Realist Vs Romantic Argument Rubric

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Romeo & Juliet Unit

Realist vs Romantic Debate
Student: __________________________________________________________
Debating Partner: _______________________________________________
Essential Question Argued:
Claim: __________/30 points
- The claim makes logical sense in reference to the play.
______ (1st) ______ (2nd) ______ (3rd)
Method of Argumentation: __________/30 points
______ Logos was used effectively to persuade your audience.
______ Ethos was used effectively to persuade your audience.
______ Pathos was used effectively to persuade your audience.
Overall Reasoning: __________/30 points
- When explaining and elaboration your reasons for your claim, beyond
your method of argumentation, you adequately connect your thoughts,
demonstrate understanding, and provide clear thinking.
______ (1st) ______ (2nd) ______ (3rd)
Use of Text: __________/30 points
- The references you have made to the text supports your reasoning and
It strengthens your argument and establishes your ethos well.
______ (1st) ______ (2nd) ______ (3rd)
Rebuttals Overall:
______ Your rebuttals
______ Your rebuttals
______ Your rebuttals

__________/60 points
directly refer to your partners claim.
use some method of argumentation.
use the text when counter-arguing.

Romeo & Juliet Unit
Realist vs Romantic Debate
Total: _____________/180 points

Grade Earned:

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