helped them in the first place. And I also wondered, what have they
given us in return? I was sick and tired of living like this and I wanted to see the happenings in
this society, now.
I knew we shouldve never helped these foolish men. They know not of what they do, if
only they were treated the way they treat us then theyd probably stop the nonsense right away
because they would know that it is not tolerable for us and them. I hope to never see them
multiply and get great in number because our traditions have been passed down for quite a long
time now. But now one will stand in our way even if it means to sacrifice our very lives to
protect the native traditions from the whites. Even if it means to go to war with these savages.

Memoir#3: Achak (old ages)

It was March 19, 1675. Many years of American Indian war have been taken place, but
nothing like the one that is to occur. That day I woke to start training like any other day. Until
there was a message from the whites, threatening us to give them land and if we decide not to
then we can argue with this in the field of battle. I was fed up with this settlement, and what the
whites were doing. We decided to give no more of our land and hoped that the gods would be
with us at war.
We grabbed our weapons and supplied ourselves with food as well as our armor and we
started toward them for an ambush. I realized at that time that it was going to be the biggest war
yet to happen. I thought about all the things that I couldve lost from this battle. I thought of
losing my house, friends, loved ones, and especially my life. The meaning of it made it more
special for me to live it. All the memories of the times that I struggled to get through and those
times where I enjoyed every second of my life. I was the hybrid of a slave and a Native
American warrior. It was about time that I sacrificed it all for the lives of the other youngsters
who still have a beautifully long life ahead of them.
It was then silent. War was in our midst. We got ready for anything unexpected but it
looked as if we were being watched by the enemy. It was wolf under the skin of that sheep. And
thats when they attacked. It started with a gunshot, one man down. And there were more. I was
so scared and terrified to death that I had to retreat right away. I was cowardly and weak. When I

hid behind a giant log, it seemed as if everything went to a pause. It seemed everything was slow.
I caught glimpse of my friends who fought until the end. I was the one who had to fight this
battle. I knew I had to until, it all came back to me now. It was time to finish that war.
I got up on my feet and went into battle. And thats where I spotted Jack Smith. I
remembered him as the brother of my owner. But now the past is in the past and it is now time to
set the future. I set out and fought with my brethren. We did everything together and now it was
time to do fight together against the enemy who threatens us.
Then I fought up with Jack. He was confused to see me then looked infuriated. He
yelled at me. Is this why you ran away, huh? Well, know you face the consequences you
meaningless brat!
Then we fought again and with the slash of the sword I said, No, I ran away to make
myself better to be what I am now. I never wanted to be the slave of an awful family like yours
And then, the incident of his death occurred, right on that spot. I never intended to
murder him. I felt a bad spirit quiver into my spine. My brethren would say that this was a good
thing but in reality I thought it was a bad thing to do to any human including whites.
So there it is, the death of Jack Smith. Brother of Rolfe Smith, My owner, and brother of
Alyce Smith, the gal I proposed to. He lived from 1644-1675. He was an old strong man that will
be remembered by those who love him.
I ran back to the tribe and into my tent. I was scared and terrified of what happened. I
was such a coward and I knew from the start that I would never be able to kill someone,
especially Jack Smith. All though he mightve been a persecutor he didnt deserve to die this

way. Death is something unexpected that comes out of the blue. That is why you always need to
be prepared for whatever life throws at you. And now I wonder, how will my death go about?

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