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South Worle, 2016 Leaflet 1

Thank you for your votes

Thank you for your votes in last Mays local elections. We are all proud to have been elected
to represent South Worle residents on North Somerset District Council and Weston-superMare Town Council. On the back of this leaflet you will find information on how to contact us
and details of surgeries where you can discuss any issues with us face to face .
Councillors Peter Crew, James Davis, David Hitchins and Michal Kus

South Worle Updates

Town Council
Investing in

North Somerset Council is in the process of
repairing and resurfacing roads in the area. Recent
work has been carried out on Worle High Street and
New Bristol Road, with more still to do.
Further work is to be carried out at the West Wick
(Morrisons) roundabout to improve traffic flow, and
plans are being drawn up to make the Northbound
M5 slip road into two lanes
Anti-Social Behaviour
The Community Response Team has been working
in South Worleparticularly West Wickto reduce
incidents of dog fouling, litter and anti-social
The team is able to issue fixed penalty notices for
non-compliance, and install mobile CCTV cameras in
trouble hot spots.
More information on the role of the Community
Response Team can be found on our website, at:

Weston-super-Mare Town
council continues to invest in
improving its facilities for both
residents and visitors

The Town Council has embarked

on a programme of repairs and
maintenance to important
resident facilities. In South
Worle, for example, work has
recently been carried out on the
Mead Vale bus shelter and play
equipment has been upgraded
at Worle Rec.
For the benefit of both residents
and visitors, the cafe facilities at
the Water Park are undergoing a
significant upgrade and new
changing facilities are being
In addition, the Town Council will
be running a Visitor Information
Centre at the Tropicana,
following the closure of the
previous Tourist Information

Local issues, local action, local Conservatives

Promoted by Peter Crew, James Davis, David Hitchins and Michal Kus and printed by Weston-super-Mare Conservative Association, all of 24-26, Alexandra Parade, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1QX.


Your South Worle Councillors

Peter Crew

James Davis

David Hitchins

Michal Kus

North Somerset Council

Weston-super-Mare Town Council

North Somerset Council

Weston-super-Mare Town Council

Weston-super-Mare Town Council

Weston-super-Mare Town Council

Contact Us

Full contact details on our website:

Councillor Surgeries 2016-17

The Campus, 11am

The Nightjar, 12pm

The Summerhouse, 11am

7th May

28th May

2nd July

6th August

3rd September

1st October

5th November

3rd December

4th February 2017

Councillors will be available to discuss any local issues or concerns.

Police and Crime Commissioner Elections, Thursday 5th May 2016

Mark Weston has been selected as the Conservative candidate for the forthcoming Police and Crime
Commissioner elections. Marks priorities are:
Putting the community at the heart of Policing Devolve and empower local policing.
Reducing Re-offending and 'Intelligent Justice' Greater support for the victims of crime.
Ensuring that Rural Crime is a priority
Tackling anti-social behaviour and drug crime.

Caring and campaigning for the community

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