Lesson Plan - Je Le Vous Dirai

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Course: Choir

Grade Level: 7th and 8th Grade

Focus: Je Le Vous Dirai! Context (approximately

1. Students will be able to sing the entire piece with accuracy of pitch, rhythm, and diction.
2. Students will be able to understand and communicate the story and concept of the piece.

National Standards:

MU:Pr6.1.8a - Perform the music with technical accuracy, stylistic expression, and culturally
authentic practices in music to convey the creators intent.
MU:Pr4.3.8a Perform contrasting pieces of music, demonstrating as well as explaining how
the musics intent is conveyed by their interpretations of the elements of music and expressive
qualities (such as dynamics, tempo, timbre, articulation/style, and phrasing).
MU:Cn11.1.8 Demonstrate understanding of relationships between music and the other arts,
other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.

-sufficient copies of Je Le Vous Dirai! for the students in the class


touch your toes and roll back up feeling the stack of the spine
roll shoulders
neck stretches (once in each direction)
Finding center of balance
Feet: shift weight to toes, then to heels, and finally find the balance in the center
Shoulders: pull shoulders back, slouch them forward, and finally find the balance in the center
Breath Support Exercises
Place hands on upper sides of chest - feel expansion of lungs on inhalation
Place hands on abdominal sides - feel expansion of stomach and core
Place hands on lower back - feel expansion of stomach and core on all sides and directions
Breathe in over 4 beats and sustain a hiss over 16 beats
use visual hand movement to remind students of the physical process
Vocal Exercise
Half scale up and down - ah
maintain breathe support throughout entire exercise
release jaw and keep a high and spacious ah vowel (model with hands on cheeks forming v,
open shape)
Yawn sigh
breathy and easy - relax the larynx

Transition: Please take out Je Le Vous Dirai! and your journal. Write an entry in your journal
describing what is happening in the piece, the main theme, and connect it to a time where you
have experienced a similar situation.
Je Le Vous Dirai!
1. Discussion questions: whole class
a. What is happening in the story? Could someone share what they wrote in their journal?
2. Run through of the piece looking for pitch, rhythm, and diction accuracy
a. Think about what you wrote about in your journal show me what it means!
b. Take risks!
3. Act it out activity
a. Everyone find a partner and decide who is going to be actor A and who will be
actor B
b. All actor Bs close your eyes while I give actor A their scenario (no peeking!).
After, all actor As close their eyes while actor B gets their scenario [scenarios
c. You have one minute go!
d. Alright, so what happened? What was I trying to get you all to see/do? Thats what
you have to do in the song!
4. Everyone take a second and think of an experience, word, or time that you are going to
think of to help you portray this piece genuinely.
5. Look at the opening section what in the music can help us get the message across?
Ex: alternating rhythms imitate conversation
6. What else can we do thats not written in the music?
*Hint* - dynamics!


Run entire piece by now you know all the things to remember, but lets go through them again:
Good posture
Proper breathing!
Pretend youre French and go for it!
If you make a mistake - make it loud and proud and keep going!
Let your audience in on the gossip!! Show me the music!
2. Before you pack up, write a sentence or two in your journal about what you will think of to
get you into the mindset of the piece.

Students will receive constant feedback through formative assessment. I will check in with
students throughout the class period in the following areas:
Posture/Breath Support/Musical Presence:


Points Earned

Student displays proper posture and breath support while singing.

Students should apply the concepts we have discussed in class
thus far and aim to give an authentic performance.
Engagement/ Participation:
Student is actively engaged and displays effort in mastering the
concepts discussed. Student attention is directed towards the task
at hand.

Note, Rhythm, and Diction Accuracy:

Students perform the selected passage with correct notes, rhythms,
and diction. Students should be able to acknowledge mistakes and
communicate how to fix them.



Actor A: In History class, Amy, Jenny, and Henry were supposed to give an important
group presentation. Jenny didnt show up without any word to her group mates or the
teacher forcing them to give the presentation without her or her research for her
assigned sections. Rumors have started spreading and you heard from one of Jennys
close friends that she is in Disneyland with her family and you cant wait to share with
your best friend in choir.
Actor B: Word is spreading around the school about how Jenny didnt show up for a
group presentation in History this morning without letting anyone know. Everyone has
started spreading rumors about where she could have been. In passing the office on
your way to choir class, you overhear Mrs. Brown (the history teacher) talking to the
secretary. They look very serious and are whispering. You immediately run to choir to
tell your best friend what you saw and talk about what may have happened to Jenny.

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