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March 21, 2016

David H. Weis

Watching the daily S&P chart today wasnt particularly interesting. However there were
several trading opportunities on the 5-minute bar chart. We had a nice spring at 10:50 a.m.,
a minor spring at 12:45 p.m. and a potential upthrust of the overnight high with shortening
of the thrust at 2:45 p.m. The latter trade started with a large slug of downwave volume but
it was mostly erased by even larger upwave volume on the close. A good session for daytrading with no bias. The slow, grinding up-move on the daily chart will continue until
supply emerges. Look at the rise between October-December 2014 to see how far levitation
and lack of supply can propel prices. Such a condition signifies a market in strong hands.

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