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Funding and Patron
The fledgling Committee of support group Parents Against Bullying At Thorns (PABAT) are
looking to formalise their existence by recruiting new members, in order that they may
agree and formalise a Constitution. This document will allow the group to apply for grant
funding to be used in support of the groups work.
The group have also approached a prominent member of the local community to become
the Patron of PABAT. The person, whose identity will shortly be announced would be the
titular head of PABAT, who although not involved in the day to day running of the support
group, would oversee all of its activities.
Existing interim Chairman of PABAT, Luke, said, We hope to use grant funding to market
our activities to pupils and parents of Thorns Community College as well as providing
financial support for counselling services and legal advice, should it become necessary.
Concerning the Patron of PABAT, Luke said, We are all very excited about the possibility of
having a Patron to support our work and provide a recognisable face to the group, which, for
the safety of our children who attend Thorns, has to remain semi-anonymous.
PABAT are keen to hear from anybody wishing to join the support group, whether they be
existing pupils or parents of children at the school, or former pupils/parents.
PABAT, a support group for pupils at Thorns Community College, and their parents, was
formed due to the bullying of some pupils and the schools failure to act to protect those
subjected to this kind of behaviour.
Pupils and parents can contact PABAT for confidential support and advice about bullying at
Thorns Community College via the website or email address shown above.

Copies of all our press releases are available on our website.

Press use only

Press Officer XX, 07X XX XX
3 April 2016

Copies of all our press releases are available on our website.

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