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Characters and Characteristics

Christophers John Francis Bone

Christopher is 15 years old . Christopher has Asperger's syndrome and he is the narrator of
this novel. He has difficult relationship with other people common to those with Asperger
and he doesnt like to be touched . He is also ambitious and wants to be a scientist. Moreover
, he is interested in stars and in science and by the end of the novel he manages to take his Alevel maths.
Mrs Shears poodle. Wellington is found dead by Christopher at the beginning of the story,
with a garden fork sticking out of him. The discovery prompts Christopher to begin
investigate who killed Wellington. This is the catalyst for the whole novel.
Ed Boone
Christophers father. He works in the boiler business and takes care Christopher since his
mother died. He also understands the way Christopher works, but when he finds out that his
son is trying to solve who killed Mrs Shears dog he becomes unusually impatient and
furious. Later, we learn that he killed the dog and that he lied about Christophers mother
being dead and this triggers Christopher to leave home and make his first journey alone.
Christophers friend of eight years and she is a school staff, where she studies with other
children with learning difficulties. In order to help Christopher to understand about human
emotions , she draws faces for him so that he can identify that a smile means happy, a frown
means angry and so on. It is Siobhan who sets the assignment that propels Christopher to
write his novel and she gives him writing tips for his assignment.
Mrs Eileen Shears
Owner of Wellington , the poodle. A neighbour and a friend of Ed Boone. She screams
continuously when she sees Christopher with her dead dog . When she sees the dog spouting
blood from the holes that have pierced it,she doesnt pick it up.Christophers thinks that this
might be because she doesnt want to get dirty.These clues might lead to understanding her
character because she treats Christopher rudely . We learn that later in the novel that Mrs
Shears husband ran off with Christophers mother ,Judy. After that, Mrs Shears had a
relationship with Ed Boone but their relationship turned sour, which prompted Ed to attack
the dog.
Judy Boone
Christophers mother. We are told that Christophers mother died two years ago due to
something wrong with her heart and Christopher couldnt visit her in the hospital. When
Christopher discovers letters from his mother in his fathers room, he realizes his father is

lying and he no longer trusts him . He then begins his journey to London to look for his
mother, who is living with Mr Shears. At the end of the novel, Judy has moved back to
Swindon and Christopher is living with her.
Mr Roger Shears
Used to be married to Mrs Shears until he ran off with Christophers mother to London.
When Christopher arrives at his house , he mistreated Christopher and so Judy leaves him
and moves back to Swindon with her son.

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