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Course: Choir

Grade Level: 7th and 8th Grade

Focus: Concert Run-Through (47 minutes)

1. Students will be able to sing the entire concert program with accuracy of pitch, rhythm, and
diction demonstrating understanding of the context of each piece.
2. Students will be able to evaluate their run-through performances identifying potential mistakes in
any of the above areas and communicating how they may fix them.

National Standards:

MU:Pr6.1.8a - Perform the music with technical accuracy, stylistic expression, and culturally
authentic practices in music to convey the creators intent.
MU:Pr4.3.8a Perform contrasting pieces of music, demonstrating as well as explaining how
the musics intent is conveyed by their interpretations of the elements of music and expressive
qualities (such as dynamics, tempo, timbre, articulation/style, and phrasing).
MU:Pr4.3.E.8a Demonstrate understanding and application of expressive qualities in a varied
repertoire of music through prepared and improvised performances.
MU:Pr5.1.E.8a Develop strategies to address technical challenges in a varied repertoire of
music and evaluate their success using feedback from ensemble peers and other sources to
refine performances.

-sufficient copies of all concert music (pieces are memorized, but have copies on hand just in
-instrumental tracks and speaker system

Warm-Ups (5 minutes)
touch your toes and roll back up feeling the stack of the spine
roll shoulders
neck stretches (once in each direction)
2. Vocal Exercise
Half scale up and down lip trill up and ah down, going up
1. maintain breathe support throughout entire exercise
2. release jaw and keep a high and spacious ah vowel (model with hands on cheeks forming v,
open shape)
3. The lips, the teeth, the tip of the tongue 1 note, going down
i. crisp diction and fast articulation
4. Yawn Sigh
i. breathy and easy relax the larynx

Transition: Can I have someone in each row collect folders and another student from each grab
journals while I explain whats happening today?
We are going to do a concert run through today but a little differently. For each piece you will
have a short journal entry in this format:
Reminder Word (word chosen to help you remember your connection to the piece)
1 hard part or aspect of the piece
Self-evaluation (1-2 sentences on your personal performance)
Choir evaluation (1-2 sentences on the whole choirs performance)
1-2 sentences on what we can do to fix anything that went wrong
You will do the first three sections before singing the piece and the last ones after. [write this out
on the board to clarify]. I will be reading these entries and using your input to decide how
we will proceed in our final rehearsals before the concert so be honest with how you feel.
Because we have a lot of music to get through and just enough time in the class period, we will
just be filling out these journals and running through the pieces today so give me your best
performance! Please get out your journals and begin with our first piece Fire, Fire.
Fire, Fire (7 minutes)
1. 2 minutes fill out the first half of the entry
2. Approximately 3 minutes - Run-through of piece
3. 2 minutes finish journal entry
Bridge Over Troubled Water (8 minutes)
1. 2 minutes fill out the first half of the entry
2. Approximately 4 minutes Run-through of piece
3. 2 minutes finish journal entry
Music of the Night (7 minutes)
1. 2 minutes fill out the first half of the entry
2. Approximately 3 minutes Run-through of piece
3. 2 minutes finish journal entry
Choo, Choo Cha-Boogie (7 minutes)
1. 2 minutes fill out the first half of the entry
2. Approximately 3 minutes Run-through of the piece
3. 2 minutes finish journal entry
Somebody to Love (9 minutes)
1. 2 minutes fill out the first half of the entry
2. Approximately 5 minutes Run-through of the piece
3. 2 minutes finish journal entry
Summary (5 minutes)
Transition: The Eighth Graders will do this same process with their Eighth Grade song next
class since we dont have any more time today. How are we feeling? You all have done amazing

work and that showed today so you should be incredibly proud of yourselves. To close up I want
you to fill out one more entry in the last 5 minutes we have left. I want you to think back on
everything that weve done and I want you to let me know what you think your preparedness
level is (Poor Fair Good Great) and what either I or you can do to change whatever level
you are at (even if you say great there are always things to improve on). When youre finished,
please put your journals back and wait for the bell to ring.

1. Students will receive constant feedback through formative assessment. I will
check in with students throughout the class period in the following areas:
Posture/Breath Support/Musical Presence:
Student displays proper posture and breath support while singing.
Students should apply the concepts we have discussed in class
thus far and aim to give an authentic performance.


Engagement/ Participation:
Student is actively engaged and displays effort in mastering the
concepts discussed. Student attention is directed towards the task
at hand.

Note, Rhythm, and Diction Accuracy:

Students perform the selected passage with correct notes, rhythms,
and diction. Students should be able to acknowledge mistakes and
communicate how to fix them.



Points Earned

2. Student journals will be graded for completion similar to their other journal
entries. They will receive 1 point for each entry (1 per piece and closing entry)
and I will be looking for whether or not they included all required sections and
whether or not they filled out each section adequately.
Fire, Fire
Bridge over troubled water
Music of the Night
Choo, Choo, Cha-boogie
Somebody to Love

Points Possible

Points Earned

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