Actions, Goals, and Environment, and For The Environment (Fully/partially Observable

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Tutorial for First Exam AI

Q1: Suppose we have this machine called Mars Rover, we want to practice all we learned.
Answer these questions for this system:
1. Find at least 3 application areas of Intelligent Systems that are not
mentioned here.
2. What AI Goals used this system.
3. Is this system acting rationally? How, give an example?
4. Is this system satisfies the Needs to build AI system, examples?
5. Which AI Applications used this system? Explain how?
6. Which Branches of AI used this system? Explain how?
7. Why you think that this system is an agent? Its rational agents? Why?
8. What are its PEAS?
9. What are there Environment types?
10. Give an applied simple example for each of agent types.
11. Develop a PEAS description for an automatic bus
12. Define a rational agent in a limited, closed world, as you will be using for your project, and
show that it is rational (use the complete definition of rationality defined in C2 and the
rationality test).
Q2: Give an example and explain it (in small number of words) for the fowling application of
Artificial intelligence:
1. Game playing
2. Speech recognition
3. Understanding natural language
4. Computer vision
5. Expert systems
A. Give two examples (different to that used in part A) of real world systems that you consider
to be examples of Artificial Intelligence. Briefly describe the systems and justify why you
believe they fall in AI filed?
A. For the examples you chose in Q2, describe the system as an agent in terms of its percepts,
actions, goals, and environment, and for the environment (fully/partially observable,
stochastic/deterministic, episodic/sequential, static/dynamic, discrete/continuous,
single/multi agents)
B. Discuss the Learning agents depending on the following diagram and Give an Example of this
type, explain the basic components of your example with the component of the diagram.

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