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War in Iraq

Maddi Scovell, Ella Carr, Carson Geyer, Will

Ezell, and Jon Mercado

Iraq came under British control after World War I,

eventually becoming independent in 1932.
Britain installed a monarchy which fell in 1958 leading to
an Arab nationalist party taking power.


Saddam Hussein came to power

in 1979 and remained president
until an US-led ousting in 2003
removed him. (Iraq Profile)
Hussein was a brutal dictator
who committed a number of
atrocities and eventually was
forced to pay for his offenses
by being sentenced to death
after facing charges of crimes
against humanity.

History (cont.)

The US and other countries invaded Iraq in March 2003

due to allegations that Iraq possessed weapons of mass
After the invasion, US troops occupied Iraq until
December of 2011. The troops worked to stop fighting
from the insurgents who opposed the occupation and the
newly formed Iraqi government.
In the 8 year war, over 190,000 lives were lost. Of these
deaths, more70 percent were civilians (Iraq War).

Causes of the War

1. Book Excerpt Analysis - analyze an excerpt from The

Gift of Valor for theme and the effects of war.
2. Culture Corner - sample traditional food from Iraq,
listen to Iraqi music, and learn about their culture
3. Progression of War learn about how war has
progressed throughout time and the way war in Iraq is
different than most
4. Video - watch video


Question 1: What were the causes of the Iraq War?

Question 2: What do you believe were the effects of the
war on Marines stationed in Iraq?
Question 3: How and why did Iraqi warfare differ for
other types of combat?
Question 4: Describe previous wars compared to modern
warfare in Iraq.
Question 5: Who was Saddam Hussein and what was his
impact on Iraq?


Iraq Profile. News Middle East. March 26, 2014. BBC.

May 18, 2014
Iraq War: 190,000 lives, $2.2 trillion. Costs of War
Project. March 14, 2013. Brown University. May 18,

Works Cited

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